Значение слова "З41" найдено в 1 источнике


найдено в "Большом русско-английском фразеологическом словаре"
КАК ПО ЗАКАЗУКАК НА ЗАКАЗ (как + PrepPthese forms only)
1. ( subj-compl with быть0, стоять etc
subj: usu. погода, утро, день etc)) beautiful, remarkable
X как no заказу = itfs as if X were made to order
X could have been made to orderX couldn't be better (more perfect)you couldn't ask for better (for (a) better X).
Вечер был как по заказу. Днем, после полудня, хлестнул дружный ливень - с луга домой прибежали насквозь мокрые, - а потом опять солнце, опять тепло... (Абрамов 1). The evening could have been made to order. In the afternoon, there was a sudden, welcome downpour-people came running home from the fields soaked through - and then it was sunny and warm again... (I a).
Кузьма сидел и вспоминал сентябрь сорок седьмого года. Поспели хлеба... Погода стояла как на заказ - ни одной тучки (Распутин 1). As Kuzma sat there he recalled what had happened in September 1947. The corn was ripe.. .The weather could not have been more perfect for harvesting. Not a cloud in the sky (1a).
excellently, flawlessly, precisely as desired
swimminglysth. couldn't have gone (been, come out etc) betterwithout a hitch.
Нина очень волновалась перед интервью, но все прошло как по заказу. Nina was really nervous before her interview, but everything went swimmingly.

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