Значение слова "COLBERT" найдено в 6 источниках


найдено в "Catholic encyclopedia"
Colbert: translation

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Colbert
    I. JEAN-BAPTISTE COLBERT (1619-1683)
    Marquis de Seignelay, statesman, b. at Rheims, France, 1619; d. at Paris, 1683. Noticed by Mazarin and recommended by him to Louis XIV he became at the latter's death, controller of finances. Through the control of finances he organized nearly every public service in France. Of him, Mme. de Sévigné said: "M. de Colbert thinks of finances only and never of religion." This should not, however, be taken too literally. Colbert was deeply religious, but his religion was tinctured with the evils of the day, Gallicanism and Jansenism. It was Colbert who suggested to Louis XIV the convening of the famous Assembly of the Clergy in 1682 which formulated the four propositions of Gallicanism. In the conflicts which arose between the court of France and Rome Colbert used his influence against Rome. Protestants (Protestantism) looked to him as to their protector. The Jansenist De Bourseys was his evil genius as well as his informant on religious questions. Influenced by De Bourseys, he failed to see the real danger of Jansenism, and by treating it with levity, gave it encouragement. The Colbert family gave to the Church a number of nuns and ecclesiastics. Charles Gérin says: "His sisters controlled the great abbeys of Sainte-Marie de Challot, of Sainte-Claire de Reims and of the LeLys near Melun.One of his brothers (Nicolas, 1627-1676) Bishop of Luçon and afterwards of Auxerre, having died, he caused to be appointed in his place his cousin André (1647-1702) who was a member of the assembly of 1682, with another of his cousins, Colbert de St. Pouange, Bishop of Montauban." This passage omits the following three best known kinsmen of the great Colbert.
    Archbishop of Rouen. Fisquet (La France pontificale, Rouen, p. 253) describes him as a worthy and learned prelate giving his principal care to the training of his clerics. C. Gérin (loc. cit., p. 188), however, reproaches him for being worldly, a spendthrift, and, in spite of his pompous declarations of orthodoxy, no less sympathetic to Jansenism than his cousin, the Bishop of Montepellier.
    Bishop of Montepellier, and a militant Jansenist. He firt appeared to submit to the Bull "Vineam Domini" of Innocent XI, 1705, but when Clement XI issued the Bull "Unigenitus", 1713, he openly sided with the appellants Soanen of Senez, de la Broue of Mirepoix, and Langle of Boulogne. The works published under his name (Montepellier, 1740) are probably, at least in part, from the pen of his advisers, Gaultier and Croz, who are moreover charged with the perversion of their master. In 1702, one of his priests, the Oratorian Pouget, published, at his request, the "Catéchisme de Montpellier" a remarkable book but tinctured with Jansenism and condemned by the Holy See, 1712 and 1721.
    IV. MICHEL COLBERT (1633-1702)
    An ascetic writer and superior of the Premonstrants. His election was somewhat irregular and had to be validated by papal rescript. He is the author of "Lettres d'un Abbé à ses religieux" and "Lettre de Consolation".
    FISQUET, La France pontificale (Paris, s. d.) under the various dioceses referred to above; G=C9RIN, Recherches sur l'assemblée du clergé de 1682 (Paris,1869); BESOIGNE, Vie des Quatre év=EAques engagés dans la cause de Port-Royal (Cologne, 1756); CLEMENT, Histoire de Colbert (Paris, 1875); RAPIN, Mémoires (Paris, 1865); JAL, Dict. critique (Paris, 1867); GAUCHIE in Rev. Hist. Eccl. (Louvain, 1903), III, 983; WAKEMAN, Europe (New York, 1905), 202.
    Transcribed by Anthony J. Stokes

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company..1910.

найдено в "Universal-Lexicon"
Colbert: übersetzung

[kɔl'bɛːr], Jean-Baptiste, Marquis (seit 1658) de Seignelay [- sɛɲ'lɛ], französischer Staatsmann, * Reims 29. 8. 1619, ✝ Paris 6. 9. 1683; der staatspolitische und volkswirtschaftliche Reformator Frankreichs unter Ludwig XIV.
Von bürgerlichen Abkunft, Sohn eines Tuchhändlers und ursprünglich zum Kaufmann bestimmt, wurde Colbert unter Kardinal J. Mazarin Intendant, 1661 Oberintendant der Finanzen, später auch der Fabriken, der königlichen Bauwerke und der schönen Künste, Staatssekretär des königlichen Hauses und 1665 Generalkontrolleur der Finanzen.Er schuf durch planvolle Steigerung und zentralistische Zusammenfassung der Wirtschaftskräfte Frankreichs die materiellen Grundlagen für die Außenpolitik Ludwigs XIV. Colbert war einer der bedeutendsten Vertreter des Merkantilismus, dessen französische Spielart auch als Colbertismus bezeichnet wird. Als Marineminister (seit 1669) wurde Colbert zum Schöpfer einer starken französischen Flotte und zum eigentlichen Begründer der überseeischen Machtstellung Frankreichs. Im Inneren versuchte er eine grundlegende Reform des Steuerwesens, bahnte die Zolleinheit Frankreichs an, ordnete die Gerichtsverfahren und stärkte die Zentralisation der Verwaltung. Es gelang ihm, die Steuereinnahmen allein im Zeitraum von 1661 bis 1667 zu verdoppeln. Colbert schuf u. a. die Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres (1663) und die Académie des sciences (1666). Er trat für eine französische Welt- und Kolonialpolitik in Nord- und Mittelamerika, Westafrika und Ostindien ein, im Gegensatz zu der kostspieligen, auf den Rhein gerichteten Kontinentalpolitik des Königs und des Kriegsministers Marquis Louvois, wodurch er später an Gunst und Einfluss verlor.
Ausgabe: Lettres, instructions et mémoires de Colbert, herausgegeben von P. Clément, 8 Bände (1861-82).
K. Malettke: J.-B. C. Aufstieg im Dienste des Königs (1977);
 Jean Meyer: C. (Paris 1981).

найдено в "First names dictionary"
Colbert: translation

Colbert m
English: from a Germanic personal name introduced by the Normans, composed of the element col of uncertain meaning + berht bright, famous. In modern use it probably represents a transferred use of the surname derived from the given name in the Middle Ages.

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найдено в "Dictionary of ichthyology"
colbert: translation

where the backbone and bones are removed leaving the fillets attached to the head, usually in sole or whiting

найдено в "Голландско-русском словаре"
пиджак; костюм
T: 57