Значение слова "DISSENT" найдено в 26 источниках


найдено в "Англо-русском большом универсальном переводческом словаре"
несходство взглядов, несовпадение чувств; разногласие; ссора, перебранка
возражать, не соглашаться, расходиться во взглядах, расходиться во мнениях
отступать от взглядов господствующей церкви
быть в размолвке; ссориться

найдено в "Collocations dictionary"
dissent: translation

serious, strong, vigorous (esp. AmE)

The war provoked strong dissent.


internal party dissent


efforts to suppress legitimate dissent

political, religious

Political dissent is not tolerated.

express, register, show

There are many ways of expressing dissent.

It is easier to register dissent in the Internet era.

brook, tolerate
crush, quash, silence, stifle, suppress

The regime ruthlessly suppresses all dissent.

dissent against

popular dissent against the Church

dissent from

His dissent from his family's religious beliefs caused a lot of ill-feeling.

a voice of dissent

In the early 1960s the voices of dissent began to rise.

найдено в "Moby Thesaurus"
dissent: translation

Synonyms and related words:
Evangelicalism, Protestantism, Reform, Zwinglianism, abnegation, aggressiveness, agree to differ, agree to disagree, antagonism, antipathy, apostasy, argumentation, averseness, aversion, backlash, backwardness, balk, ban, be at cross-purposes, be at variance, be in dissent, be unmoved, be unwilling, beef, beefing, beg off, beg to differ, bellicosity, belligerence, bellyache, bellyaching, bickering, bitch, bitching, blackball, blackballing, boggle, break, break bounds, break off, break step, break up, categorically reject, challenge, clash, clashing, collide, collision, combative reaction, combativeness, complain, complain loudly, complaining, complaint, conflict, confront, confutation, contend with, contention, contentiousness, contradict, contradiction, contraposition, contrariety, contrast, controversy, counter, counteraction, counterposition, counterworking, crankiness, crotchetiness, cursoriness, declension, declination, declinature, decline, decline to accept, declining, defiance, demur, denial, departure, deprivation, destructive criticism, deviation, differ, difference, differentiate, dim view, disaccord, disaccordance, disagree, disagree with, disagreement, disallow, disallowance, disappointment, disapprobation, disapproval, disapprove, disapprove of, disclaim, disclaimer, disclamation, disconformity, discongruity, discontent, discontentedness, discontentment, discord, discord with, discordance, discordancy, discrepancy, discreteness, disenchantment, disesteem, disfavor, disgruntlement, disharmony, disillusion, disillusionment, disinclination, disobedience, disparity, displeasure, dispute, disrelish, disrespect, dissatisfaction, dissension, dissent from, dissentience, dissidence, dissimilarity, dissonance, distaste, distinction, distinctness, disunify, disunion, disunity, divaricate, diverge, divergence, divergency, diversify, diversity, divide, divide on, drop out, exclude, exclusion, face down, face out, face up to, faction, factiousness, far cry, faultfinding, flak, foot-dragging, fractiousness, friction, front, frown at, frown down, frown upon, grievance, grimace at, gripe, griping, groan, groaning, grouse, grousing, grudging consent, grudgingness, grumbling, heterodoxy, heterogeneity, hold out against, holding back, holler, howl, inaccordance, incompatibility, incongruity, inconsistency, inconsonance, indignation, indisposedness, indisposition, indocility, inequality, infighting, inharmoniousness, inharmony, interference, intractableness, irascibility, irreconcilability, irritability, jangle, jar, jarring, jostle, kick, kick against, kicking, lack of enthusiasm, lack of zeal, litigiousness, look askance at, look black upon, low estimation, low opinion, make a stand, make waves, meet head-on, misbelief, mismatch, mismate, mixture, murmuring, mutinousness, nay, negate, negation, negative, negative answer, negativism, new theology, nix, no, nolition, nonacceptance, nonagreement, noncompliance, nonconcurrence, nonconform, nonconformance, nonconformism, nonconformity, nonconsent, noncooperation, nonobservance, not agree, not approve, not buy, not comply, not conform, not consent, not go for, not hear of, not hold with, not think of, object, object to, objection, obstinacy, odds, offer resistance, oppose, opposition, opposure, oppugnance, oppugnancy, opt out, originality, ostracism, ostracize, otherness, partisan spirit, partisanship, passive resistance, peeve, peevishness, perfunctoriness, perverseness, pet peeve, petulance, protest, pugnacity, quarrelsomeness, querulousness, reaction, rebuff, recalcitrance, recalcitrancy, recalcitrate, recalcitration, recantation, recoil, recusance, recusancy, refractoriness, refusal, refuse, refuse consent, reject, rejection, relieve, reluct, reluctance, remonstrance, remonstrate, renitence, renitency, repellence, repellency, repercussion, repudiate, repudiation, repugnance, repulse, repulsion, resist entreaty, resist persuasion, resistance, retention, revolt, rock the boat, say nay, say no, say no to, schism, scolding, secede, separateness, show fight, shrewishness, shy, slowness, sniping, squawk, squawking, stand, stand aloof, stand at bay, stand up against, stand up to, stickle, strife, strive against, stubbornness, sulk, sulkiness, sulks, sullenness, swimming upstream, take exception, take exception to, take issue, think ill of, think little of, thumb down, thumbs-down, turn down, turndown, unconformity, uncooperativeness, unenthusiasm, unhappiness, unharmoniousness, unlikeness, unorthodoxy, unwillingness, variance, variate, variation, variegate, variegation, variety, vary, view with disfavor, vote nay, vote negatively, whining, withdraw, withhold assent, withholding, withstand, withstanding, yapping

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
1. [dıʹsent] n
1. 1) расхождение во взглядах; разногласие

dissent from an opinion - несогласие с каким-л. мнением

to express strong dissent - категорически возражать

2) инакомыслие

pressures against dissent - давление на инакомыслящих

2. несогласие; отказ дать согласие
3. церк. раскол; сектантство
2. [dıʹsent] v (from)
1. расходиться во мнениях, не соглашаться; возражать

to dissent from smb.'s opinion - выражать несогласие /не соглашаться/ с чьим-л. мнением; разойтись с кем-л. во взглядах по какому-л. вопросу

2. церк. отступать от взглядов ортодоксальной церкви, быть раскольником

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре политической терминологии"
1. n
1) расхождение во мнениях, расхождение во взглядах; разногласия
2) несогласие

to express strong dissent — выражать категорическое несогласие

to foster dissent in the country's armed forces — разжигать оппозиционные настроения / недовольство в вооруженных силах страны

to limit dissent — ограничивать инакомыслие

to put down / to stamp out / to stifle / to suppress dissent — подавлять инакомыслие

to tolerate dissent — терпеть инакомыслие

- clamp-down on dissent
- internal dissent
- mounting dissent
- open dissent
- suppression of dissent
- without even so much as a murmur of dissent2. v
расходиться во мнениях, расходиться во взглядах; возражать, высказывать различные мнения, высказывать различные взгляды

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре под общим руководством акад. Ю.Д. Апресяна"

1. {dıʹsent} n

1. 1) расхождение во взглядах; разногласие

~ from an opinion - несогласие с каким-л. мнением

to express strong ~ - категорически возражать

2) инакомыслие

pressures against ~ - давление на инакомыслящих

2. несогласие; отказ дать согласие

3. церк. раскол; сектантство

2. {dıʹsent} v (from)

1. расходиться во мнениях, не соглашаться; возражать

to ~ from smb.'s opinion - выражать несогласие /не соглашаться/ с чьим-л. мнением; разойтись с кем-л. во взглядах по какому-л. вопросу

2. церк. отступать от взглядов ортодоксальной церкви, быть раскольником

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре Мюллера"
dissent [dɪˊsent]
1. n
1) разногла́сие, расхожде́ние во взгля́дах; несогла́сие
2) церк. секта́нтство, раско́л
2. v
1) расходи́ться во мне́ниях, взгля́дах (from)
2) церк. отступа́ть от взгля́дов госпо́дствующей це́ркви; принадлежа́ть к се́кте

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