Значение слова "Ч136" найдено в 1 источнике


найдено в "Большом русско-английском фразеологическом словаре"
1. \Ч-136 кому to greet s.o. in a military fashion by raising one's right hand to the side of one's forehead or cap
X отдал честь Y-y - X saluted Y
X raised his hand in (a) salute.
Они прошли мимо поста. Люсьен отдал честь (Эренбург 4). They passed a military post. Lucien saluted (4a).
2. \Ч-136\Ч-136 кому to show s.o. one's full appreciation of his qualities, achievements etc: X отдал Y-y честь ' X paid (showed) honor to Y
X honored Y(in limited contexts) X gave Y credit.
Тому, что Багратион выбран был героем в Москве, содействовало и то, что он не имел связей в Москве и был чужой. В лице его отдавалась честь боевому, простому, без связей и интриг, русскому солдату... (Толстой 5). And what was also conducive to his (Bagration s) being chosen as Moscow's hero was the fact that he had no connections in the city and was virtually a stranger there. In his person honor was paid to the simple combat soldier, unsupported by connections or intrigue... (5a).
3. — чему humor to accept (and fully enjoy) some food or drink that is offered to one
X отдал честь Y-y » X did Y the honor of having some
X did Y justice.
Вообще-то я не пью, но не могу не отдать честь вашему коньяку. Generally I don't drink, but I certainly won't deny your brandy the honor of having some.

T: 36