Значение слова "Р203" найдено в 1 источнике


найдено в "Большом русско-английском фразеологическом словаре"
В РУЖЬЁ! milPrepPInvar
1. стать, встать и т. п. - ( subj-compl with copula (subj: human pl or a noun denoting a unit of ground forces)) (to get) in formation with weapons in hand: Х-ы стали в ружье - Xs came to arms (to the ready)
Xs prepared for combat (for battle).
Роте была дана команда стать в ружье. The company was given the order to prepare for battle
2. поставить, поднять кого-что - lobj-compl with поставить, поднять ( obj: human or a noun denoting a unit of ground forces)) (to bring) to a state of military preparedness
X поднял Y-ob в ружье - X placed Ys on combat (battle) alert
X called Ys to arms.
По сигналу тревоги капитан поднял роту в ружье. When the alarm was sounded, the captain placed his company on combat alert.
3. ( indep. sent) used as a command to make ready for battle
to arms!
Кто-то заливисто и испуганно кричал возле дверей: «В ружье!.. В ружье!..» (Шолохов 3). Someone shouted wildly at the door, "To arms!...To arms!" (3a)
4. стоять - obs
subj-compl with стоять (subj: human, usu. pl, or a noun denoting a unit of ground forces)! (to be) in a state of battle readiness
on alert
at the readyunder armsready for battle.
Мы пошли на вал... Там уже толпились все жители крепости. Гарнизон стоял в ружьё (Пушкин 2). We made our way to the rampart . All the inhabitants of the fortress were already crowded there. The garrison was under arms (2b).

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