Значение слова "BALANCE SHEET" найдено в 24 источниках


найдено в "Англо-русском экономическом словаре"
1. сущ.
сокр. BS учет, фин. (бухгалтерский) баланс, балансовый отчет [лист\], балансовая ведомость (финансовый отчет, в котором отражаются активы и пассивы компании по состоянию на определенную дату; по структуре обычно представляет собой таблицу, на левой стороне которой указываются активы, на правой — собственный капитал и обязательства; активы и обязательства компании показываются в балансе с подразделением на долгосрочные и краткосрочные)

ATTRIBUTES: annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily, composite, budgeted, classified, unclassified, opening, closing, consolidated, common size, general, condensed, pro forma, comparative, book value, cost basis, market basis, report form, account form

to prepare balance sheet — составлять баланс

to audit balance sheet — проверять баланс, подвергать баланс аудиторской проверке

to restore balance sheet — восстанавливать баланс

to publish balance sheet — опубликовывать баланс

statement of financial position, statement of financial condition, statement of balance, statement of assets and liabilities
balance column, asset, liability, equity, separation balance sheet, liquidation balance sheet, book value balance sheet, cost basis balance sheet, market basis balance sheet, budgeted balance sheet, classified balance sheet, unclassified balance sheet, opening balance sheet, closing balance sheet, report form balance sheet, account form balance sheet, consolidated balance sheet, common size balance sheet, general balance sheet, condensed balance sheet, pro forma balance sheet, comparative balance sheet, combined balance sheet, balance sheet date, balance sheet format, balance sheet analysis, balance sheet audit, balance-sheet item, balance sheet management, on-balance-sheet, off-balance-sheet
2. прил.
тж.balance-sheet учет балансовый (связанный с бухгалтерским балансом)

balance sheet figure — балансовый показатель

balance sheet ratio — балансовый коэффициент [показатель\]

balance-sheet profit — балансовая прибыль

balance-sheet value — балансовая стоимость

balance-sheet liability — балансовые обязательства

balance-sheet asset — балансовые активы

balance-sheet risk — балансовый риск

balance sheet liquidity risk — балансовый риск (потери) ликвидности

balance sheet translation risk — балансовый трансляционный [валютный\] риск

balance sheet exchange risk — балансовый валютный риск

balance sheet interest rate risk — балансовый риск процентной ставки

balance 3. 1), on-balance-sheet
balance-sheet account, balance sheet data, balance sheet figure, balance-sheet equation, balance sheet total, balance sheet analysis, balance sheet audit, balance sheet management, balance sheet ratio, balance-sheet item, balance-sheet profit, balance-sheet value, balance-sheet risk, balance sheet total
balance-sheet account, balance sheet data, balance sheet figure, balance-sheet equation, balance sheet total, balance sheet analysis, balance sheet audit, balance sheet management, balance sheet ratio, balance-sheet item, balance-sheet profit, balance-sheet value, balance-sheet risk, balance sheet total

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abbrev.: BSбаланс компании:1) активы и пассивы компании, включая капитал, в разбивке по установленной форме на определенную дату;2) отчет о финансовом положении компании на определенную дату со всеми необходимыми деталями; активы должны равняться пассивам плюс средства акционеров;= statement of financial position; statement of condition.
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Бухгалтерский баланс; баланс; балансовый отчет
.Также называется Statement of financial condition (отчет о финансовом состоянии). Сумма активов, обязательств и собственного капитала компании.Listing of the assets, liabilities and owner's equity at a spcific point in time.Словарь экономических терминов.
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Бухгалтерия и аудит
баланс компании
одна из основных форм отчетности, состоящая из ряда счетов, показывающих финансовое положение организации на определенную дату, как правило, на последний день отчетного периода
баланс компании
1. активы и пассивы в разбивке по установленной форме на определенную дату
2. отчет о финансовом положении компании
Инвестиционная деятельность
баланс компании
1. активы и пассивы в разбивке по установленной форме на определенную дату
2. отчет о финансовом положении компании

найдено в "Financial and business terms"
balance sheet: translation

an important business document that shows what a business owns and owes as of the date shown. Essentially a " balance sheet" is a list of business assets and their cost on one side and a list of liabilities and owners' equity (investment in the business) on the other side with the amount for each. The liabilities include all that the business owes. Glossary of Business Terms
Also called the statement of financial condition, it is a summary of a company's assets, liabilities ( liability), and owners' equity. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary
A statement of a company's financial position at a given point in time. It details the assets of the company and how these assets are being financed. Financing is broken down into two major categories, namely shareholders' funds and liabilities. Due to the way in which the balance sheet is prepared, total assets always equals total finance, i.e. the balance sheet will balance. Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein financial glossary
The balance sheet forms part of a company's annual report and accounts. It is a summary of the company's assets, liabilities and shareholders funds.Financial Services Glossary
One of the main components of a company's financial statements, the balance sheet provides an overview of the company's assets (what it owns) and liabilities (what it owes) at the end of a financial year. London Stock Exchange Glossary

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balance sheet ˈbalance ˌsheet noun [countable] ACCOUNTING
a document showing a company's financial position and wealth at a particular time, often the last day of its financial year:

• The company performed well last year, and has a healthy balance sheet with a good amount of cash.

• a strong balance sheet

• a clean balance sheet (= without debt or without too much debt )

ˈoff-balance ˌsheet adjective [only before a noun] ACCOUNTING
off-balance sheet items, activities, debts etc are ones that a company does not need to show on its balance sheet, but in notes added to it:

• The leasing company said a Chinese airline has signed for an aircraft operating lease - a relatively short-term, off-balance sheet rental.

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   An accounting statement of a company's assets and liabilities, provided for the benefit of shareholders and regulators. It gives a snapshot, at a specific point of time, of the assets that the company holds and how the assets have been financed.
   ► See also Assets, Liabilities.

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balance sheet UK US noun [C]
ACCOUNTING a financial statement that shows a company's assets and debts at a particular time: healthy/strong/weak balance sheet »

He points out that the company has the strongest balance sheet among all the farm-machinery giants.

See also OFF-BALANCE-SHEET(Cf. ↑off-balance-sheet)

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