Значение слова "KILLER" найдено в 56 источниках


найдено в "Англо-русском большом универсальном переводческом словаре"
киллер, убийца
бандит, гангстер
хорошая приманка
приспособление для убиения больших хищных животных
убийственный, потрясающий, сногсшибательный человек

найдено в "Collocations dictionary"
killer: translation

1 a person that kills

I don't care what they ask me if it helps them find the real killer.

accused, alleged, suspected

the trial of her daughter's accused killers


He turned to face his would-be killer.

bloodthirsty, brutal, cold-blooded, ruthless, vicious

Matthew's reputation as a cold-blooded killer

crazed, psychopathic, psychotic
mass, serial, spree (AmE)
contract, hired, professional, trained
baby, child, cop, etc.

a convicted child killer

hunt, track down
catch, find, stop

I want to stop the killer before he strikes again.


FBI agents identified his killers.

bring to justice

I cannot rest until this killer is brought to justice.


The killer has struck again.

stalk sb/sth

For years the killer stalked Detroit and its suburbs undetected.

kill sb, murder sb

a serial killer who murders newlyweds on their honeymoon

instinct (figurative)

He plays well but still lacks the killer instinct.

blow (figurative, esp. BrE)

Owen delivered the killer blow soon after half-time.

2 a disease, etc. that kills
big, great, leading, major

Overdoses were the single biggest killer among the city's young.

Diphtheria emerged as the leading killer of children in the 1880s.


In the 19th century, cholera was one of Britain's deadliest killers.


High blood pressure is known as a silent killer.


There is still no vaccine against this potential killer.

bug (BrE), disease, strain, virus

Heart attacks have become our number one killer disease.

storm (esp. AmE), wave

This killer storm is strengthening rapidly in the Gulf of Mexico.

The killer wave struck a tiny atoll in the Maldives.

найдено в "Англо-русском юридическом словаре"
лицо, совершившее убийство; субъект убийства; убийца

killer by negligence — см. negligent killer;

killer by will — см. intended killer;

killer in excess of self-defence — лицо, совершившее убийство в результате превышения пределов самообороны;

killer in self-defence — см. self-defence killer;

killer in the heat of passion — лицо, совершившее убийство в состоянии аффекта;

killer under the influence — 1. см. instigated killer 2. лицо, совершившее убийство под влиянием опьянения или наркотического отравления;

killer while intoxicated — лицо, совершившее убийство в состоянии опьянения или наркотического отравления;

killer within self-defence — лицо, лишившее человека жизни без превышения пределов самообороны;

killer with intent — см. intended killer

- accidental killer
- aforethought killer
- aggravated killer
- attenuated killer
- brutal killer
- contract killer
- deliberate killer
- excusable killer
- gang killer
- habitual killer
- hired killer
- insane killer
- instigated killer
- intended killer
- intoxicated killer
- justifiable killer
- lawful killer
- legal killer
- lucrative killer
- malicious killer
- mass killer
- mercy killer
- negligent killer
- political killer
- prepensed killer
- professional killer
- provoked killer
- reckless killer
- sadistic killer
- self-defence killer
- sexual killer
- situational killer
- terroristic killer
- terrorist killer
- tortureous killer
- unjustifiable killer
- wilful killer
- justified killer

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