Значение слова "STANS" найдено в 7 источниках


найдено в "Dictionary of new words"
stans: translation

The group consisting of countries with names that end in "-stan," such as Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.
Example Citation:
"Collectively, they are sometimes called 'the stans.' Individually, as the United States prepares for possible military action in their neighborhood, the stans are suddenly the focus of intense attention in Washington and Moscow."
— Maura Reynolds, "Crisis Puts New Focus on 'Stans' of Central Asia," Los Angeles Times, September 23, 2001
Earliest Citation:
Pakistan president Mohammad Zia ul-Haq ...said Canada-Pakistan relations 'show how two diverse countries can combine their efforts and resources for their mutual benefit and for the creation of a better international environment.'
The 58-year-old military dictator also displayed a surprising sense of humor when he confused the name of Baluchistan with a neighboring province.
'Sometimes I get confused with all these 'stans,' But as long as I don't say Hindustan, I'll be okay,' Zia said of the province of northern India.
—Bill Beacon, United Press International, December 15, 1982
Today's word has usually been applied to the five Central Asian countries that used to make up a big chunk of the south part of the Soviet Union — Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. In light of recent events, both Afghanistan and Pakistan are now usually included in the stan clan, as well. The suffix shared by these country names comes from the Persian word stan (or istan) which means "place of" or "home of."
I was all set to pronounce a 1992 New York Times articles as the earliest citation for stans, but then at the last minute I found it in a UPI article from 1982. Groan! That would normally mean this word is too "old" to be Word Spy-worthy but, heck, I'd done a lot of work that I didn't want to waste, so here we are.
Related Words:

найдено в "Crosswordopener"

• A Watergate figure

• Athletes Mikita and Musial

• Baseball legend Musial and a South Park boy

• Campaign officer for Nixon

• Capital of Nidwalden, Switzerland

• Cartoonists Drake and Lee

• Comic Laurel and comic artist Lee

• Freberg and Getz

• Getz and a crazed Eminem fan

• Getz and Kenton

• Getz and Laurel

• Getz and Lee

• Getz and Mikita

• Getz et al.

• Goetz and Musial

• Humphries and Musial

• Jazzman Kenton and others

• Jazzmen Getz and Kenton

• Jazzmen Kenton and Getz

• Laurel and Getz

• Laurel and Lee

• Laurel and Mikita

• Laurel and Musial

• Laurel et al.

• Lee and Laurel

• Lee and Smith

• Maurice of Nixon's cabinet

• Maurice of Watergate

• Mikita and Musial

• Mikita and others

• Musial and Barstow

• Musial and Getz

• Musial and Kubrick

• Musial and Laurel

• Musial and Mikita

• Musial and Smith

• Musial et al.

• Nixon aide

• Nixon aide Maurice

• Nixon cabinet member Maurice

• Nixon Commerce Secretary

• Nixon commerce secretary Maurice

• Nixon fund-raiser Maurice

• Nixon's first Commerce Secretary Maurice ___

• Nixon's first secretary of Commerce

• S'browns

• Sanskrit states

• Secretary of commerce under Nixon

• The ___ (much of central Asia, casually)

• The ___ (much of central Asia)

• Watergate conspirator Maurice

• Watergate figure Maurice

• Watergate indictee Maurice

найдено в "Universal-Lexicon"
Stans: übersetzung

Hauptort des Kantons Nidwalden, Schweiz, 454 m über M., am Nordfuß des 1 898 m hohen Stanserhorns (Bergbahn), südlich des Vierwaldstätter Sees, 6 600 Einwohner; Nidwaldner Museum (im Salzmagazin); Bau von Flugzeugen. Im Ring zu Wil bei Stans tagte jährlich am letzten Aprilsonntag die Nidwaldner Landsgemeinde (1996 abgeschafft).
Frühbarocke Pfarrkirche (1641-47) mit romanischem Turm (Ende 12.Jahrhundert), Karner (1559/60) und Ölbergkapelle (um 1500); Rathaus (1715, mit spätgotischem Rundturm des Vorgängerbaus); Kapuzinerkloster (gestiftet 1583, Neubau 1683); im ehemaligen Frauenkloster Sankt Klara (1621-25) richtete J. H. Pestalozzi 1799 ein Waisenhaus ein; Rosenburg (Meierhof aus dem 13. Jahrhundert, heute Museum). In Oberdorf das Winkelriedhaus (1563-1602, heute Museum).
Stans entwickelte sich im 14. Jahrhundert zum Hauptort Nidwaldens. Nach einem verheerenden Brand (1713) wurde der Ort wieder aufgebaut.
Im Stanser Verkommnis (22. 12. 1481 überwanden die Acht Alten Orte der Eidgenossenschaft die aus den Burgunderkriegen herrührende Staatskrise. Unter Vermittlung von Nikolaus von Flüe konnten die Gegensätze zwischen Stadt- und Landkantonen abgebaut werden. Freiburg im Üechtland und Solothurn traten der Eidgenossenschaft bei.

найдено в "Норвежско-русском словаре"
1) остановка, стоянка
2) прекращение
3) перерыв, пауза

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T: 165