Значение слова "STEPPE" найдено в 36 источниках
найдено в "Universal-Lexicon"
Steppe: übersetzung

baumlose Graslandschaft

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Step|pe ['ʃtɛpə], die; -, -n:
trockene, mit Gras und Stauden, aber nicht mit Bäumen bewachsene Ebene:
die Steppen Südafrikas; die Tiere der Steppe.
Zus.: Grassteppe, Wüstensteppe.

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Stẹp|pe 〈f. 19weite, baumlose Grasebene [<russ. stepj]

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Stẹp|pe , die; -, -n [russ. step', H. u.]:
weite, meist baumlose, mit Gras od. Sträuchern [spärlich] bewachsene Ebene (z. B. Pampa, Prärie, Puszta).

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[russisch], durch geringe Niederschläge (< 500 mm) und Winterkälte gekennzeichnete, baumlose Vegetationsformation der Subtropen und gemäßigten Breiten. Dominierend sind winterharte, dürreresistente Gräser, denen in wechselnder Menge Geophyten, Kräuter, Stauden und Halbsträucher beigemischt sind. Man unterscheidet die krautreiche Grassteppe, die krautarme Federgrassteppe und die von Beifußarten und Salzpflanzen beherrschte Wermutsteppe, die zur Halbwüste überleitet.Die größten Steppengebiete der Erde befinden sich im kontinentalen Eurasien (von Ungarn bis zur Mongolei), in Nordamerika (Prärie) und Südamerika (Pampa).
Die Tierwelt der Steppe ist an das Leben in offenen Gebieten angepasst. Seh- und Geruchsvermögen sind meist gut entwickelt. Lauftiere neigen zu Herdenbildung. In eurasiatischen Steppen leben z. B. Saiga, Wildesel, Ziesel, Steppenweihe und Wüstenhäher; in den nordamerikanischen Prärien Bison, Gabelbock und Klapperschlangen, in den Grasfluren der Hochanden Guanako, Vikunja, Pampashirsch und Pampashasen.
Hier finden Sie in Überblicksartikeln weiterführende Informationen:
Vegetationszonen: Vom Klima bestimmt

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Stẹp|pe, die; -, -n [russ. step', H. u.]: weite, meist baumlose, mit Gras od. Sträuchern [spärlich] bewachsene Ebene (z. B. Pampa, Prärie, Puszta): Die Wegrichtung war Westen, war die schneestarrende S. südlich des Tatarengrabens (Plievier, Stalingrad 284).

найдено в "Moby Thesaurus"
steppe: translation

Synonyms and related words:
Lebensraum, agricultural region, air space, alkali flat, alluvial plain, arable land, back country, basin, billiard table, black belt, bottomland, bowling green, bushveld, campo, champaign, champaign country, citrus belt, clear space, clearance, clearing, coastal plain, corn belt, cotton belt, countryside, dead flat, dead level, delta, desert, distant prospect, down, downs, dust bowl, earth, empty view, esplanade, farm belt, farm country, farmland, fell, flat, flat country, flatland, flats, floor, fruit belt, glade, grass, grass roots, grass veld, grassland, grazing, grazing region, ground, haugh, haughland, heath, highlands, homaloid, horizontal, horizontal axis, horizontal fault, horizontal line, horizontal parallax, horizontal plane, horizontal projection, lande, lea, ledge, level, level line, level plane, living space, llano, lowland, lowlands, lunar mare, mare, mead, meadow, meadow land, meadows and pastures, mean sea level, mesa, mesilla, moor, moorland, moors, open country, open space, outback, pampa, pampas, park, parterre, pasturage, pasture, pasture land, peneplain, plain, plains, plane, plateau, platform, playa, prairie, prairies, province, provinces, range, rural district, rustic region, salt flat, salt marsh, salt pan, savanna, sea level, sea of grass, sebkha, steppeland, steppes, swale, table, tableland, terrace, terrain, territory, the country, the soil, the sticks, tobacco belt, tree veld, tundra, upland, uplands, vega, veld, water level, weald, wheat belt, wide-open spaces, wilderness, wold, woodland, woods and fields, yokeldom

найдено в "Crosswordopener"

• Asian plain

• Asiatic plain

• Central Asian grassland

• Champaign

• Desolate land of Siberia

• Dry, grassy land of Asia

• Eurasian expanse

• Eurasian grassland

• Eurasian plain

• Eurasian prairie

• Eurasian treeless plain

• Extensive plain without trees

• Forestless tract

• Grassland

• Grassy expanse

• Grassy plain

• Habitat of a Thomson's gazelle

• Kazakh land feature

• Kazakhstan feature

• Large grassy plain

• Large plain

• Much of Russia

• Open grassland

• Part of the Kazakhstan landscape

• Plain

• Plain plain

• Plain to see in Russia

• Russian grassland

• Russian plain

• Russian prairie

• Semiarid plain

• Siberian expanse

• Siberian plain

• Slavic plain

• Sort of plain

• Treeless plain

• Treeless Siberian tract

• Treeless tract

• Ukrainian geographical feature

• Unforested tract

• Vast Eurasian expanse

• Vast plain

• Vast Russian plain

• Vast treeless plain

• Veld kin

• Where sagebrush grows

• Wide treeless plain

• Extensive plain without trees (associated with eastern Russia and Siberia)

найдено в "Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation"
Steppe: translation

   From the Russian step’, the word means a “flat and arid land.” While the steppe is unique to Eurasia, it shares many characteristics with the North American prairie. Russia’s steppe is divided between transitional forest-steppe and the classic variant, that is, grassland plains nearly bereft of trees (except near water sources). The latter is known as the Great Steppe, and stretches from Hungary’s Pannonian Plain to the deserts of western China; in Russia, this includes the lower Don River basin, the Transvolga, and Stavropol. The climate of the steppe is continental, allowing for large fluctuations in temperature between the summer and winter months. Much of Russia’s forest-steppe has been converted to agricultural usage in the past centuries. Under the direction of Nikita Khrushchev, an attempt to turn Kazakhstan’s northern steppe into farmland failed miserably, creating environmental degradation and soil erosion. Historically, the steppes have served the nomadic conquerors well, including the proto-Indo-Europeans, Huns, Mongols, and Turkic peoples.

найдено в "Dictionnaire Francais-Allemand"
steppe: übersetzung

f; GEO
Steppe f
steppe [stεp]
Substantif féminin
Steppe féminin

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре биологических терминов"
- bunchgrass steppe
- desert steppe
- feather-grass steppe
- forb steppe
- forest steppe
- grassland steppe
- herb-bunchgrass steppe
- high-mountain steppe
- meadow steppe
- mountain steppe
- saz steppe
- semidesertic steppe
- shrub steppe
- shrubby steppe
- stipa steppe
- thorn steppe
- wermuth steppe
- wooded steppe

найдено в "Kleines deutsch-lateinisches Handworterbuch"
Steppe: übersetzung

Steppe, als weites Gefilde, campus patens. – als Einöde, regio deserta od. deserta vastaque; Plur. auch bl. deserta od. deserta vastaque.

найдено в "Новом французско-русском словаре"



art des steppes — искусство Северного Причерноморья

найдено в "Большом французско-русском и русско-французском словаре"
art des steppes — искусство Северного Причерноморья

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
[step] n русск.

найдено в "Немецко-русском политехническом словаре"
f текст.
стёжка, строчка; стёганый узор

найдено в "Dictionary of invertebrate zoology"
steppe: translation

n. [Russ. step\', lowland]
Short grass plains, generally treeless.

найдено в "Geography glossary"
steppe: translation

  the temperate grasslands of Eurasia which stretch from Hungary to Mongolia.

найдено в "Большом немецко-русском словаре"

Steppe f =, -n


найдено в "Венгерско-русском словаре"
[\steppe`t, \steppe`je, \steppe`k] ld. sztyepp

найдено в "Норвежско-русском словаре"
-n, -r
степь, прерия

найдено в "Англо-украинском словаре"

рос. nстеп

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
[step] n русск.

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре общей лексики"
русск.; сущ. степь Syn: plain
найдено в "Англо-українському словнику"
степовий, степ
найдено в "Голландско-русском словаре"
T: 137