Значение слова "Т196" найдено в 1 источнике


найдено в "Большом русско-английском фразеологическом словаре"
ЧТО И ТРЕБОВАЛОСЬ ДОКАЗАТЬ collindep. sentthis form onlyfixed WO
used to show that some outcome was expected or predicted earlier by s.o. (when the speaker refers to his own expectation or prediction, the idiom is pronounced with satisfaction often colored by irony)
what did I tell you!
I told you so!that's just what I (he etc) said (told you etc) before!just as I (he etc) predicted (expected)just as expectedI knew it all along.
(Кудимов:) Почему вы молчите? Ведь это вы были на похоронах... (Сарафанов:) Да, я должен признаться... Михаил прав. Я играю на похоронах. На похоронах и на танцах... (Кудимов:) Ну вот! Что и требовалось доказать (Вампилов 4). (К.:) Why don't you say something? I know it was you at the funeral.... (S.:) Yes, I must admit...Mikhail is right. I play at funerals. And at dances.... (K.:) There! What did I tell you? (4a).
Шуз подскочил к своим «Жигулям». Что и требовалось доказать - замок замёрз, ключ не лезет! (Аксёнов 12). Shuz ran over to his Zhiguli. Just as expected, the lock was frozen and his key wouldn't fit! (12a).
From the Latin quod erat demonstrandum, a formula phrase used to conclude the proof of a theorem or the like in mathematics (attributed to the Greek mathematician Euclid, 3rd cent. B.C.).

T: 46