Значение слова "DOCTRINE" найдено в 39 источниках


найдено в "Англо-русском большом универсальном переводческом словаре"
теория, система, доктрина, принцип; учение; теоретические взгляды
вера, вероучение; вера, догма, догмат

найдено в "Collocations dictionary"
doctrine: translation

Catholic, Christian, Islamic, etc.
economic, legal, military, political, religious
classical, conventional, established, orthodox, traditional
contemporary, current
basic, central

communities divided on points of doctrine


an influential body of doctrine

advocate, expound, preach, proclaim, teach
develop, establish, formulate
accept, adhere to, adopt, be committed to, believe, believe in, embrace, follow, subscribe to, support, uphold

They were all committed to the doctrine of social equality.

abandon, oppose, reject, undermine

She rejected the traditional Christian doctrines.

apply, invoke
in doctrine

The Church welcomed all who were considered sound in doctrine.

найдено в "Encyclopedia of Protestantism"
doctrine: translation

   A doctrine is a principle or statement of belief (or by extension, a set of principles/beliefs) presented for acceptance and/or assent by an individual, group, or organization. Protestantism was largely identified by the doctrines it adhered to that contradicted Roman Catholicism, and was subsequently divided by differences of doctrine among the various branches of Protestantism.
   Protestantism affirmed the traditional doctrines of the ancient church stated in the common creedal statements, especially the Nicene Creed, but added its own doctrines on salvation by grace alone, the ultimate authority of the Bible in matters of faith and practice, and the priesthood of all believers.It affirmed two sacraments as opposed to the seven affirmed in Roman Catholicism. It denied belief in the authority of the pope, the existence of purgatory, and the practice of indulgences.
   The set of doctrines held by various Protestants groups often found expressions in formal confessional documents, with some attaining broad acceptance: Augsburg Confession of Faith, Dordrecht Confession, Westminster Confession of Faith, the Savoy Declaration, the Canons of Dort, and the Articles of Religion (Anglican, Methodist), among others.
   Early disagreements among Protestants concerned the doctrines of the sacraments, church polity, and the church's relationship to the state. Unitarians dissented on the doctrine of God, unable to affirm the Trinity.
   Over the centuries, some groups drew sharp distinctions between the ultimate authority of the Bible and the particular man-made statements of doctrine of the churches. In the 19th century, churches emerged that opposed the idea of creedal statements. They rejected the normative value often assigned to creedal statements, which shortcircuited creativity and new insights in Bible study. However, those same groups often saw the need to summarize what they had learned and agreed upon from their study of the Bible and issued documents that looked very much like doctrinal statements.
   The overwhelming majority of the thousands of denominations that now exist have issued statements of the primary doctrines they expect members to affirm, though with widely differing expectations about the level of homogeneity they demand.
   See also creeds/confessions of faith; dogmatics.
   Further reading:
   ■ L. Berkhof, The History of Christian Doctrines (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 1969)
   ■ Jubert Cunliffe-Jones and Benjamin Drewery, A History of Christian Doctrine (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1980)
   ■ Walter Elwell, ed., Dictionary of Evangelical Theology (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House, 1984)
   ■ J. Gordon Melton, The Encyclopedia of American Religions: Religious Creeds, 2 vols. (Detroit: Gale Research, 1988, 1994)
   ■ Alan Richardson and John Bowden, eds., The Westminster Dictionary of Christian Theology (Philadelphia: Westminster, 1983).

найдено в "Англо-украинском юридическом словаре"

доктрина; принцип; вчення

doctrine of dependent relative revocation — доктрина залежного відносного скасування

doctrine of diminished responsibility — доктрина (або принцип) зменшеної відповідальності

doctrine of external sovereignty — доктрина зовнішнього суверенітету

doctrine of following precedents — доктрина дотримання прецедентів

doctrine of freedom of contract — доктрина свободи укладання контракту (угоди)

doctrine of freedom of the seas — доктрина свободи морів

doctrine of humanitarian intervention — доктрина втручання (у справи іншої країни) заради дотримання прав людини

doctrine of internal sovereignty — доктрина внутрішнього суверенітету

doctrine of national sovereignty — доктрина суверенітету держави, доктрина державного суверенітету

doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty — доктрина парламентського суверенітету

doctrine of popular sovereignty — доктрина суверенітету народу

doctrine of privileged communication — доктрина нерозголошення (або таємниці) змісту спілкування адвоката і його підзахисного

doctrine of selective exclusiveness — доктрина вибіркової виключності (при регулюванні торгівлі)

doctrine of "separate but equal" — доктрина рівності за умови відокремленості (сегрегації)

doctrine of separation of powers — доктрина розподілу влад

doctrine of substantial performance — доктрина виконання суттєвої частки угоди (контракту)

doctrine of the priority of the state — доктрина пріоритету держави

doctrine of the separation of church and state — доктрина (або принцип) відокремлення церкви від держави

doctrine of the sovereign state — доктрина суверенної держави

doctrine of the sovereignty of the nation — доктрина суверенітету держави (або нації)

doctrine of the unity of husband and wife — доктрина єдиної правосуб'єктності чоловіка і жінки

doctrine of the unity of the legal personalities of husband and wife — доктрина єдиної правосуб'єктності чоловіка і жінки

doctrine of vicarious liability — доктрина субститутивної відповідальності

- doctrine of caveat emptor- doctrine of clean hands- doctrine of conscience- doctrine of decentralism- doctrine of divine right- doctrine of dual authority- doctrine of dual federalism- doctrine of entrapment- doctrine of enumerated powers- doctrine of fair use- doctrine of flexible response- doctrine of free law- doctrine of guilt- doctrine of implied powers- doctrine of incapacitation- doctrine of legitimacy- doctrine of nationalism- doctrine of noninterference- doctrine of overclaiming- doctrine of part performance- doctrine of precedence- doctrine of precedent- doctrine of preferred freedoms- doctrine of recent complaint- doctrine of relation back- doctrine of reputed ownership- doctrine of reserved powers- doctrine of stare decisis- doctrine of state sovereignty- doctrine of the just war- doctrine of two swords- doctrine of ultra vires

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