Значение слова "ELEMENTS" найдено в 18 источниках


найдено в "Crosswordopener"

• ...and the ___ shall melt with fervent heat? (2Peter 3:1

• Air, water, fire and earth

• Argon, arsenic, etc.

• Basics

• Classic work of Euclid

• Components

• Constituents

• Copper and carbon

• Euclid work

• Euclid's grand work

• Euclid's treatise on geometry

• Euclidean work

• Fire and water

• Fire and water, to the ancients

• Fire, air, water and earth

• Gold and silver and such

• Gold and silver, but not bronze

• Gold and silver, e.g.

• Items on the periodic table

• Lead and gold

• Makeup

• Mendeleev's tabulation

• Natural habitats

• Periodic table components

• Periodic table listings

• Periodic-table entries

• Rain, snow, sleet, etc., with the

• Silver and gold

• Silver and gold, e.g.

• Some metals

• Strunk and White's The ___ of Style

• Thallium and mercury, e.g.

• Things on a table

• Tom Lehrer song set to a Gilbert & Sullivan tune

• Tungsten and tellurium

• Violent weather

• Weather

• Weather, with the

найдено в "Moby Thesaurus"
elements: translation

Synonyms and related words:
Communion, Eucharist, Holy Communion, Host, Last Supper, Sacrament Sunday, abecedarium, abecedary, alphabet, altar bread, and arithmetic, basics, bread, bread and wine, calm weather, census, climate, clime, cold weather, composition, consecrated bread, consecrated elements, constituents, consubstantiation, content, contents, divisions, elementary education, fair weather, first principles, first steps, forces of nature, good weather, grammar, guts, halcyon days, hornbook, hot weather, impanation, index, induction, ingredients, initiation, innards, insides, intinction, introduction, inventory, items, list, loaf, macroclimate, microclimate, outlines, part, parts, primer, principia, principles, propaedeutic, rainy weather, reading, real presence, rudiments, stormy weather, subpanation, the Holy Sacrament, the Sacrament, the elements, transubstantiation, wafer, weather, whole, windiness, writing

найдено в "Easton's Bible Dictionary"
Elements: translation

   In its primary sense, as denoting the first principles or constituents of things, it is used in 2 Pet. 3:10: "The elements shall be dissolved." In a secondary sense it denotes the first principles of any art or science. In this sense it is used in Gal. 4:3, 9; Col. 2:8, 20, where the expressions, "elements of the world," "week and beggarly elements," denote that state of religious knowledge existing among the Jews before the coming of Christ, the rudiments of religious teaching. They are "of the world," because they are made up of types which appeal to the senses. They are "weak," because insufficient; and "beggarly," or "poor," because they are dry and barren, not being accompanied by an outpouring of spiritual gifts and graces, as the gospel is.

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре по социологии"
n pl
элементы; единицы, образующие выборочную совокупность в социологическом исследовании; они могут представлять семьи, организации и даже политические подразделения.
* * *
сущ. мн.ч.
элементы; единицы, образующие выборочную совокупность в социологическом исследовании; они могут представлять семьи, организации и даже политические подразделения.

найдено в "Англо-украинском юридическом словаре"

непереборна сила, форс-мажор, форс-мажорна обставина

elements essential to the offence — = elements essential to the offense склад злочину; (суттєві) елементи складу злочину

elements essential to the offense — = elements essential to the offence

найдено в "Англо-русском техническом словаре"

– elements of orbit
– elements of trajectory
– Euclid's "elements"
– selective elements
– set of logical elements
– transmutation of elements

uncommitted logic elements — нескоммутированные логические элементы

найдено в "Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases"
Elements: translation

In the ancient world there were four elements: earth, water, air, fire. In alchemy the three basic elements were salt, sulphur and mercury. -
Cf. Humours

найдено в "Англо-русском социологическом словаре"
сущ. мн.ч.

элементы; единицы, образующие выборочную совокупность в социологическом исследовании; они могут представлять семьи, организации и даже политические подразделения.

найдено в "Англо-українському юридичному словнику"
непереборна сила, форс-мажор, форс-мажорна обставина elements essential to the offence — = elements essential to the offense склад злочину; (суттєві) елементи складу злочину elements essential to the offense — = elements essential to the offence
найдено в "American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia"
Elements: translation

   The bread and the wine in the Holy Communion, and the water in Holy Baptism are so-called.

найдено в "Dictionary of ichthyology"
elements: translation

the constituent parts that fall within the limits of a taxon, e.g. species within a genus

найдено в "Dictionary of church terms"
Elements: translation

The water, wine and bread of the Eucharist.

найдено в "Англо-українському словнику технічних термінів"





найдено в "Англо-русском лингвострановедческом словаре Великобритании"
церк. святые дары, гостия (в англиканской церкви [Church of England])
найдено в "Англо-українському словнику технічних термінів"
початкиоснови елементи засади
найдено в "Англо-українському словнику"
T: 88