Значение слова "EMBED" найдено в 37 источниках


найдено в "Англо-русском большом универсальном переводческом словаре"
вставлять, врезать, вделывать
вводить, внедрять, насаждать
запечатлеться, войти

найдено в "Dictionary of new words"
embed: translation

A journalist inserted into a military unit to provide coverage of that unit during a battle or war.
embedded adj.
embed v.
Example Citations:
For a week in early February, a flabby brigade of 57 reporters, photographers and network talking heads (9 of them women) gathered at the Quantico Marine Corps training base in Virginia, where we learned how to improve our chances of surviving a war with Iraq. As prospective embeds — journalists planted among America's fighting forces — we were given a crash course in all things military: how to dead-reckon (navigation with a compass), how to create the perfect field latrine (shovel, wooden planks, baby wipes) and what to do with a comrade whose viscera are spilling out (don't try to put them back inside; just place the innards on the stomach and utter reassuring words).
— Andrew Jacobs, "My Week at Embed Boot Camp," The New York Times, March 2, 2003
The Gulf War was arguably the last World War II-style conventional war, with armored front lines pushing in one direction toward a national capital. Many military and political experts expect a Gulf War II to be more ragged, chaotic and nonlinear, rather like Vietnam or Afghanistan short bursts of battle followed by long periods of waiting, with troops spread thin throughout a whole country and its geographical neighbors.
The flow of news is harder to control during this sort of war, which may be one of the reasons the Pentagon has loosened restrictions on the press. During Gulf War I, military officers herded a select group of reporters around in carefully supervised "pools" and combed through every word and image they produced to make sure they flattered the war effort.If a second war breaks out, reporters will be attached to individual combat units.
Would-be war correspondents, nicknamed "embeds," are being put through reporter boot camps, supervised by U.S. military personnel or by private companies staffed with ex-soldiers.
— Matt Zoller Seitz, "TV News Gears Up for Next-Generation War Coverage," Newhouse News Service, February 11, 2003
Earliest Citation:
This isn't really a question so much as a request. The number of embeds over in the theater have dwindled to a very small trickle. One that was ongoing last week was a Stars & Stripes reporter. The group that he was with when they went to the helicopter crash scene, he was literally in the helicopter, then pulled out at the last minute.
So we would like there to be more embeds over there, and when there are embeds that reporters and people with them understand ground rules, and we understood that we were there for the good, the bad and the ugly.
— Sandy Johnson, Associated Press, "DoD News Briefing," M2 Presswire, June 21, 2002
Related Words:
barking head
bummer beat
decapitation strike
fourth-generation warfare
military-entertainment complex
shock and awe
slide-rule general
Media and Journalism

найдено в "Crosswordopener"

• Add to your site, as a YouTube video

• Assign a journalist to a military unit

• Assign journalists to military units

• Bury

• Bury (in)

• Bury deep

• Certain overseas reporter

• Correspondent who travels with troops

• Enclose deep within

• Enclose snugly

• Engraft

• Envelop

• Firmly fix

• Fix

• Fix (in)

• Fix deep and tight

• Fix deeply

• Fix deeply and tightly

• Fix firmly

• Fix firmly in a surrounding mass

• Fix firmly in place

• Fix in the memory

• Fix in the mind

• Fix securely

• Fix within

• Fix, as stones in cement

• Fully sink (in)

• Get in with the troops, like a journalist

• Implant

• Implant snugly

• Incorporate

• Incorporate, as a picture in a blog

• Incorporate, as a YouTube video into a Web site

• Inlay

• Insert, as a code

• Insert, in a way

• Iraq reporter, e.g.

• Journalist in with the troops

• Journalist on a mission?

• Journalist who travels with a military unit while covering it

• Journalist with a military unit

• Lay (in)

• Lodge

• Make ingrained

• Military reporter

• Modern-day war reporter, perhaps

• Nestle securely

• Place with troops, as a journalist

• Plant

• Plant deeply

• Plant firmly

• Plant firmly (into)

• Plant, perhaps

• Put in

• Put in the middle

• Put with troops, as a war reporter

• Reporter assigned to a military unit

• Reporter under the protection of an army unit

• Root firmly

• Set deeply

• Set firmly

• Set in deeply

• Set securely

• Sink in

• Stick in cement, e.g.

• Stick in the middle

• Stick in the mud

• Stick into one's blog, as a YouTube video

• Stick, as in cement

• Surround closely

• Surround firmly

• Surround securely

• Surround snugly

• Surround tightly

• Verb featured in early 2003 news

• War correspondent

• War correspondent, in modern lingo

• War correspondent, maybe

• War correspondent, these days

• War reporter, e.g.

• War zone correspondent

найдено в "Financial and business terms"
embed: translation

embed em‧bed [ɪmˈbed] verb embedded PTandPPX embedding PRESPARTX [transitive]
COMPUTING to put something such as an image, sound etc into a page on a Internet website or into a program, using computer code S:

• This document shows you the right tags to use to embed sound onto your website.

* * *

embed UK US (-dd-) (US also imbed) /ɪmˈbed/ verb [T] IT
to include text, sound, images, video, etc.in a computer file, email message, or on a website: embed sth in sth »

When you upload a video, you get a code to embed it in your site.

[usually passive] to put a computer or piece of electronic equipment inside a product in order to control the way it operates: be embedded in/into sth »

Microprocessors are embedded into products such as cars, fridges, traffic lights, and industrial equipment.

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре общей лексики"
1. гл.; - imbed 1) а) вставлять, врезать, вделывать to embed a post in concrete — заделывать сваю в бетон The bullet embedded itself in a wall. — Пуля врезалась в стену. б) внедрять, насаждать, вводить to embed an idea — внушить, привить мысль Syn: inculcate 2) амер.; жарг. а) прикомандировать, прикрепить (журналиста к военной части; на войне) б) прикрепиться (к военной части; на войне; о журналисте) I began to have real doubts about going through with my mission to ''embed'' as a journalist with the United States Marines. — Я всерьёз засомневался в том, стоит ли мне браться за это задание – "прикрепиться" в качестве военного корреспондента к одному из подразделений морской пехоты США. 3) запечатлеться, войти (в память) that day is embedded in my memory — этот день запечатлелся в моей памяти Syn: engrave 2. сущ.; амер.; жарг. журналист, прикреплённый, прикомандированный к военной части Would-be war correspondents, nicknamed "embeds," are being put through reporter boot camps, supervised by U.S. military personnel. — Будущие военные корреспонденты, так называемые "прикомандированные", проходят подготовку в специальных учебных лагерях под руководством американских военных специалистов. Ant: unilateral
найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
[ımʹbed] v
1. 1) вставлять, врезать, вмазывать, вделывать; заделывать (во что-л.); вкраплять

to embed in concrete - забетонировать

a shell splinter embedded itself in the wall - осколок снаряда застрял в стене

2) вкапывать, закапывать, укреплять (в грунте)
3) врезаться, запечатлеться

embedded in one's memory - врезавшийся в память; незабвенный, незабываемый

2. укладывать (шпалы и т. п.)
3. топ. ставить межевые знаки, вехи
4. внедрять

найдено в "Англо-русском экономическом словаре"
1) общ. вставлять, врезать, вделывать; вводить, внедрять, насаждать
2) общ. запечатлеться (в памяти)

That day is embedded in my memory. — Этот день запечатлелся в моей памяти.

3) соц. быть встроенным [погруженным\] (существовать в тесной зависимости от окружающих факторов)

Economic action does not take place in a vacuum, but is embedded in networks of social relationships. — Экономическое действие совершается не в пустоте, оно встроено в сети социальных отношений.

embeddedness, disembedded

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре под общим руководством акад. Ю.Д. Апресяна"

{ımʹbed} v

1. 1) вставлять, врезать, вмазывать, вделывать; заделывать (во что-л.); вкраплять

to ~ in concrete - забетонировать

a shell splinter ~ded itself in the wall - осколок снаряда застрял в стене

2) вкапывать, закапывать, укреплять (в грунте)

3) врезаться, запечатлеться

~ded in one's memory - врезавшийся в память; незабвенный, незабываемый

2. укладывать (шпалы и т. п.)

3. топ. ставить межевые знаки, вехи

4. внедрять

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре Мюллера"
embed [ɪmˊbed] v
1) вставля́ть, вреза́ть, вде́лывать; внедря́ть;

a thorn embedded in the finger шип, глубоко́ вонзи́вшийся в па́лец

2) запечатле́ть;

that day is embedded for ever in my memory э́тот день навсегда́ вре́зался в мою́ па́мять

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
[ımʹbed] v
1. 1) вставлять, врезать, вмазывать, вделывать; заделывать (во что-л.); вкраплять
to ~ in concrete - забетонировать
a shell splinter ~ded itself in the wall - осколок снаряда застрял в стене
2) вкапывать, закапывать, укреплять (в грунте)
3) врезаться, запечатлеться
~ded in one‘s memory - врезавшийся в память; незабвенный, незабываемый
2. укладывать (шпалы и т. п.)
3. топ. ставить межевые знаки, вехи
4. внедрять

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