Значение слова "EXHAUSTION" найдено в 50 источниках


найдено в "Англо-русском большом универсальном переводческом словаре"
изнеможение, истощение
расходование, опустошение, трата
вытягивание, высасывание; выпуск
метод перебора

найдено в "Collocations dictionary"
exhaustion: translation

complete, pure, sheer, total, utter
emotional, mental, nervous, physical
suffer from

She was taken to the hospital suffering from exhaustion.


Never had she felt such utter exhaustion.

be close to, be near to, near

He was hollow-eyed and seemed very close to exhaustion.

The rowers were nearing exhaustion.

be overcome by, be overcome with, collapse from, collapse with, drop from (esp.AmE)

Two of the horses collapsed with exhaustion.

drive sb to, lead to

Don't work too hard and drive yourself to exhaustion.

be dead from, be dead with
die from, die of
in exhaustion

He fell silent, with his head bowed in exhaustion.

with exhaustion

She was faint with exhaustion.

at the point of exhaustion, to the point of exhaustion

driven to the point of complete exhaustion

a state of exhaustion
a wave of exhaustion

Suddenly a wave of exhaustion hit him.

on the brink of exhaustion, to the brink of exhaustion

They have been pushed to the brink of exhaustion.

найдено в "Moby Thesaurus"
exhaustion: translation

Synonyms and related words:
abatement, ablation, absorption, assimilation, attenuation, attrition, blunting, breakdown, burning up, cachexia, cachexy, chronic ill health, circulatory collapse, cleaning out, clearance, clearing, collapse, consumption, corrosion, crack-up, crackup, damping, deadening, debilitation, debility, decrease, decrement, decrepitude, defecation, delicacy, delicate health, deliquescence, depletion, depreciation, devitalization, digestion, dilution, discharge, discharging cargo, dissipation, dissolution, drain, drainage, draining, drawing out, dulling, eating up, effemination, egress, elimination, emptying, enervation, enfeeblement, erosion, evacuation, evaporation, evisceration, excretion, exhaustedness, exhausting, expending, expenditure, extenuation, fatigue, feebleness, finishing, fragility, frailty, healthlessness, hypochondria, hypochondriasis, ill health, impoverishment, inanition, infirmity, ingestion, invalidism, invalidity, languishing, languishment, lassitude, leakage, loss, mitigation, morbidity, morbidness, nervous breakdown, nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neurasthenia, off-loading, peakedness, poor health, prostration, reduction, relaxation, removal, shrinkage, sickliness, slackening, softening, spending, squandering, thinning, tiredness, unhealthiness, unloading, unsoundness, unwholesomeness, using, using up, valetudinarianism, venting, voidance, voiding, wastage, waste, wastefulness, wasting, wasting away, weakening, weakliness, wear and tear, weariness, wearing, wearing away, wearing down

найдено в "Universal-Lexicon"
Exhaustion: übersetzung

Ex|haus|ti|on 〈f. 20; Med.〉 Erschöpfung [lat.]

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Ex|haus|ti|on, die; -, -en [spätlat. exhaustio = Ausschöpfung] (Med.):

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[spätlateinisch »Ausschöpfung«] die, -/-en,  
 1) Medizin: Zustand verminderter Leistungsfähigkeit nach körperlicher oder geistiger Überbeanspruchung; Erschöpfung.
 2) Wissenschaftstheorie: von H.Dingler in die Physik eingeführter Begriff, der das Hinzufügen von Störhypothesen zu allgemeinen Sätzen bezeichnet; Beispiel: Alle Körper bewegen sich im freien Fall gleich schnell. Störhypothese: Die Tatsache, dass dieser Satz mit unseren Beobachtungen nicht übereinstimmt, ist dem störenden Einfluss des Luftwiderstandes zuzuschreiben. Neuer Satz: Alle Körper bewegen sich im freien Fall im Vakuum gleich schnell.

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Ex|haus|ti|on, die; -, -en [spätlat. exhaustio = Ausschöpfung] (Med.): Erschöpfung[szustand].

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре по социологии"
1. истощение, изнурение;
2. изнеможение;

exhaustion, battle - военный психоз; психическая травма, полученная в ходе боевых действий;

exhaustion, emotional - неврастения;

exhaustion, nervous - нервное истощение.

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1) истощение, изнурение;
2) изнеможение;
- battle exhaustion
- emotional exhaustion
- nervous exhaustion

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
[ıgʹzɔ:stʃ(ə)n] n
1. изнурение, истощение; изнеможение

to be in a state of exhaustion - быть в изнеможении, лишиться сил

he died of exhaustion - он умер от истощения

he fell down with exhaustion - он упал обессиленный

2. вытягивание, высасывание
3. тех. выпуск; выхлоп
4. спец. разрежение, степень разрежения
5. физ. опустошение (состояния, уровня)

найдено в "Investment dictionary"
Exhaustion: translation

Situation in which a majority of participants trading in the same asset are either long or short, leaving few investors to take the other side of the transaction when participants wish to close their positions. Exhaustion signals the reversal of the current trend because it illustrates excess levels of supply or demand.

Traders can identify periods of exhaustion by looking at the Commitments of Traders Report. This report is published every week and shows levels of open interest in the futures markets. An excessively high number of long contracts could indicate that everybody who wishes to be long has already taken a position, leaving few investors to buy these assets back at a higher price.

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре под общим руководством акад. Ю.Д. Апресяна"

{ıgʹzɔ:stʃ(ə)n} n

1. изнурение, истощение; изнеможение

to be in a state of ~ - быть в изнеможении, лишиться сил

he died of ~ - он умер от истощения

he fell down with ~ - он упал обессиленный

2. вытягивание, высасывание

3. тех. выпуск; выхлоп

4. спец. разрежение, степень разрежения

5. физ. опустошение (состояния, уровня)

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре Мюллера"
exhaustion [ɪgˊzɔ:stʃǝn] n
1) изнеможе́ние, истоще́ние;

to dance oneself to exhaustion танцева́ть до упа́ду

2) вытя́гивание, выса́сывание; вы́пуск
3) разреже́ние (воздуха)

найдено в "Англо-украинском юридическом словаре"

виснаження, вичерпання; вичерпання прав, що випливають з володіння товарним знаком; вичерпання патентних прав (внаслідок продажу запатентованих виробів)

exhaustion of local national remedies — = exhaustion of local remedies

- exhaustion by sale doctrine- exhaustion doctrine- exhaustion of quota- exhaustion of local remedies- exhaustion of law- exhaustion requirement

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