Значение слова "DEADWEIGHT LOSS" найдено в 3 источниках


найдено в "Англо-русском экономическом словаре"
сокр. DWL эк. безвозвратные потери* (потери, понесенные экономикой вследствие отклонения от равновесия при совершенной конкуренции; измеряются в виде потери излишков потребителя и производителя; могут возникать вследствие несовершенной конкуренции или государственного регулирования: налогов, тарифов и ограничений; "безвозвратность" означает, что потери "страдающих" от регулирования сторон, как правило, делятся на две части: одна просто переходит в руки третьей стороны, напр., в виде дохода от налогообложения попадает в бюджет, а другая исчезает совсем вследствие уменьшения объема производства и потребления)

deadweight loss from an indirect tax — безвозвратные потери от косвенного налога

This market failure leads to both deadweight losses and distributional consequences. — Этот сбой рынка ведет и к безвозвратным потерям, и к перераспределению (дохода).

sunk cost, consumer surplus, marginal cost, imperfect competition, indirect taxation, consumption effect, revenue effect, redistribution effect

найдено в "Investment dictionary"
Deadweight Loss: translation

The costs to society created by market inefficiency. Mainly used in economics, deadweight loss can be applied to any deficiency caused by an inefficient allocation of resources. Price ceilings (such as price controls and rent controls), price floors (such as minimum wage and living wage laws) and taxation are all said to create deadweight losses. Deadweight loss occurs when supply and demand are not in equilibrium.

Minimum wage and living wage laws can create a deadweight loss by causing employers to overpay for employees and preventing low-skilled workers from securing jobs. Price ceilings and rent controls can also create deadweight losses by discouraging production and decreasing the supply of goods, services or housing below what consumers truly demand. Consumers experience shortages and producers earn less than they would otherwise. Taxes are also said to create a deadweight loss because they prevent people from engaging in purchases they would otherwise make because the final price of the product will be above the equilibrium market price.

найдено в "Financial and business terms"
deadweight loss: translation

deadweight loss UK US noun [C or U]
ECONOMICS, TAX a loss that occurs when a government raises taxes in order to get more money, but then loses money as a result. For example, a company that goes bankrupt because of increased taxes will stop paying taxes completely: »

Government spending is justified only if the benefits that it produces exceeds the total cost of paying for those benefits, including the deadweight loss of raising the revenue.

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