Значение слова "RAINBOW" найдено в 30 источниках


найдено в "Англо-русском большом универсальном переводческом словаре"
радуга; разноцветный круг, арка

найдено в "Dictionary of Hallucinations"
rainbow: translation

   A term used to denote the well-known coloured arc sometimes seen against a sunlit background of falling water drops. Rainbows are typically seen when the Sun is low in the sky, and the observer is facing a raincloud on the horizon opposite the Sun (i.e. at the antisolar point). When more than one rainbow is visible (i.e. a double rainbow), the inner, brighter one is called the primary bow and the outer, fainter one the secondary bow. Primary rainbows are coloured blue to red outwards from the antisolar point, whereas the colours of secondary rainbows are reversed, i.e. red to blue outwards from the antisolar point. The relatively dark area in between the primary and secondary bows is called Alexander's band or Alexander's dark band, after the Greek philosopher Alexander of Aphrodisias (c.AD 200). Sometimes a third or 'supernumerary' bow can be seen inside the primary bow or outside the secondary bow. Supernumerary bows tend to be even fainter than secondary bows. Still fainter bows, such as quaternary bows, can be produced experimentally by the laser illumination of single droplets. It is believed that they also occur in nature but that they are seldom observed because of their extremely low visibility. The colours of all rainbows extend beyond the visible colours towards infrared and ultraviolet. The brightness of the colours perceived depends on various factors, such as the strength and hue of the sunlight, the size of the water drops, the number of reflections inside the water drops, and the colour of the background against which the rainbow is seen. The brightest result is obtained with low, bright sunlight, relatively large water drops, a single internal reflection, and a dark-coloured background. Reddish sunlight, seen around the moment of sunset or dawn, may produce a red rainbow. When a rainbow is produced by moonlight, the term lunar bow is used. Lunar bows tend to be colourless. They should not be confused with the white rainbow or *Ulloa circle. Other types of rainbow include the surf bow (seen in the spray of crashing waves at the beach), the swimmer's bow (seen by swimmers at less than a metre away in the spray they produce), the road spray bow (seen in spattering water from puddles on the road), the marine bow (seen at the prow of a ship), the reflection rainbow (created by sunlight that is first reflected in water), the garden hose bow, the geyser bow, and the mist bow. All types of rainbow are classified as * physical illusions. They are attributed to the refraction and reflection of sunlight by water drops. Because of their lack of a tangible substratum in the extracorporeal world, they are also referred to as fiction illusions.
   Lee, R L , Fraser, A B (2001) The rainbow bridge. Rainbows in art, myth, and science. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press.
   Lynch, D.K., Livingston, W. (1995). Color and light in nature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

найдено в "Moby Thesaurus"
rainbow: translation

Synonyms and related words:
Amytal, Amytal pill, Dalmatian, Demerol, Dolophine, H, Luminal, Luminal pill, M, Mickey Finn, Nembutal, Nembutal pill, Seconal, Seconal pill, Tuinal, Tuinal pill, alcohol, amobarbital sodium, analgesic, angry clouds, anodyne, anthelion, antigorite, antisun, aura, aureole, barb, barbiturate, barbiturate pill, black cat, black clouds, black stuff, blue, blue angel, blue devil, blue heaven, blue velvet, broken mirror, butterfly, calmative, candy cane, chameleon, cheetah, chimera, chloral hydrate, chromatic, chrysotile, circle, codeine, codeine cough syrup, cold, colorific, coloring, confetti, cool, corona, countersun, crazy quilt, depressant, depressor, dichromatic, dolly, downer, dream, fantasy, firedog, gathering clouds, glory, glowing, goofball, halcyon bird, halo, hard stuff, harlequin, harmonious, heroin, hop, horse, hypnotic, illusion, iridescence, iris, jaguar, junk, knockout drops, laudanum, leopard, liquor, lotus, lunar corona, lunar halo, mackerel, mackerel sky, many-colored, marble, marbled paper, matching, medley, meperidine, methadone, mock moon, mock sun, moire, monochromatic, monochrome, monochromic, moon dog, morphia, morphine, mother-of-pearl, mother-of-pearl cloud, motley, nacre, nacreousness, narcotic, nimbus, ocelot, opal, opalescence, ophite, opiate, opium, owl, pacifier, pain killer, paraselene, paregoric, parhelic circle, parhelion, parti-colored, patchwork quilt, peacock, pearliness, pen yan, phenobarbital, phenobarbital sodium, pigmentary, pipe, polychromatic, prismatic, purple heart, quietener, raven, red, ring, scag, secobarbital sodium, sedative, serpentine, serpentine marble, shit, shooting star, shot silk, sleep-inducer, sleeper, sleeping draught, sleeping pill, smack, sodium thiopental, solar corona, solar halo, somnifacient, soother, soothing syrup, soporific, spectral, spectrum, storm clouds, stormy petrel, sun dog, tar, thundercloud, thunderhead, tinctorial, tingent, toning, tortoise shell, tranquilizer, turps, variegated, warm, white stuff, yellow, yellow jacket, zebra

найдено в "Crosswordopener"

• ___ Warriors (University of Hawaii hoopsters)

• ___Coalition

• ___ After a Storm (Inness painting)

• Over the ___

• Somewhere over the ___...

• The ___ Connection

• Wizard of Oz song subject

• Arc of the covenant?

• Colorful arc

• Colorful sky arc

• D. H. Lawrence work, with The

• Dorothy's hurdle

• Hair, essentially brown, swirling about in colorful display (7)

• Heavenly sight

• Illusory goal

• Illusory hope

• It always appears opp. the sun

• Jesse Jackson's ___ Coalition

• Meteorological arc

• Multicultural

• Path to the gold, so they say

• Pointer for gold seekers?

• Post-shower sight

• Prism product

• Ran across one package decoration in colorful display (7)

• Route to the gold?

• Roy G. Biv's place

• ROYGBIV demonstrator

• Sherbet variety

• Shower surprise

• Sign for Noah

• Symbol of Iris

• Trout variety

• Water colors?

• What Dorothy wanted to go over

• Word with trout or sherbet

• An arc of colored light in the sky caused by refraction of the sun's rays by rain

• An illusory hope

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
[ʹreınbəʋ] n
1. радуга

all the colours of the rainbow - все цвета радуги

primary [secondary] rainbow - метеор. первичная [вторичная] радуга

2. = rainbow trout
3. в грам. знач. прил.
1) радужный; переливчатый; многоцветный
2) геол. ирризирующий

rainbow hunt, chasing the rainbow - погоня за недосягаемым

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре под общим руководством акад. Ю.Д. Апресяна"

{ʹreınbəʋ} n

1. радуга

all the colours of the ~ - все цвета радуги

primary {secondary} ~ - метеор. первичная {вторичная} радуга

2. = ~ trout

3. в грам. знач. прил.

1) радужный; переливчатый; многоцветный

2) геол. ирризирующий

~ hunt, chasing the ~ - погоня за недосягаемым

найдено в "Easton's Bible Dictionary"
Rainbow: translation

   Caused by the reflection and refraction of the rays of the sun shining on falling rain. It was appointed as a witness of the divine faithfulness (Gen. 9:12-17). It existed indeed before, but it was then constituted as a sign of the covenant. Others, however (as Delitzsch, Commentary on Pentateuch), think that it "appeared then for the first time in the vault and clouds of heaven." It is argued by those holding this opinion that the atmosphere was differently constituted before the Flood. It is referred to three other times in Scripture (Ezek. 1:27, 28; Rev. 4:1-3; 10:1).

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре Мюллера"
rainbow [ˊreɪnbəυ] n
1) ра́дуга
2) attr. ра́дужный, многоцве́тный

rainbow hunt пого́ня за недосяга́емым

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
[ʹreınbəʋ] n
1. радуга
all the colours of the ~ - все цвета радуги
primary [secondary] ~ - метеор. первичная [вторичная] радуга
2. = ~ trout
3. в грам. знач. прил.
1) радужный; переливчатый; многоцветный
2) геол. ирризирующий
~ hunt, chasing the ~ - погоня за недосягаемым

найдено в "Англо-русском новом словаре современного неформального английского языка"
transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈreɪnbəu ]

rainbow n AmE infml 1. Look at that rainbow. He must be a rider Посмотри, какие у этого типа кривые ноги. Он, наверное, наездник Hey, rainbow, are you a cowboy? Эй, ты, кривоногий, ты что, ковбой? 2. She took a rainbow and went to sleep immediately Она приняла таблетку и тотчас уснула

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре нефтегазовой промышленности"

* * *
радужная плёнка

rainbow on slush pit — радужная пленка нефти на поверхности бурового раствора в отстойнике

- rainbow of oil

найдено в "Новом англо-русском словаре современной разговорной лексики"
n AmE infml 1) Look at that rainbow. He must be a rider — Посмотри, какие у этого типа кривые ноги. Он, наверное, наездник Hey, rainbow, are you a cowboy? — Эй, ты, кривоногий, ты что, ковбой? 2) She took a rainbow and went to sleep immediately — Она приняла таблетку и тотчас уснула
найдено в "Англо-русском словаре общей лексики"
сущ. 1) радуга; перен. разноцветный круг, арка и т. д. all the colours of the rainbow — все цвета радуги rainbow appeared, came out — появилась радуга •• - rainbow hunt 2) сокр. от rainbow trout 3) сл. синяк (боксерский сленг)
найдено в "Collocations dictionary"
rainbow: translation

Rainbow is used before these nouns: ↑coalition

найдено в "Англо-українському словнику Балла М.І."
1. n 1) райдуга, веселка; 2) райдужна форель; 2. adj 1) райдужний; переливчастий; 2) багатобарвний; ♦ ~ hunt погоня за недосяжним; 3. v 1) згинати(ся) дугою; 2) переливатися як райдуга.
найдено в "Англо-русском экономическом словаре"
"Радуга": облигации, призванные защищать от валютного риска; сумма погашения базируется на корзине валют (введены фирмой "Номура" в 1987 г.).

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре по полиграфии"
Радуга || радужный; многоцветный

найдено в "Англо-украинском словаре"

nрайдуга; веселка

найдено в "Кратком толковом словаре по полиграфии"
Радуга || радужный; многоцветный. Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии.2010.
найдено в "Англо-русском геологическом словаре"
радуга, радужная плёнка
rainbow of oil радужная плёнка нефти

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре Лингвистика-98"
(a) ирризирующий; многоцветный; переливчатый; радужный
найдено в "Англо-русском лингвострановедческом словаре Великобритании"
рейнбоу (член дружины рейнбоуз [rainbows])
найдено в "Англо-русском техническом словаре"
1) радуга

2) радужный

найдено в "Англо-русском дополнительном словаре"
радуга (attr.) радужный, многоцветный
найдено в "Англо-русском словаре Лингвистика-98"
(n) радуга; форель радужная
найдено в "Англо-українському словнику"
веселка, райдуга, радуга
T: 119