Значение слова "AREZZO" найдено в 5 источниках


найдено в "Catholic encyclopedia"
Arezzo: translation

A diocese of Tuscany, in Italy, which is directly dependent on the Holy See. It

Catholic Encyclopedia..2006.

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Arezzo
    A diocese of Tuscany, in Italy, which is directly dependent on the Holy See.It has 40 towns in the province of Arezzo, 10 in that of Sienna, and one in that of Perugia. It has 250,000 Catholics, 330 parishes, 563 secular priests, 149 regulars, 145 seminarists, 436 churches or chapels. The list of bishops is sufficiently regular from A.D. 250. Arezzo is of great antiquity and was one of the first cities of Italy to receive the Gospel, as tradition avers, from St. Romulus, afterwards Bishop of Fiesole, a disciple of St. Paul. It became a bishopric about 304, under St. Satyrus. St. Donatus, his successor, is patron of the cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle. The first eight bishops were saints. Clement XII, while his nephew, Cardinal Guadagni, was Bishop of Arezzo, conceded to it in perpetuo archiepiscopal insignia, the pallium and double cross. The cathedral is an imposing Gothic structure of the thirteenth century. A more venerable structure is Santa Maria, of the ninth century, called "la vecchia pieve" (the old parish). Gregory X, who died in Arezzo, 10 January, 1276, is buried in the cathedral. The conclave ( see Conclave ) which elected his successor, Innocent V, was held here. St. Donatus, the patron of Arezzo, is also buried in the cathedral.
    Arezzo boasts many illustrious citizens. Among them are Vasari, the biographer of the Italian painters; Guittone, one of the oldest of Italian writers; Guido Aretino, author of the "Micrology" who is credited with inventing the stave and other musical improvements; Petrarca; Pietro Aretino, the licentious poet; Leonard Aretino, secretary of the historian of the republic of Florence, and Concini, whom Marie de' Medici made a marshal of France. Michelangelo was born in a castle near Arezzo.
    Arezzo has three celebrated sanctuaries: Alvernia, where St. Francis of Assisi received the stigmata; Camaldoli, where St. Romual founded the order of that name, and Accona, where Blessed Bernardo Tolommei founded the Olivetan Congregation.
    BATTANDIER, Ann. catho. pont., 1906; VAST, in La Grande Encycl., s.v.
    Transcribed by Frère Gilles Beaudet (Christian Brothers)

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company..1910.

найдено в "Universal-Lexicon"
Arezzo: übersetzung

italienische Stadt.

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1) Hauptstadt der italienischen Provinz Arezzo, Toskana, am Rand des oberen Arnobeckens, 91 300 Einwohner; mehrere Museen (archäologisches Museum mit etruskischen und römischen Funden, u. a. arretinische Keramik; Museum für mittelalterliche Kunst mit Pinakothek); jährlich findet am ersten Septembersonntag das »Sarazenenturnier« statt.
Arezzo ist Handelsmittelpunkt einer landwirtschaftlich reichen Umgebung; Herstellung von Schmuckwaren, Textilindustrie, Maschinenbau.
An der Piazza Grande Paläste, Loggien (u. a. Palazzo delle Logge von G. Vasari, 1573-81) und die romanische Kirche Santa Maria della Pieve (v. a. spätes 12. Jahrhundert).Im Chor der gotischen Kirche San Francesco (1290 begonnen) der Freskenzyklus der Kreuzlegende von Piero della Francesca (1452-66). Dom (13.-16. Jahrhundert, im 20. Jahrhundert restauriert); gotische Kirche San Domenico (um 1275); Kirche Santa Maria in Gradi (1592 ff.) nach Plänen von B. Ammanati. Etwa 1 km südlich von Arezzo die Renaissancekirche Santa Maria delle Grazie (15. Jahrhundert; Portikus von Benedetto da Maiano).
Arezzo war im Altertum als Arretium eine der wichtigsten etruskischen Städte und seit 294 v. Chr. zuerst Bundesgenosse, dann Kolonie der Römer. Bischofssitz seit dem 4. Jahrhundert (seit 1986 des Bistums Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro). Im Mittelalter seit 1098 Stadtrepublik, kam Arezzo Ende des 14. Jahrhunderts unter florentinischer Herrschaft. - Arezzo hatte in römischer Zeit eine bedeutende Tonwarenindustrie (arretinische Keramik; Terra sigillata).
 2) östlichste Provinz der Region Toskana, Italien; 3 232 km2, 320 100 Einwohner.

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Arẹz|zo: italienische Stadt.

найдено в "Historical Dictionary of the Etruscans"
AREZZO: translation

   The major Etruscan settlement strategically located between the Val di Chiana and the Casentino (Upper Arno) in the northeasternmost part of North Etruria. Its importance does, however, not seem to have been great until the sixth century, as indicated by the older cemeteries such as Poggio del Sole, which have varied tomb forms and Attic pottery. The Etruscan city is otherwise distinctive for an important set of votive deposits, including bronze figurines from Fonte Veneziana. Another important find is that of the 65-centimeter high bronze Chimera found in 1553 near the Porta Laurentina of the city. This bronze played an important role in the rediscovery of Etruscan antiquity, with attempted restorations and interpretations, including of the Etruscan inscription that suggests it was a votive. A possible citadel (Castelsecco Poggio S. Cornelio) is located in the middle of the city. Research has been complicated by the city’s continued occupation as a Roman, medieval, and modern city.
   See also DODECAPOLIS.

найдено в "Crosswordopener"

• Central Italian province or its capital

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