Значение слова "DAKAR" найдено в 22 источниках
найдено в "Historical Dictionary of Israel"
Dakar: translation

   Israeli submarine that sank on its maiden voyage on 27 January 1968. The Dakar was built in 1945 and was bought from Great Britain in June 1965. It, along with other craft, underwent extensive renovations in Portsmouth Harbor. On 9 January 1968, the sub left Portsmouth. On 24 January, as it was believed to be passing south of Crete, it lost radio contact. Sixty-nine crew members were lost with the sub. A series of naval searches turned up no trace of the vessel, but 13 months later, one of its emergency buoys washed ashore in Egypt, and there had been no sightings since.Searches off the Egyptian coast, made possible in the 1980s after relations between Israel and Egypt improved, were unsuccessful, as was a reported expedition near Rhodes, a Greek island that lies close to Turkey's Mediterranean coast. Because the submarine was lost only months after Israel fought a war against Egypt, some theorized that it might have been attacked by Egyptians or their Soviet allies. There is no evidence to support that theory, however, and Israeli experts say they still believe there could have been a collision, fire, mechanical failure, or other accident. Despite the time that had passed, Israel kept the investigation into the Dakar's fate active. Families of the victims banded together in a loose support group and assemble each year at a memorial that stands in a Jerusalem military cemetery. The wreckage of the submarine was finally found on 28 May 1999, 9,514 feet below the surface of the Mediterranean Sea between Crete and Cyprus.
   See also Israel Defense Forces (IDF; ZAHAL).

найдено в "Universal-Lexicon"
Dakar: übersetzung

Hauptstadt von Senegal

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Hauptstadt von Senegal.

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[französisch da'kar], Hauptstadt von Senegal, an der Südspitze des Kap Verde am Atlantik, (1992) 1,73 Mio. Einwohner (städtische Agglomeration); politisches, wirtschaftliches und kulturelles Zentrum des Landes; Sitz der Westafrikanischen Zentralbank (für Benin, Burkina Faso, Elfenbeinküste, Mali, Niger, Senegal und Togo), eines katholischen Erzbischofs; Universität (seit 1957); Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire (traditionelle und zeitgenössische Kunst des Landes), Institut Pasteur, ozeanographisches Institut.Im Raum Dakar-Rufisque-Thiès konzentriert sich die Industrie des Landes: v. a. Nahrungsmittel-, Textil- und Bekleidungs- sowie chemische Industrie. Im nordöstlichen Vorort Mbao Erdölraffinerie. In der 1974 eingerichteten Freihandelszone Elektronik-, Textil-, Leder- und Spielzeugindustrie. Dakar hat den größten und modernsten Seehafen Westafrikas; Fischereihafen; Eisenbahnendpunkt. Der internationale Flughafen Dakar-Yoff ist Knotenpunkt im interkontinentalen Luftverkehr.
Dakar, 1857 gegründet und seit 1898 bedeutender Kriegs- und Handelshafen, besaß neben drei anderen senegalesischen Küstenorten den Status einer französischen Stadtgemeinde (Bürgerrecht für alle Einwohner). 1902 wurde es Hauptstadt von Französisch-Westafrika, 1958 von Senegal.

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Dạ|kar: Hauptstadt von Senegal.

найдено в "Crosswordopener"

• Africa's western port

• Africa's westernmost capital

• Africa's westernmost port

• African capital

• African capital whose name means tamarind tree

• Cape Verde capital

• Capital of Senegal

• Capital on Cape Verde

• Endpoint for an annual off-road race

• Port of Senegal

• Seaport of Senegal

• Senegal capital

• Senegal city

• Senegal port

• Senegal seaport

• Senegal's capital city

• Senegalese capital

• West African city

• Western African port

• Westernmost African capital

• Westernmost African city

• Westernmost city on the African mainland

• The capital and chief port and largest city of Senegal

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
[dɑ:ʹkɑ:] n геогр.
г. Дакар

найдено в "Универсальном польско-русском словаре"




найдено в "Польсько-українському словнику"




найдено в "Англо-русском словаре общей лексики"
сущ.; геогр. Дакар (город и порт в Западной Африке, столица гос-ва Сенегал)
найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
[dɑ:ʹkɑ:] n геогр.
г. Дакар

найдено в "Большом итальяно-русском и русско-итальянском словаре"
Дакар (столица Сенегала) Итальяно-русский словарь.2003.
найдено в "Венгерско-русском словаре"
Дакар м

найдено в "Норвежско-русском словаре"
г. Дакар

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре Мюллера"
Dakar noun г. Дакар

найдено в "Англо-українському словнику Балла М.І."
n геогр. н. м. Дакар.
T: 92