Значение слова "CONVENIENCE" найдено в 35 источниках


найдено в "Англо-русском большом универсальном переводческом словаре"
благоприятное положение, благоприятная возможность
туалет, уборная

найдено в "Collocations dictionary"
convenience: translation

1 being useful/easy/suitable
added, additional, extra

All our chalets include a microwave for extra convenience.

administrative, political

The system is based on administrative convenience rather than public benefit.

offer, provide

The children like convenience food such as pizzas.

store (esp.AmE)
at your convenience

Can you telephone me at your convenience (= when it is convenient for you) to arrange a further meeting?

for (your) convenience

I keep my cookbooks in the kitchen for convenience.

An order form is enclosed for your convenience.

a marriage of convenience (= a marriage for practical reasons, not love), at your earliest convenience (= as soon as possible) (business), comfort and convenience

In this resort you can enjoy all the comfort and convenience of modern tourism.

for the sake of convenience

We leave the keys near the front door for the sake of convenience.

2 sth useful

It's a great convenience living near the station.


They wouldn't like to live without modern conveniences such as microwaves.

найдено в "Financial and business terms"
convenience: translation

convenience con‧ve‧ni‧ence [kənˈviːniəns] adjective
convenience foods/​meals/​goods food products that are made and packed in a way that makes them very quick and easy to use:

• the growth in sales of frozen convenience meals

— see also flag of convenience

* * *

convenience UK US /kənˈviːniəns/ noun [U or C]
the fact of something being easy to do, get to, etc., or something that is useful and helpful: »

Convenience and comfort are both major factors in consumer choice.


the convenience of online shopping

for the convenience of sb/for sb's convenience »

We offer large parking lots for customers' convenience.


These links are provided as a convenience and we accept no responsibility for their content.

at sb's convenience — Cf.at sb's convenience
at sb's earliest convenience — Cf. at sb's earliest convenience
See also FLAG OF CONVENIENCE(Cf. ↑flag of convenience)
convenience UK US /kənˈviːniəns/ adjective [before noun]
convenience food or meals are ready to eat when you buy them or can be cooked very quickly: »

Convenience foods tend to be high in sugar and fat.

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
[kənʹvi:nıəns] n
1. удобство

for convenience, for convenience's sake - для удобства

for the convenience of tourists [of clients, of shoppers] - для удобства туристов [клиентов, покупателей]

at your convenience - когда /как/ вам будет удобно

please reply at your earliest convenience - преим. офиц. просим ответить по возможности скорее /как можно скорее/

to suit /to await/ smb.'s convenience - считаться с чьими-л.удобствами

we hope that this will suit your convenience - мы надеемся, что это будет вам удобно

2. pl удобства, комфорт

a house full of conveniences of every sort - дом со всевозможными удобствами

3. эвф. «удобства», уборная

public conveniences - общественные уборные

4. преимущество; выгода

to make a convenience of smb. - беззастенчиво пользоваться чьей-л. добротой и т. п.

marriage of convenience - брак по расчёту

convenience flag см. flag of convenience

найдено в "Moby Thesaurus"
convenience: translation

Synonyms and related words:
WC, accommodate, accommodation, adaptability, advantage, advantageousness, advisability, amenity, appliance, appropriateness, appurtenance, auspiciousness, avail, backhouse, basement, bathroom, behalf, behoof, beneficialness, benefit, can, chargedness, closet, comfort, comfort station, commodiousness, coziness, crapper, criticality, crucialness, cushioniness, decency, desirability, drive, ductility, earth closet, ease, easiness, engine, enginery, expedience, expediency, facility, favor, favorableness, feasibility, felicitousness, fitness, fittingness, fixture, flexibility, free time, freedom, friendliness, fruitfulness, goof-off time, handiness, head, homelikeness, homeliness, homeyness, hospitality, idle hours, interest, john, johnny, johnny house, latrine, lavatory, leisure, loadedness, loo, luxuriousness, machine, machinery, malleability, manageability, manageableness, maneuverability, mechanical aid, mechanical device, mechanism, meetness, motive power, motor, necessary, odd moments, opportuneness, outhouse, peace, peacefulness, percentage, pliability, pliancy, point, politicness, powder room, power plant, power source, practicality, pregnancy, privy, profit, profitability, propitiousness, propriety, prudence, repose, reposefulness, rest, rest room, restfulness, retirement, rightness, ripeness, roominess, seasonableness, seemliness, semiretirement, service, snugness, softness, spare time, suitability, throne, time, time to kill, time to spare, timeliness, toilet, toilet room, untroublesomeness, urinal, use, usefulness, utility, value, warmness, washroom, water closet, wieldableness, wieldiness, wisdom, worth, worthwhileness

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре Мюллера"
convenience [kənˊvi:nɪəns] n
1) удо́бство;

at your convenience как или когда́ вам бу́дет удо́бно


to await (или to suit) smb.'s convenience счита́ться с чьи́ми-л. удо́бствами


for convenience' sake для удо́бства

2) pl комфо́рт; удо́бства;

a house with modern conveniences дом со все́ми (совреме́нными) удо́бствами

3) вы́года, преиму́щество;

for the convenience of... в интере́сах...


to make a convenience of smb. беззасте́нчиво испо́льзовать кого́-л. в свои́х интере́сах; злоупотребля́ть чьим-л. внима́нием, дру́жбой


marriage of convenience брак по расчёту

4) убо́рная, туале́т

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