Значение слова "FIXED ASSET" найдено в 4 источниках


найдено в "Англо-русском экономическом словаре"
учет материальный внеоборотный [основной, капитальный, долгосрочный\] актив

total amount spent to acquire a fixed asset — общая сумма, потраченная на приобретение основного актива

the profit from a fixed asset sold — прибыль от продажи капитального актива

capital asset а)
fixed assets, fixed asset investment
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Основной капитал
.Долгосрочная собственность, принадлежащая компании и используемая ею для получения дохода.Реальный основной капитал (Tangible fixed assets) включает в себя недвижимость, средства производства и оборудование. Нематериальные активы (Intangible fixed assets) включают в себя патенты, торговые марки и признание клиентов.Инвестиционная деятельность.
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Инвестиционная деятельность
капитальный актив (основной капитал)
актив, который предполагается использовать в коммерческой или предпринимательской деятельности в течение значительного периода времени

найдено в "Financial and business terms"
fixed asset: translation

Long-lived property owned by a firm that is used by a firm in the production of its income. tangible fixed assets include real estate, plant, and equipment. intangible fixed assets include patents , trademarks , and customer recognition. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary
fixed assets are assets acquired for continuing use in the business and not with the intention to resell, e.g.land, cars, plant and machinery. Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein financial glossary

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fixed asset fixed asset asset

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fixed asset UK US noun [C, usually plural]
Compare CURRENT ASSET(Cf. ↑current asset)

найдено в "Financial and business terms"
Fixed asset: translation

Long-lived property owned by a firm that is used by a firm in the production of its income. Tangible fixed assets include real estate, plant, and equipment. Intangible fixed assets include patents, trademarks, and customer recognition. The New York Times Financial Glossary

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fixed asset fixed asset asset

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fixed asset UK US noun [C, usually plural]
Compare CURRENT ASSET(Cf. ↑current asset)

найдено в "Investment dictionary"
Fixed Asset: translation

A long-term tangible piece of property that a firm owns and uses in the production of its income and is not expected to be consumed or converted into cash any sooner than at least one year's time.

Fixed assets are sometimes collectively referred to as "plant".

Buildings, real estate, equipment and furniture are good examples of fixed assets.

Generally, intangible long-term assets such as trademarks and patents are not categorized as fixed assets but are more specifically referred to as "fixed intangible assets".

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