Значение слова "И ВКРИВЬ И ВКОСЬ" найдено в 1 источнике


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[AdvP; these forms only; adv]
1. Also: И ВКРИВЬ И ВКОСЬ [fixed WO]
(of numerous disorderly lines made when writing, drawing, stitching etc, of tracks left by vehicles or people, of a person's gait etc) unsystematically, in an irregular or disorderly fashion, in different ways or directions:
- in all (different) directions;
- every which way;
- all over (the place <the paper etc>;
- this way and that (way);
- [in limited contexts] crisscrossing (in all directions);
- [in limited contexts] all askew;
|| написано (напечатано) вкривь и вкось•• written (printed) at all angles (across the page).
     ♦ Столы были сдвинуты со своих, геометрией подсказанных, правильных мест и стояли то там, то сям, вкривь и вкось...(Битов 2). The tables had been moved from their geometrically suggested correct places to stand here and there, every which way (2a).
     ♦ Для довершения сходства [с медведем] фрак на нём был совершенно медвежьего цвета, рукава длинны, панталоны длинны, ступнями ступал он и вкривь и вкось и наступал беспрестанно на чужие ноги (Гоголь 3). То complete the resemblance [to a bear], his frock coat was precisely the color of a bear's pelt, with sleeves and trousers that were too long; he set his feet down clumsily, this way and that way, and was continually treading on other people's feet (3c).
     ♦ С ними [оловянными солдатиками] происходило что-то совсем необыкновенное... Усы, нарисованные вкривь и вкось, стали на свои места и начали шевелиться... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). Something quite unusual was happening to [the tin soldiers]. ... Their mustaches, painted all askew, rose up in their places and began to twitch... (1a).
2. (sth. is going, progressing) poorly; (sth. is done) not as it should be (done):
- all wrong;
- sloppily;
- any old way;
- twisted and awry.
     ♦ И мне плохо. Плохо оттого, что все идёт у нас с Юркой вкривь и вкось, и он этого не замечает (Михайловская 1). And I feel rotten. Because everything between Yuri and me is twisted and awry and he fails to notice it (1a).
3. толковать (что), судить и т.п. Also: ВКРИВЬ (ВКОСЬ) И ВПРЯМЬ obs, coll [fixed WO]
(to interpret sth.) the way one wants to (with the implication that one's interpretation is incorrect or unfounded, that one distorts the phenomenon's true nature or meaning):
- in any way one likes;
- every which way;
- [in limited contexts](interpret etc sth.) to suit one's own interests.
     ♦ "Давно пора понять, что это всё - пустые фразы, которые можно толковать вкривь и вкось" (Зиновьев 2). "It's high time to realise that all that is just empty phrases which you can interpret in any way you like" (2a).
     ♦ ...[Троекуров] мало заботился о выигрыше им затеянного дела, Шабашкин за него хлопотал, действуя от его имени, стращая и подкупая судей и толкуя вкривь и впрямь всевозможные указы (Пушкин 1). [Troekurov] cared... little about winning the case he had initiated. It was Shabashkin who kept busy on his behalf, acting in his name, intimidating and bribing judges, and interpreting every possible edict every which way (1a).

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