Значение слова "DEVIATION" найдено в 72 источниках


найдено в "Англо-русском большом универсальном переводческом словаре"
отход, отступление, отклонение; уклон

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найдено в "Moby Thesaurus"
deviation: translation

Synonyms and related words:
aberrance, aberrancy, aberration, abnormality, abnormity, about-face, accommodation, adaptation, adjustment, allowance, alteration, ambages, amelioration, amorphism, anamorphism, anamorphosis, anomalism, anomalousness, anomaly, apostasy, approximation, asymmetry, bend, betterment, blunder, breach, break, buckle, bypass, bypath, byway, capriciousness, centrifugence, change, change of heart, changeability, changeableness, choppiness, circling, circuit, circuition, circuitousness, circuitry, circularity, circulation, circumambience, circumambiency, circumambulation, circumbendibus, circumflexion, circumlocution, circummigration, circumnavigation, conceit, constructive change, continuity, contortion, contrariety, contrast, conversion, crackpotism, crank, crankiness, crankism, crookedness, crosswiseness, crotchet, crotchetiness, dappleness, decentralization, declination, defection, deflection, deflexure, degeneration, degenerative change, departure, deployment, derangement, deterioration, detorsion, detour, deviance, deviancy, deviousness, diagonality, difference, differentiation, differentness, digression, disaccord, disaccordance, disagreement, disconformity, discongruity, discontinuity, discordance, discrepancy, discreteness, discursion, disorder, disparity, disproportion, dissent, dissimilarity, dissonance, distinction, distinctness, distortion, divagation, divarication, divergence, divergency, diversification, diversion, diversity, division, dottiness, double, eccentricity, episode, erraticism, erraticness, error, excursion, excursus, failing, fanning, fanning out, far cry, fault, fitting, flip-flop, freakiness, freakishness, gnarl, gradual change, gyre, gyring, heterogeneity, heteromorphism, idiocrasy, idiosyncrasy, imbalance, imprecision, improvement, inaccordance, inaccuracy, inaccurateness, incompatibility, incongruity, inconsistency, inconsonance, inconstancy, incorrectness, indirection, indirectness, inequality, inexactitude, inexactness, inferiority, inharmoniousness, inharmony, instability, irreconcilability, irregularity, jerkiness, kink, knot, lapse, laxity, looseness, lopsidedness, maggot, mannerism, meandering, melioration, mercuriality, mitigation, mixture, modification, modulation, monstrosity, motleyness, mutability, negligence, noncompliance, nonconcurrence, nonconformance, nonconformism, nonconformity, nonobservance, nonstandardization, nonuniformity, obliqueness, obliquity, oddity, odds, opposition, orbit, orbiting, originality, otherness, overthrow, peculiarity, pluralism, predictable error, probable error, protest, qualification, queerness, quip, quirk, quirkiness, radical change, raggedness, re-creation, realignment, recalcitrance, recusance, recusancy, redesign, reform, reformation, refractoriness, remaking, renewal, reshaping, restructuring, reversal, revival, revivification, revolution, roundabout, roundabout way, roundaboutness, rounding, screw, separateness, separation, shift, side path, side road, sidetrack, singularity, skewness, spiral, spiraling, splaying, spread, spreading, spreading out, squint, standard deviation, strangeness, subnormality, sudden change, superiority, switch, tack, teratism, tolerance, torsion, tortuosity, total change, transgression, transition, transverseness, trick, turn, turnabout, turning, twist, unconformism, unconformity, unconventionality, uncorrectness, unevenness, unfactualness, unlikeness, unnaturalism, unnaturalness, unorthodoxy, unpreciseness, unrigorousness, unsteadiness, unsymmetry, upheaval, vagary, variability, variance, variation, variegation, variety, variousness, versatility, violation, violent change, warp, wavering, wheeling, whim, whimsicality, whimsy, worsening, wrench, wrest, wring, yaw

найдено в "Universal-Lexicon"
Deviation: übersetzung

De|vi|a|ti|on 〈[DEVIATION фото -vi-] f. 20
1. Abweichung von der Richtung, vom vorgeschriebenen Weg
2. Ablenkung der Kompassnadel
3. 〈Statistik〉 Abweichung vom Mittelwert
4. 〈biolog. Stammesgeschichte〉 Abweichung der Merkmale einer Art von denen ihrer Stammart
[→ deviieren]

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De|vi|a|ti|on, die; -, -en (Fachspr., bes. Soziol., Sprachwiss.):

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[zu lateinisch deviare »vom Weg abgehen«] die, -/-en,  
 1) Ballistik: die Abweichung einer Geschossflugbahn von der theoretischen Bahnkurve, überwiegend bedingt durch Windstärke und Windrichtung, eine vom Sollwert abweichende Anfangsgeschwindigkeit des Geschosses und durch die Erdrotation (Coriolis-Kraft).
 2) Medizin: Abweichung eines Organs oder Körperteils von der normalen Lage oder Verlaufsrichtung, z.B. Septumdeviation, seitliche Verbiegung der Nasenscheidewand.
 3) Navigation: die Abweichung der Anzeige eines Magnetkompasses von der magnetischen Nordrichtung nach Osten (positive Deviation) oder Westen (negative Deviation) infolge des Eigenmagnetfeldes eines See- oder Luftfahrzeuges. Die Größe der Abweichung wird als Deviationswinkel angegeben; er ist im Wesentlichen vom gesteuerten Kurs abhängig. Die Deviationsbestimmung von Schiffen geschieht durch Anmessen terrestrischer Objekte, deren rechtweisende Peilung bekannt ist, oder von speziellen Deviationsbaken oder Deviationsdalben, um die herum sich das Schiff um 360º dreht. Ein weitgehender Ausgleich der Deviation ist durch einen Kompensator am Kompass möglich. Die noch verbleibende Deviation wird in einer Deviationstabelle erfasst, in der sich der Deviationswinkel in Abhängigkeit vom Kompasskurs ablesen lässt.
 4) Sprachwissenschaft: Verstoß gegen die Grammatikalität (z. B. in der unkorrekt gebildeten Verbform »esste« statt »aß«). Deviation kann sich auch in der syntaktischen und semantischen Unverträglichkeit von Satzgliedern äußern (z. B. verlangt das Verb »weinen« ein personales Subjekt, sodass eine Äußerung wie »der Baum weint« als Deviation gilt) oder ihre Ursache in inhaltlich unstimmigen Ausdrücken haben (z. B. »der zurzeit regierende französische König«).

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De|vi|a|ti|on, die; -, -en (Fachspr., bes. Soziol., Sprachw.): Abweichung.

найдено в "Англо-русском экономическом словаре"
1) юр. отклонение (отклонение судна от прямого пути следования), отступление от нормы

These rituals represented a deviation from established practices. — Эти ритуалы представляли отклонение от существующих практик.

Any deviation from the party's faith is seen as betrayal. — Любое отклонение от политики партии рассматривается как измена.

difference, displacement, lapse, variance, distance, refusal
2) мед., псих. девиация (изменение в развитии какого-л.органа на стадии его формирования, которое приводит к оклонению в строении этого органа у взрослого организма)
3) соц. девиантный акт, акт девиации, отклонение в поведении (проявление поведения, отклоняющегося от общепринятых социальных норм и ценностей)

deviation from the norm — отклонение от нормы

etiology, inferiority complex
4) мат. отклонение (напр., от среднего)

deviation amplitude — амплитуда отклонения

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Отклонение. Дисперсия.
.ДЕВИАЦИЯ - отклонение судна от непосредственного пути следования с намерением вернуться на прежний курс (в случаях спасения судна, людей, оказания медицинской помощи находящимся на борту и т.д.). Как правило, в страховом полисе, чартере, коносаменте содержится предусматривающая возможность Д. девиационная оговорка..Словарь терминов по риск-медеджменту.

найдено в "Financial and business terms"
deviation: translation

A noticeable or marked departure from the appropriate norm, plan, standard, procedure, or variable being reviewed. Similar to variance. Chicago Mercantile Exchange Glossary

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deviation de‧vi‧a‧tion [ˌdiːviˈeɪʆn] noun
1. [countable, uncountable] a noticeable difference from what is expected or acceptable:

• Any deviation in the current inflation rate could send stocks sharply up or down.

deviation from

• The sudden rise in market prices was an unexpected deviation from the norm.

2. [countable] STATISTICS a difference between a number or measurement in a set and the average of all the numbers or measurements in that set
ˌstandard deviˈation [countable] STATISTICS
a number that shows how widely members of a mathematically related group vary from the average:

• Volatility as measured by the standard deviation of daily stock price movements has frequently been much higher than it is today.

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deviation UK US /ˌdiːviˈeɪʃən/ noun
[C or U] a difference from what is usual or expected: »

The letter cited 'significant deviations from current good manufacturing practice'.

[U] the difference between a particular number and the average or normal number: »

In a recent analysis of local temperature changes, Reno ranked first by amount of deviation from the 30-year average.

See also STANDARD DEVIATION(Cf.↑standard deviation)

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