Значение слова "INVOLVEMENT" найдено в 32 источниках


найдено в "Англо-русском большом универсальном переводческом словаре"
путаница, запутанность; затруднительное положение
денежные затруднения
вовлеченность; участие
необходимое условие, неотъемлемая черта

найдено в "Collocations dictionary"
involvement: translation

active, direct
close, deep, intense
greater, increased, increasing

Employees are demanding greater involvement in decision-making.


When she was promoted, she missed the day-to-day involvement with customers.


Nurses usually try to avoid emotional involvement with patients.


He encourages parental involvement in the running of school.


The government has ruled out military involvement in the region.


He is serving a 15-year sentence for his alleged involvement in a plot to overthrow the government.

accuse sb of
suspect sb of
admit, deny

Winters denies any involvement in the robbery.


There is no evidence to suggest criminal involvement.

involvement by

The success of the venture may lead to involvement by other foreign companies.

involvement from

The project needs full involvement from all members of the group.

involvement in

He was found to have a deep involvement in drug dealing.

involvement of

the involvement of parents in their children's education

involvement with

Her husband's involvement with another woman led to their divorce.

найдено в "Moby Thesaurus"
involvement: translation

Synonyms and related words:
absorbed attention, absorption, application, arraignability, arraignableness, assault, association, assumption, attack, bias, blameworthiness, bloody hands, burden, caring, censurability, censurableness, censure, chargeability, chord, cincture, circling, circumambience, circumambiency, circumcincture, circumflexion, circumjacence, circumposition, citation, cochairmanship, complexity, complexness, complication, complicity, concentration, concern, condominium, containment, contemplation, contribution, convolution, copartnership, copartnery, cotenancy, crabbedness, criminality, culpability, deep study, deep thought, dirty hands, discrimination, echo, embracement, embroilment, empathy, encincture, encirclement, enclosure, encompassment, enfoldment, engagement, engrossment, enmeshment, entailment, entanglement, envelopment, environment, favoritism, fellow feeling, girding, girdling, guilt, guiltiness, guilty conscience, having a part, identification, immersion, impeachability, impeachableness, implication, impugnment, inclination, inclusion, incrimination, inculpation, indictability, indictableness, inequality, intentness, interagency, intercession, interest, intermediation, interposition, intervention, intricacy, intricateness, involution, joint chairmanship, joint control, joint ownership, joint tenancy, leaning, mediation, meditation, monomania, nepotism, obsession, one-sidedness, onus, partaking, parti pris, partiality, participation, partisanism, partisanship, partnership, pathos, peccancy, perplexity, preference, preferential treatment, preoccupation, presumption, profound thought, ramification, rapt attention, red-handedness, relating, reprehensibility, reproachableness, reprovability, reprovableness, response, responsiveness, sharing, single-mindedness, stepping in, studiousness, study, submersion, subsumption, subtlety, suffrage, surrounding, sympathetic chord, sympathetic response, sympathy, tanglement, technicality, undetachment, undispassionateness, unneutrality, vibes, vibrations, voting

найдено в "Англо-русском экономическом словаре"
1) упр. вовлеченность, участие (участие какого-л. лица в процессе управления какой-л. деятельностью)

involvement of affected employees — участие затрагиваемых работников

Evaluation of the effectiveness of your program will also be enhanced by involvement of affected employees.

customer involvement, employee involvement, involvement of workers, low-involvement, supplier involvement, workers' involvement
2) общ.
а) затруднительное положение (в бизнесе, делах)
б) денежные затруднения
engagement, embarrassment
* * *
денежное затруднение

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре по социологии"
включенность, участие;

involvement, emotional - эмоциональная включенность;

involvement, group - групповое участие;

involvement, social - социальная включенность.

* * *
включенность, участие;
- emotional involvement
- group involvement
- social involvement

найдено в "Universal-Lexicon"
Involvement: übersetzung

In|volve|ment 〈[ınvɔ̣lvmənt] n. 15; unz.〉 (kognitives u. emotionales) Engagement [engl., „Beteiligung, Engagement“]

* * *

[ɪn'vɔlvmənt; englisch »Verwicklung«] das, -s, von der neueren Pop- und Rockmusik ausgehender Effekt des Aktivierens von Spielern und Publikum, der als ein Qualitätsmerkmal dieser Musik angesehen und oft durch außermusikalische Mittel wie Bild-, Licht-, Raum-, Geruchs- und Vibrationswirkungen verstärkt wird.

найдено в "Англо-украинском юридическом словаре"

втягування; притягнення; причетність (до злочину тощо)

involvement in a financial scandal — причетність до фінансового скандалу

involvement in criminal behavior — причетність до вчинення злочину

involvement of minors in criminal activities — = involvement of minors into criminal activities втягування неповнолітніх у злочинну діяльність

involvement of minors into criminal activities — = involvement of minors in criminal activities

- involvement in a crime

найдено в "Англо-українському юридичному словнику"
втягування; притягнення; причетність (до злочину тощо) involvement in a financial scandal — причетність до фінансового скандалу involvement in criminal behavior — причетність до вчинення злочину involvement of minors in criminal activities — = involvement of minors into criminal activities втягування неповнолітніх у злочинну діяльність involvement of minors into criminal activities — = involvement of minors in criminal activities involvement in a crime
найдено в "Англо-русском словаре Мюллера"
involvement [ɪnˊvɒlvmənt] n
1) запу́танность; затрудни́тельное положе́ние
2) де́нежные затрудне́ния
3) вовлече́ние; уча́стие (в чём-л.)

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
[ınʹvɒlvmənt] n
1) запутанность; затруднительное положение
2) денежное затруднение
3) мед. поражение

neurotic involvement - нервное поражение /заболевание/

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре под общим руководством акад. Ю.Д. Апресяна"

{ınʹvɒlvmənt} n

1) запутанность; затруднительное положение

2) денежное затруднение

3) мед. поражение

neurotic ~ - нервное поражение /заболевание/

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