Значение слова "DIVIDEND PAYOUT RATIO" найдено в 7 источниках


найдено в "Financial and business terms"
Dividend payout ratio: translation

Percentage of earnings paid out as dividends. The New York Times Financial Glossary

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dividend payout ratio dividend payout ratio ratio

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dividend payout ratio UK US noun [C]
FINANCE the percentage of a company's profit that is paid as dividend to shareholders in a particular period: »

She told shareholders that the company planned to increase its dividend payout ratio to 40% of earnings.

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найдено в "Financial and business terms"
dividend payout ratio: translation

Percentage of earnings paid out as dividends. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary

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dividend payout ratio dividend payout ratio ratio

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dividend payout ratio UK US noun [C]
FINANCE the percentage of a company's profit that is paid as dividend to shareholders in a particular period: »

She told shareholders that the company planned to increase its dividend payout ratio to 40% of earnings.

найдено в "Англо-русском экономическом словаре"
фин. = payout ratio
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норма выплачиваемого дивиденда
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Коэффициент выплаты дивидендов
.Процент от доходов, выплачиваемый в качестве дивиденда.The ratio of the annual dividend to the earnings of a company. Stable, mature companies (such as utilities) typically have a high payout ratio.Инвестиционная деятельность.

найдено в "Investment dictionary"
Dividend Payout Ratio: translation

The percentage of earnings paid to shareholders in dividends.

Calculated as:


The payout ratio provides an idea of how well earnings support the dividend payments. More mature companies tend to have a higher payout ratio.

In the U.K. there is a similar ratio, which is known as dividend cover. It is calculated as earnings per share divided by dividends per share.

найдено в "Англо-русском экономическом словаре"
фин. = dividend payout ratio

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коэффициент выплаты дивидендов: процентное отношение выплаченного наличного дивиденда к суммарной прибыли компании(в расчете на одну обыкновенную акцию).

найдено в "Англо-украинском бизнес словаре"

коефіцієнт виплати дивідендів (відношення суми дивідендів до сукупного прибутку)

найдено в "Англо-українському тлумачному словнику економічної лексики"
фін., бухг. коефіцієнт виплати дивіденду; показник виплати дивіденду; коефіцієнт дивідендної виплати ▷ «dividend payout»
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