Значение слова "MANNA" найдено в 36 источниках


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манна небесная

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Manna: translation

The food miraculously sent to the Israelites during their forty years sojourn in the desert (Ex., xvi; Num., xi, 6-9)

Catholic Encyclopedia..2006.

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Manna
    (Gr. man, manna; Lat. man, manna).
    The food miraculously sent to the Israelites during their forty years sojourn in the desert (Ex., xvi; Num., xi, 6-9). It fell during the night in small white flakes or grains which covered the ground and presented the appearance of hoar frost. These grains are described as resembling coriander seed and bdellium, with a taste like "flour with honey", or "bread tempered with oil" (Ex., xvi, 31; Num., xi, 7-8).
    The manna fell for the first time while the Israelites were in the desert of Sin, six weeks after their departure from Egypt, in answer to their murmurs over the privations of desert life (Ex., xvi, 1 sq.) and thenceforth fell daily, except on the Sabbath, till they arrived at Galgal in the plain of Jericho (Jos.., v, 12).During these years the manna was their chief but not their only article of diet. Their herds furnished them some milk and meat; they had oil and flour, at least in small quantities, and at times purchased provisions from neighbouring peoples (Lev., ii, sq.; xvii, 1 sq.; Deut., ii, 6, 28). The manna had to be gathered in the morning, as the heat of the sun melted it. The quantity to be collected was limited to a gomor (omer, between six and seven pints) per person; but on the eve of the Sabbath a double portion was gathered. When kept over night it putrefied and bred worms, except the portion which was reserved for the Sabbath. Though it was probably eatable in the natural state, it was usually ground in a mill or beaten in a mortar and then boiled and made into cakes. As a reminder to future generations, a vessel filled with manna was placed near the Ark of the Covenant. The name is connected with the exclamation "Man hu", which the Israelites uttered on first seeing it. This expression since the time of the Septuagint is generally translated "What is this?", though it should more probably be translated "Is this manna?", or "It is manna". A substance named mannu was known in Egypt at that time, and the resemblance of the newly fallen food to this substance would naturally call forth the exclamation and suggest the name.
    Many scholars have identified the Biblical manna with the juice exuded by a variety of Tamarix gallica (Tamarix mannifera) when it is pricked by an insect (Coccus manniparus), and known to the Arabs as mann es-sama, "gift of heaven" or "heavenly manna". But although manna in several respects answers the description of the manna of the Bible, it lacks some of its distinctive qualities. It cannot be ground or beaten in a mortar, nor can it be boiled and made into cakes. It does not decay and breed worms, but keeps indefinitely after it is collected. Besides, being almost pure sugar, it could hardly form the chief nourishment of a people for forty years. But even if the identify were certain, the phenomenon of its fall, as recorded in Exodus, could not be explained except by a Miracle. For, although the tamarisk was probably more plentiful in the days of the Exodus than it is now, it could not have furnished the large quantity of manna daily required by the Israelites. Moreover, the tamarisk manna exudes only at a certain season, whereas the Biblical manna fell throughout the year; it exudes every day during its season, while the Biblical manna did not fall on the Sabbath. Most of these objections apply also to the juice exuded by the Camel's Thorn (Alhagi Camelorum), which is sometimes considered identical with Biblical manna.
    Others think they have found the true manna in a lichen, Lenora esculenta (also known as Spharothallia esculenta), met with in Western Asia and North Africa. It easily scales off, and being carried away by the wind sometimes falls in the form of a rain. In times of famine it is ground and mixed with other substances to make a kind of bread. But this lichen is dry and insipid, and possesses little nutritive value. The regular fall in this case, too, would be miraculous. The manna may, indeed, have been a natural substance, but we must admit a Miracle at least in the manner in which it was supplied. For not only does the phenomenon resist all natural explanation, but the account of Exodus, as well as the designation "bread from heaven", "bread of angels", i.e., sent by the ministry of Angels (Ps. lxxvii, 24, 25; Wisd., xvi, 20), plainly represents it as miraculous.
    Christ uses the manna as the type and symbol of the Eucharistic food, which is true "bread from heaven":, and "bread of life", i.e., life-giving bread, in a far higher sense than the manna of old (John, vi). St. Paul in calling the manna "spiritual food" (I Cor., x, 3), alludes to its symbolical significance with regard to the Eucharist as much as to its miraculous character. Hence the manna has always been a common Eucharistic symbol in Christian art and liturgy. In Apoc., ii, 17, the manna stands as the symbol of the happiness of heaven.
    HUMMELAUER, Com. In Exod. (Paris, 1897), 168 sq.; EBERS, Durch Gosen zum Sinai (Leipzig, 1872), 236; RITTER, Die Erdkunde (Berlin, 1848), xiv, 665 sq.; BURCKHARDT, Travels in Syria (London, 1822), 600 sq.; LESETRE in VIG., Dict de la Bible, s. v.; ZENNER, Man hu in Zeirschr. der Kath. Theol., xxiii (1899), 164; PETERS, Zu Man hu, ibid., 371.
    Transcribed by Thomas M. Barrett Dedicated to Jesus Christ, our "Bread of Life from Heaven"

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company..1910.

найдено в "Universal-Lexicon"
Manna: übersetzung

Himmelsbrot (umgangssprachlich)

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Mạn|na 〈n. 15; unz.; od. f. 10; unz.〉
1. 〈AT〉 himmlisches Brot der Juden in der Wüste; Sy Himmelsbrot
2. aus der Rinde der ital. Manna- od. Blumenesche (Fraxinus orbis) austretende, süße Masse
3. ähnlich süße Masse anderer Gewächse
[<lat. manna <aram. manna <hebr. man „Geschenk“]

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Mạn|na, das; - u. -s, u. die; -: Mannose.

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Mạn|na, das; -[s], österr. nur so, auch: die; - [mhd. manna (brōt) < spätlat. manna < griech. mánna < hebr. mạn, wohl = Manna (2)]:
1. (bibl.) durch ein Wunder vom Himmel gefallene Nahrung für die Israeliten in der Wüste nach ihrem Auszug aus Ägypten; Himmelsbrot (nach 2. Mose 16, 11 ff.)
2. Honigtau bestimmter Schildläuse sowie auch verschiedener Bäume und Sträucher.

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[hebräisch] das, -(s), auch die, -,  
 1) Biologie: essbare, zuckerreiche pflanzliche oder tierische Absonderungen, z.B. der Mannaesche (Esche), der Mannaflechte, der Mannaschildläuse.
 2) Theologie: Mạn das, -(s), die Speise, die Gott nach 2. Mose 16, 4-35 und 4. Mose 11, 6-9 vom Himmel fallen ließ, um mit ihr die Israeliten auf ihrem Zug durch die Wüste zu speisen; im Neuen Testament in Anknüpfung daran als »Brot des Lebens« auf Jesus Christus bezogen (Johannes 6, 48-58); später auch symbolisch jede in Notzeiten auf wundersame Weise erlangte Nahrung. Die biblischen Berichte sind vermutlich als Ausschmückung natürlicher Gegebenheiten zu verstehen (z. B. Mannaflechte).
P. Maiberger: Das M., 2 Tle. (1983).

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Mạn|na, das; -[s], auch: die; - [mhd. manna (brōt) < spätlat. manna < griech. mánna < hebr. mạn, wohl = ↑Manna (2)]: 1. (bibl.) durch ein Wunder vom Himmel gefallene Nahrung für die Israeliten in der Wüste nach ihrem Auszug aus Ägypten; Himmelsbrot (nach 2. Mose 16, 11 ff.): Ü die Milch, jenes M., das es auch im allerletzten Nest in Irland ... gibt (Böll, Tagebuch 57); Schinken, Wurst, Käse, Wein - korsisches M. für ausgepowerte Sportler (a & r 9, 1998, 63). 2. Honigtau der Mannaschildlaus. 3. zuckerhaltiger, leicht eintrocknender Saft der Mannaesche.

найдено в "Easton's Bible Dictionary"
Manna: translation

   Heb. man-hu, "What is that?" the name given by the Israelites to the food miraculously supplied to them during their wanderings in the wilderness (Ex. 16:15-35). The name is commonly taken as derived from man, an expression of surprise, "What is it?" but more probably it is derived from manan, meaning "to allot," and hence denoting an "allotment" or a "gift." This "gift" from God is described as "a small round thing," like the "hoar-frost on the ground," and "like coriander seed," "of the colour of bdellium," and in taste "like wafers made with honey." It was capable of being baked and boiled, ground in mills, or beaten in a mortar (Ex. 16:23; Num. 11:7). If any was kept over till the following morning, it became corrupt with worms; but as on the Sabbath none fell, on the preceding day a double portion was given, and that could be kept over to supply the wants of the Sabbath without becoming corrupt.Directions concerning the gathering of it are fully given (Ex. 16:16-18, 33; Deut. 8:3, 16). It fell for the first time after the eighth encampment in the desert of Sin, and was daily furnished, except on the Sabbath, for all the years of the wanderings, till they encamped at Gilgal, after crossing the Jordan, when it suddenly ceased, and where they "did eat of the old corn of the land; neither had the children of Israel manna any more" (Josh. 5:12). They now no longer needed the "bread of the wilderness."
   This manna was evidently altogether a miraculous gift, wholly different from any natural product with which we are acquainted, and which bears this name. The manna of European commerce comes chiefly from Calabria and Sicily. It drops from the twigs of a species of ash during the months of June and July. At night it is fluid and resembles dew, but in the morning it begins to harden. The manna of the Sinaitic peninsula is an exudation from the "manna-tamarisk" tree (Tamarix mannifera), the el-tarfah of the Arabs. This tree is found at the present day in certain well-watered valleys in the peninsula of Sinai. The manna with which the people of Israel were fed for forty years differs in many particulars from all these natural products.
   Our Lord refers to the manna when he calls himself the "true bread from heaven" (John 6:31-35; 48-51). He is also the "hidden manna" (Rev. 2:17; comp. John 6:49, 51).

найдено в "Crosswordopener"

• A Manny puzzle, to the Cru?

• Angel food?

• Biblical food

• Biblical miracle food

• Biblical sustenance

• Divine food

• Divine nourishment

• Divine sustenance

• Divinely given food

• Exodus describes its fall

• Exodus edible

• Exodus fare

• Exodus food

• Exodus miracle

• Exodus miracle food

• Exodus sustenance

• Fall cuisine?

• Food drop fare

• Food from above

• Food from above, biblically

• Food from heaven

• Food in Exodus

• Food in Exodus 16

• Food of the gods

• Food that falls on the ground

• Food that's divine

• Food that's heavenly?

• Godsent food

• Gratuitous benefit

• Heaven-sent food

• Heaven-sent food, in the Bible

• Heaven-sent help

• Heaven-sent stuff

• Heaven-sent sustenance

• Heavenly edible

• Heavenly fare

• Heavenly food

• Heavenly gift

• Heavenly help

• Heavenly nourishment

• Heavenly provisions

• It fell in the Old Testament

• It's a godsend

• It's heaven-sent

• Meal for Moses

• Miracle food

• Miraculous fare

• Miraculous food

• Miraculous food, in Exodus

• Miraculous meal

• Miraculous sustenance

• Nourishment from above

• Nourishment of divine origin

• Old Testament food

• Providentially-provided provender

• Spiritual nourishment

• Spiritual sustenance

• Sudden godsend

• Sudden help

• Sustenance for the Israelites

• Unexpected aid

• Unexpected handout

• Unexpected help

• Unexpected help from heaven

• Wilderness food

• Windfall

• Hardened sugary exudation of various trees

• (Old Testament) food that God gave the Israelites during the exodus

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