Значение слова "ABSTRACTION" найдено в 50 источниках


найдено в "Англо-русском большом универсальном переводческом словаре"
абстракция; обобщение, отвлечение
рассеянность; погруженность мысли, задумчивость
произведения абстрактного искусства; абстракционизм
кража; увод; угон
отвод; отведение, отделение

найдено в "Catholic encyclopedia"
Abstraction: translation

A process (or a faculty) by which the mind selects for consideration some one of the attributes of a thing to the exclusion of the rest

Catholic Encyclopedia..2006.

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Abstraction
    (Lat. abs, from trahere, to draw).
    Abstraction is a process (or a faculty) by which the mind selects for consideration some one of the attributes of a thing to the exclusion of the rest. With some writers, including the Scholastics, the attributes selected for attention are said to be abstracted; with others, as Kant and Hamilton, the term is applied to the exclusion of the attributes which are ignored; the process, however, is the same in both cases. The simplest-seeming things are complex, i.e. they have various attributes; and the process of abstraction begins with sensation, as sight perceives certain qualities; taste, others; etc. From the dawn of intelligence the activity progresses rapidly, as all of our generalizations depend upon the abstraction from different objects of some phase, or phases, which they have in common.A further and most important step is taken when the mind reaches the stage where it can handle its abstractions such as extension, motion, species, being, cause, as a basis for science and philosophy, in which, to a certain extent at least, the abstracted concepts are manipulated like the symbols in algebra, without immediate reference to the concrete. This process is not without its dangers of fallacy, but human knowledge would not progress far without it. It is, therefore, evident that methods of leading the mind from the concrete to the abstract, as well as the development of a power of handling abstract ideas, are matters of great importance in the science of education.
    With this account of the place of abstraction in the process of knowledge, most philosophers — and all who base knowledge on experience — are in substantial agreement. But they differ widely concerning the nature and validity of abstract concepts themselves. A widely prevalent view, best represented by the Associationist school, is that general ideas are formed by the blending or fusing of individual impressions. The most eminent Scholastics, however, following Aristotle, ascribe to the mind in its higher aspect a power (called the Active Intellect) which abstracts from the representations of concrete things or qualities the typical, ideal, essential elements, leaving behind those that are material and particular. The concepts thus formed may be very limited in content, and they vary in number and definiteness with the knowledge of particulars; but the activity of the faculty is always spontaneous and immediate; it is never a process of blending the particular representations into a composite idea, much less a mere grouping of similar things or attributes under a common name. The concept thus obtained represents an element that is universally realized in all members of the class, but it is recognized formally as a universal only by means of further observation and comparison. The arguments for the existence of such a faculty are not drawn from a study of its actual operation, which eludes our powers of introspection, but from an analysis of its results. Its defenders rely mainly on the fact that we possess definite universal concepts, as of a triangle, which transcend the vague floating images that represent the fusion of our individual representations; and also on the element of universality and necessity in our judgments. It is in connection with this latter point that the question is of most importance, as systems of philosophy which reject this power of direct abstraction of the universal idea are naturally more or less sceptical about the objective validity of our universal judgments.
    Porter, The Human Intellect (New York, 1869), 377-430; Maher, Psychology (London and New York, 1900), 294, 307, 310; Spencer, Psychology (New York, 1898), I, viii; Mill, Logic (London and New York, 1898), I, ii; IV, ii; Mivart, The Origin of Human Reason (London, 1889), ii; Van Becelaere, The Philos. Rev., Nov., 1903; Newman, Grammar of Assent (London 1898), viii; Bowne, Theory of Thought and Knowledge (New York, 1897), xi; Bain, Education as a Science (New York, 1879), vii; Sully, Teacher's Psychology (New York, 1887), xii, xiii.
    F.P. DUFFY
    Transcribed by Michael Mueller

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company..1910.

найдено в "Moby Thesaurus"
abstraction: translation

Synonyms and related words:
Walter Mitty, ablation, abrasion, absence of mind, absentmindedness, absorption, abstract, abstract idea, abstractedness, abulia, alienation, altarpiece, analysis, annexation, anxiety, anxiety equivalent, anxiety state, apathy, appropriation, bemusement, block print, boosting, bromide, brown study, castle-building, catatonic stupor, cliche, close study, collage, color print, commonplace, compulsion, concentration, contemplativeness, conversion, conveyance, copy, cyclorama, daub, daydream, daydreamer, daydreaming, deduction, deep thought, dejection, depression, depth of thought, detachment, diptych, disarticulation, disassociation, disconnectedness, disconnection, discontinuity, disengagement, disjointing, disjunction, dislocation, disunion, division, divorce, divorcement, doctrinairism, doctrinality, doctrinarity, dream, dreaming, elation, embezzlement, emotionalism, engraving, engrossment, erosion, euphoria, explanation, fantasy, fantasying, filching, fit of abstraction, folie du doute, fraud, fresco, general idea, generalization, generalized proposition, glittering generality, graft, hackneyed expression, hypochondria, hysteria, hysterics, icon, illumination, illustration, image, incoherence, indifference, insensibility, isolation, lethargy, liberation, lieu commun, lifting, likeness, locus communis, luxation, mania, melancholia, melancholy, mental distress, mere theory, miniature, montage, mooning, moonraking, mosaic, mural, muse, musefulness, musing, muted ecstasy, obsession, panorama, parting, partition, pathological indecisiveness, pensiveness, photograph, picture, pilferage, pilfering, pinching, pipe dream, pipe-dreaming, platitude, poaching, preoccupation, print, profound thought, psychalgia, psychomotor disturbance, purification, refinement, reflectiveness, removal, representation, reproduction, reverie, scrounging, segmentation, separation, separatism, shoplifting, snatching, sneak thievery, snitching, speculation, speculativeness, stained glass window, stargazing, stealage, stealing, stencil, still life, study, stupor, subdivision, subduction, sublation, subtraction, sweeping statement, swindle, swiping, tableau, taking away, tapestry, theft, theoretic, theoretical basis, theoretics, theoria, theoric, theorization, theory, thievery, thieving, thoughtfulness, tic, tired cliche, trance, triptych, truism, twitching, unresponsiveness, wall painting, wistfulness, withdrawal, woolgathering, zoning

найдено в "Dictionnaire Francais-Allemand"
abstraction: übersetzung

Abstraktion f

abstraction faite de — abgesehen von

abstraction [apstʀaksjõ]
Substantif féminin
1 (action d'abstraire) Abstraktion féminin; Beispiel: faire abstraction de quelque chose etw außer Acht lassen
2 (idée) abstrakte Vorstellung

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре общей лексики"
сущ. 1) абстракция; обобщение, отвлечение to scale the heights of philosophical abstraction — овладевать высотами философской абстракции an abstraction without real subsistence — абстракция, за которой нет ничего реального Is it worth fighting a big war, in the name of an abstraction like sovereignty? — Стоит ли воевать ради такой абстракции, как суверенитет? 2) рассеянность; погруженность мысли, задумчивость with an air of abstraction — с отсутствующим видом He has fits of abstraction. — На него находит задумчивое настроение. Andrew noticed her abstraction and asked, "What's bothering you?" — Эндрю заметил ее рассеянность и спросил: "Что тебя беспокоит?" 3) произведения абстрактного искусства; абстракционизм For almost 100 years, artists have experimented with abstraction. — На протяжении почти 100 лет художники экспериментируют с абстрактным искусством. 4) эвф. кража; увод; угон 5) отвод; отведение, отделение abstraction of heat — отвод тепла
найдено в "Англо-русском словаре по социологии"
1. абстракция, мысленное отвлечение от многих свойств исследуемого объекта или явления для выявления сущностных признаков; отвлечение;
2. теоретическое обобщение опыта;
3. погруженность в мысли; рассеянность;
4. произведение абстрактного искусства.
* * *
1) абстракция, мысленное отвлечение от многих свойств исследуемого объекта или явления для выявления сущностных признаков; отвлечение;
2) теоретическое обобщение опыта;
3) погруженность в мысли; рассеянность;
4) произведение абстрактного искусства.

найдено в "Philosophy dictionary"
abstraction: translation

Supposed process of forming an idea by abstracting out what is common to a variety of instances: a process stressed, for example, by Aquinas in his moderate solution to the problem of universals (abstrahentium non est mendacium : abstraction is not lying). The problem is that unrestricted abstraction leads one to suppose that qualities such as substance, causation, change, and number may apply not only to the sensible bodies that give rise to our ideas of them, but also in a spiritual realm or other domain quite outside the reach of experience. Locke is vehemently attacked by Berkeley for this and related errors. See also abstract ideas.

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
[əbʹstrækʃ(ə)n] n
1. абстракция; отвлечение
2. погружённость мысли, задумчивость; рассеянность

with an air of abstraction - с отсутствующим видом

3. 1) произведения абстрактного искусства
2) абстракционизм
4. эвф. увод; угон
5. отвод; отведение, отделение

abstraction of heat - отвод тепла

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре под общим руководством акад. Ю.Д. Апресяна"

{əbʹstrækʃ(ə)n} n

1. абстракция; отвлечение

2. погружённость мысли, задумчивость; рассеянность

with an air of ~ - с отсутствующим видом

3. 1) произведения абстрактного искусства

2) абстракционизм

4. эвф. увод; угон

5. отвод; отведение, отделение

~ of heat - отвод тепла

найдено в "Englisch-Deutsch Worterbuch gesetz"
abstraction: übersetzung

1. Entwendung f, Fortnahme f, Beiseiteschaffen n;
2. Abstraktion f

найдено в "Англо-русском научно-техническом словаре"
1) абстракция; обобщение, отвлечение 2) извлечение; выделение • abstraction of actual infinity — абстракция актуальной бесконечности abstraction of potential realizability — абстракция потенциальной осуществимости - analytical abstraction - deductive abstraction - degree of abstraction - generalized abstraction - geometrical abstraction - heuristic abstraction - idealizing abstraction - isolating abstraction - iterated abstraction - mathematical abstraction - process of abstraction - pure abstraction
найдено в "Большом французско-русском и русско-французском словаре"
1) абстракция, отвлечение; отвлечённое понятие
faire abstraction de... — оставлять в стороне, без внимания; абстрагироваться от...
abstraction faite de... — не говоря о..., не считая, за исключением
2) абстрактное искусство

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