Значение слова "Х63" найдено в 1 источнике


найдено в "Большом русско-английском фразеологическом словаре"
СВОИМ ХОДОМNP instrumInvaradvfixed WO
1. идти, прийти, дойти и т. п. \Х-63 (of a person, animal, or vehicle) (to go, move along etc) independently, without assistance
under one's (its) own steam (power)
on one's (its) ownby oneself (itself)(of a person only) on one's own two feet.
Под утро все новоиспечённые офицеры... частично своим собственным ходом, частично с помощью товарищей и аборигенов вернулись в казарму в целости и сохранности... (Зиновьев 1). By morning all the newly fledged officers had returned to barracks safe and sound, partly under their own steam and partly with the help of their comrades and the aboriginal population (1a).
Увезли деда Максима: на берег его вели под руки, своим ходом дед идти не мог (Распутин 4). They took away Grandpa Maxim: they held him up and walked him to the shore, he couldn't get there on his own (4a).
2. идти, развиваться \Х-63 (of a process, matter etc) (to proceed, develop) normally, the usual way and at the usual pace, unaffected by circumstances: (proceed) at its own pace
(take) its course(be going) as it should.
«Как твой бизнес? He развалился, пока тебя не было?» -«Да нет, всё в порядке, всё идёт своим ходом». "How's your business? It didn't fall apart while you were away, did it?" "No, everything's fine, everything's going as it should."

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