Значение слова "TRANCE" найдено в 35 источниках


найдено в "Англо-русском большом универсальном переводческом словаре"
состояние экстаза

найдено в "Universal-Lexicon"
Trance: übersetzung

Tran|ce 〈[TRANCE фото trã:s(ə)] f. 19
1. schlafähnl. Dämmerzustand
2. schlafähnl. Entrückungszustand (von Medien)
● jmdn. in \Trance versetzen [<engl. trance <afrz. transe „Hinübergehen; Angstzustand“; zu transir <lat. transire „hinübergehen“]

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Tran|ce ['trã:s(ə) , selten: tra:ns], die; -, -n […sn̩] [engl. trance < afrz. transe = das Hinübergehen (in den Tod), zu: transir = hinübergehen; verscheiden < lat. transire, 1Transit]:
(bes. durch Hypnose erreichter) dem Schlaf ähnlicher Dämmerzustand:
in T. fallen;
jmdn. in T. versetzen;
sich in einer leichten, tiefen T. befinden;
aus einer T. erwachen.

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['trãs(ə); englisch, von altfranzösisch transe »das Hinübergehen (in den Tod)«, zu lateinisch transire »hinübergehen«] die, -/-n, eine veränderte, die freie Willensbestimmung aussetzende Bewusstseinslage, die sich bei den dafür besonders empfänglichen Menschen auf suggestivem Wege erzeugen lässt und im religiösen Bereich auch als Ekstase bezeichnet wird.Dieser Zustand kann u. a. durch Hypnose, Drogen, Tanz, Musik, Atemtechniken, Autosuggestion herbeigeführt werden. Bei leichter Trance bleiben Erinnerungen daran erhalten, Zustände tiefer Trance sind von Amnesie gefolgt.
[englisch/amerikanisch, trɑːns], 1992 in den USA im kalifornischen Berkeley aufgekommene Techno-Variante (Techno), die am »weichen« Pol des Techno-Spektrums angesiedelt und durch ein pulsierendes Fließen sphärischer Computerklänge gekennzeichnet ist. Häufig sind auch Anklänge an die indische Musik durch Kombination mit Tablâ-Rhythmen (Tablâ) und Sitar-Klängen (Sitar) zu finden.
Siehe auch: Goa.

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Tran|ce ['trã:s(ə), selten: tra:ns], die; -, -n [...sn̩; engl. trance < afrz. transe = das Hinübergehen (in den Tod), zu: transir = hinübergehen; verscheiden < lat. transire, 1Transit]: (bes. durch Hypnose erreichter) dem Schlaf ähnlicher Dämmerzustand: Die Sätze, die durch das leise Gemurmel der Essenden zischten, rissen mich aus der T. (B. Vesper, Reise 228); in T. fallen; jmdn. in T. versetzen; Besonders die Tabellen und Grafiken, die ihm die hauseigene Marktforschung hübsch aufbereitet, versetzen ihn regelmäßig in eine Art T. (Wirtschaftswoche 28, 1997, 46); die Geschichte einer New Yorker Ehefrau ..., der suggeriert wird, in T. Gattenmord verübt zu haben (Spiegel 8, 1978, 208).

найдено в "Collocations dictionary"
trance: translation

hypnotic, mesmeric
ecstatic, meditative
enter, enter into, fall into, go into
put sb into
awake from, come out of, wake from
in a trance

In a deep trance, the subject is taken back to an earlier stage of their life.

найдено в "Historical dictionary of shamanism"
Trance: translation

   Shamans are sometimes distinguished from other religious or cultural leaders by their ability to deliberately enter altered states of consciousness. A trance may be considered a dissociative state of mind in which actors become unaware of their ordinary or physical surroundings. It has been assessed in completely contradictory ways: as either the equivalent or the opposite of possession. However, the work of Ioan Lewis and Caroline Humphrey, among others, demonstrates that both are performed behaviors and that the individual’s inner “state of mind” is hardly an issue for shamans, their clients, or communities. Both trance and possession, if they can be distinguished, are culturally recognizable patterns of behavior that demonstrate the presence and activity of otherworld beings, spirits, or other powerful other-than-human persons. That is, while many Western observers are interested in “trance” as a state of mind, what is significant to shamans and their (animist) communities is the active engagement or relationship between the shamans and their helpers and enemies. Since “entranced” shamans are supposed to be fully in control of their journeying in places and ways inaccessible to onlookers, and of their actions for others, to speak of “dissociation” is to miss what shamans consider most significant: their powerful association with helpers and clients. Trance is also important in a host of religious communities that are not normally considered shamanic except by those who equate shamanism with trance (and thus overgeneralize both terms).

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
1. [trɑ:ns] n
1. мед. транс

hypnotic trance - гипнотический транс, состояние гипноза

in a trance - в трансе

to send smb. into a trance - загипнотизировать кого-л.

to fall into a trance - впасть в транс

to wake out of one's trance - выйти из транса, очнуться

2. состояние экстаза
2. [trɑ:ns] v
1. мед. впадать в транс
2. падать в обморок
3. поэт. приводить в состояние экстаза

найдено в "Crosswordopener"

• A dangerous thing to fall into

• Absorbed state

• Altered state

• Cataleptic state

• Catatonic state

• Channeler's state

• Channeling state

• Daze

• Dazed state

• Deep spell

• Deep thought

• Dream sequence?

• Dream state

• Dreamlike state

• Ecstatic state

• Electronic music genre

• Focused state

• Glossolalist's state

• Half-conscious state

• Hypnotic condition

• Hypnotic sleep

• Hypnotic spell

• Hypnotic state

• Hypnotist's result

• Hypnotized state

• Medium condition

• Medium state

• Medium's medium

• Mesmeric state

• Mesmerized state

• Modern musical genre

• Mood made by Mesmer?

• Out-of-it state

• Rapper-friendly condition

• Reverie

• Seance phenomenon

• Seance state

• Somnolent state

• Spell

• Spiritualist's device

• Staring state

• State induced by Svengali

• State of stupor

• Stupefied state

• Stupor

• Time out?

• Under state?

• Zombie-like state

• A psychological state induced by (or as if induced by) a magical incantation

• A state of mind in which consciousness is fragile and voluntary action is poor or missing

• A state resembling deep sleep

найдено в "Moby Thesaurus"
trance: translation

Synonyms and related words:
Walter Mitty, absence of mind, absentmindedness, absorption, abstractedness, abstraction, amnesia, animal hypnosis, autohypnosis, bemusement, brown study, castle-building, catalepsy, cataleptic, cataleptic hypnosis, cataplexy, catatonic stupor, coma, daydream, daydreamer, daydreaming, daze, depth of thought, dharana, dhyana, dream, dream state, dreaming, ecstasis, ecstasy, encephalitis lethargica, engrossment, enrapture, enravish, entrance, fantasy, fantasying, fit of abstraction, fugue, fugue state, half-conscious, high, hypnosis, hypnotherapy, hypnotic, hypnotic sleep, hypnotic trance, lethargic hypnosis, lethargy, mooning, moonraking, muse, musefulness, musing, muted ecstasy, narcohypnosis, narcolepsy, narcoma, narcosis, narcotic stupor, narcotization, nod, pipe dream, pipe-dreaming, preoccupation, rapture, ravish, reverie, samadhi, sedation, self-hypnosis, shock, sleeping sickness, sleepwalking, somnambulism, somnambulistic hypnosis, somnipathy, sopor, stargazing, study, stupor, swoon, thanatosis, woolgathering, yoga trance

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре под общим руководством акад. Ю.Д. Апресяна"

1. {trɑ:ns} n

1. мед. транс

hypnotic ~ - гипнотический транс, состояние гипноза

in a ~ - в трансе

to send smb. into a ~ - загипнотизировать кого-л.

to fall into a ~ - впасть в транс

to wake out of one's ~ - выйти из транса, очнуться

2. состояние экстаза

2. {trɑ:ns} v

1. мед. впадать в транс

2. падать в обморок

3. поэт. приводить в состояние экстаза

найдено в "Большом испанско-русском словаре"

1) решающий (критический) момент

trance mortal (postrero, último) — смертный час

en trance de muerte — на краю гибели

2) затруднительное положение; переделка (разг.)

3) юр. распродажа имущества (должника)


trance de armas — схватка; бой, сражение

a todo trance loc. adv. — во что бы то ни стало, не взирая ни на что

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