Значение слова "МИР НЕ ПРОИЗВОДИЛ" найдено в 1 источнике


найдено в "Большом русско-английском фразеологическом словаре"
[VPsubj; these forms only; usu. used in a subord clause after такой... какого <каких>; fixed WO]
(in refer, to a high degree of a certain, generally negative, human quality) such as has never before existed:
- the likes of which the world has never known;
- the world has never known such a [NP];
- the biggest (greatest etc) [NP] the world has ever known (produced);
- like (such as) you've never seen;
- you've never seen anything like him (her etc);
- the biggest (worst etc) [NP] on earth.
     ♦ Когда знакомые хвалили характер Николая Андреевича, Мария Павловна, глядя на мужа весёлыми сердитыми глазами, говорила: "Пожили бы с ним под одной крышей, вы бы узнали чудного Коленьку: деспот, псих, а эгоист такой, какого свет не видел" (Гроссман 1).His [Nikolai Andreyevich's] acquaintances praised his character now and then, but when they did, Mariya Pavlovna, with her gay and angry eyes fixed on her husband, would exclaim: "You think he's so wonderful. You ought to live with him and then you would find out all about him: Kolya, the despot, the psychopath, an egoist the likes of which the world has never known" (1a).
     ♦ Он [Захар] иногда, от скуки, от недостатка материала для разговора или чтоб внушить более интереса слушающей его публике, вдруг распускал про барина какую-нибудь небывальщину... Или объявит, что барин его такой картёжник и пьяница, какого свет не производил... (Гончаров 1). [Sometimes,] out of boredom, or lacking material for a conversation, or simply to arouse the interest of his audience, he [Zakhar] would suddenly unfold some cock-and-bull story about his master. ...Or he would announce that his master was the greatest gambler and drunkard the world had ever known... (1b).
     ♦ [Кочкарёв:]...[Дом невесты] не только заложен, да за два года ещё проценты не выплачены. Да в сенате есть ещё брат, который тоже запускает глаза на дом; сутяги такого свет не производил... (Гоголь 1). [К.:] Not only is it [the young lady's house] mortgaged, the interest hasn't been paid for two years. And there's a brother in the Senate who's got his eye on the property-a shyster; you've never seen anything like him (1b).
     ♦ "...Он [председатель палаты] только что масон, а такой дурак, какого свет не производил" (Гоголь 3). "...Не [the President of the Court of Justice] may be a freemason, but he's the biggest fool on earth" (3a).

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