Значение слова "COMMODUS" найдено в 6 источниках


найдено в "Catholic encyclopedia"
Commodus: translation

Roman Emperor, born 161; died at Rome, 31 December, 192

Catholic Encyclopedia..2006.

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Commodus
    Roman Emperor, born 161; died at Rome, 31 December, 192. He was the son of Marcus Aurelius and Anna Faustina, and was the first among the Roman emperors to enjoy the distinction of being born in the purple.
    His reign, 180-193, was the turning-point in the greatness of Rome. Some historians have attempted to exonerate Commodus from the charge of innate depravity and to attribute the failure of his career to weakness of character and vicious associates. It is, however, undeniable that a condition, which resulted in the slow but inevitable destruction of the Roman power, was brought about by the lack of capacity and evil life of Commodus, coupled with the overcentralization in Roman administration by which, since the time of Augustus, the most absolute power in the State and religious affairs had been gradually vested in the person of the emperor.
    Every stage in the career of Commodus was marked by greed and suspicion, producing, as might be expected in those times, wholesale confiscation and numerous murders.One result of his cruel policy was to divert attention for a time from the Christians and to lead to a partial cessation of persecution. No edicts were issued against the Christians who, though persecuted by the proconsuls in some provinces, enjoyed a period of respite and comparative immunity from pursuit. There were many Christians at the court of Commodus and in the person of Marcia, the concubine or morganatic wife of the emperor, they had a powerful advocate through whose kind offices on one occasion many Christian prisoners were released from the mines in Sardinia. Commodus was murdered by strangling, one of the conspirators being Marcia. There is no evidence that the Christians were in any way connected with his death.
    The works of DIO CASSIUS, HERODIAN, AURELIUS VICTOR, and EUTROPIUS, and the Scriptores Historiæ Augustæ are the principal pagan sources. TERTULLIAN, HIPPOLYTUS, and EUSEBIUS are the principal Christian sources. The Roman histories of GIBBON, MERIVALE, DURUY, and SCHILLER should also be consulted.
    Transcribed by WGKofron With thanks to St. Mary's Church, Akron, Ohio

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company..1910.

найдено в "Латинско-русском словаре"
I com-modus, a, um
1) надлежащий, полный, хороший
commoda statūra Pl — высокий (представительный) рост
capillus c. Pl — длинные (или пышные) волосы
cyathi commodi H — полные бокалы
commodum talentum argenti Pl — целый (полновесный) талант (деньги)
commoda valetūdo Cs, Q, CC — хорошее здоровье
2) здоровый
aliquem commodiorem esse simulare PJ — делать вид, будто кто-л.поправился
3) удобный, благоприятный (anni tempus C; habitatio Dig; vestis ad cursum O; lex commoda alicui L; stella alicui commoda Prp)
commodum est ei C etc. — ему удобно (угодно)
litterae commodae de aliqua re allatae sunt C — доставлены благоприятные известия о чём-л.
omnia curationi commoda sunt L — всё благоприятствует лечению
4) услужливый, обходительный, предупредительный, любезный (c. alicui H; mores C; convivae, homines Pl)
II Commodus, ī m. (L. Aurelius)
Коммод, римск. император, сын M Аврелия (род. в 161 г. н. э., царствовал 180—192 гг. н. э.) Lampr

найдено в "Universal-Lexicon"
Commodus: übersetzung

Lucius Aurelius Commodus, seit 180 Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus, seit 191 L. Aelius Aurelius Commodus, römischer Kaiser (180-192 n.Chr.), * 161, ✝ Rom 1. 1. 193; Sohn Mark Aurels und Faustinas der Jüngere; seit 177 als Augustus formell Mitregent, übernahm nach dem Tod seines Vaters die Herrschaft. Die tatsächliche Regierung lag jedoch erst in den Händen des Kämmerers Saoterus, dann der Gardepräfekten Tarrutenus Paternus und Tigidius Perennis, später des Kammerherrn Cleander und zuletzt des Gardepräfekten Aemilius Laetus und des Kämmerers Eclectus. Die Beendigung der Markomannenkriege und die Aufgabe der Eroberungspolitik Mark Aurels brachten Commodus in einen Gegensatz zum Senat, der sich in einer Kette von Verschwörungen äußerte. Commodus antwortete darauf mit einer Übersteigerung seiner kaiserlichen Stellung und ließ sich zuletzt als »Hercules Romanus« (Auftreten im Circus) und als irdischer Repräsentant des Iupiter Summus Exsuperantissimus göttlich verehren. Seine Willkürherrschaft sowie Hungersnöte und ein verheerender Brand Roms (Neugründung als Colonia Commodiana) führten zu seiner Ermordung.
F. Grosso: La lotta politica al tempo di Commodo (Turin 1964);
 M. Gherardini: Studien zur Gesch. des Kaisers C. (Wien 1974);
 M. R. Kaiser-Raiss: Die stadtröm. Münzprägung während der Alleinherrschaft des C. (1980).

найдено в "Латинско-русском словаре к источникам римского права"
(adi.) commode (adv.) 1) надлежащий, удобный: commodiorem vitam amplecti (1. 23 § 1 C. 5, 4);commodius, commodissime, parum commode dici, statui (1. 1 § 37 D. 16, 3. 1. 41 pr. D. 21, 2. 1. 18 pr. D. 29, 1. 1. 12 pr. D. 42, 5); satis commode nubere posse (l. 63 pr. D. 35, 1). 2) выгодный, comm. habitatio (I. 9 pr. D. 19, 2); (1. 125 D. 50, 16. 1. 79 § 1 D. 23, 2);aeque commode facere posse (1. 9 D. 8, 1); minus commode uti (1. 27 pr. D. 19, 2); (1. 24 D. 6, 1). 3) Commodus = Titus Commodus Antoninus, римский император, сын Марка Аврелия (180-192 после Р. X.) (1. 14 D. 1, 18).
найдено в "Латинском словаре"
a, um
удобный, благоприятный

найдено в "Латинско-русском словаре"
commoduscommodus, a, umудобный, благоприятный

T: 23