Значение слова "ASSUR" найдено в 11 источниках


найдено в "Catholic encyclopedia"
Assur: translation

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Assur
    I. (Assur or Assuræ.)
    A titular see of Proconsular Africa, now Henchir-Zenfour. Its episcopal list (251-484) is given in Gams (p. 464). Ruins of its temples and theatres and other public buildings are still visible.
    II. (Sept., Assour.)
    (1) The name used in the Old Testament to designate the Assyrian land and nation.(See ASSYRIA.)
    (2) The name of one of the sons of Sem, mentioned in Gen., x , 22. In verse 11 of the same chapter, the Douay version has: "Out of that land came forth Assur". Here the name in the original refers not to a person, but to the country, as above, and the reading: "... he (Nimrod) went forth into the Assyria (Assur)" is preferable. Another Assur, or Ashur, "father of Thecua", is mentioned in I Paral., ii, 24, and iv, 5.
    (3) The national god of the Assyrians (in the cuneiform inscriptions Assuhr, Ashur). The religion of the Assyrians, like their language and their arts, was in all essential particulars derived from the Babylonians. But together with the preponderance of the Assyrian power over the southern provinces came a corresponding exaltation of the local tutelary deity. Asshur, who was originally the eponymic god of the capital of Assyria (also called Asshur), thus became a national god, and was place at the head of the Assyrian pantheon. In his name, and to promote his interests, the Assyrian monarchs claim to undertake their various military expeditions. He is styled King among the gods; the god who created himself. Differently from the other deities, Asshur is not represented as having a consort or posterity. His Symbolic representation is ordinarily a winged disc, sometimes accompanied by the figure of a human bust. (See ASSYRIA.)
    Transcribed by Joseph P. Thomas

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company..1910.

найдено в "Universal-Lexicon"
Assur: übersetzung

akkadisch Ạschur, ursprünglich Lokalgottheit und Vergöttlichung der Stadt Assur, wurde im Zuge des politischen Aufstiegs der Assyrer mehr und mehr zum Kriegsgott; der wachsenden politischen Macht Assyriens entsprechend, wurde der Gott mit dem sumerisch-babylonischen Landesgott Enlil identifiziert, später übernahm er Züge des babylonischen Stadtgottes Marduk.Dargestellt wurde Assur als bogenschießender Gott in der geflügelten Sonnenscheibe. Der Tempel Assurs in der Stadt Assur ist von der Deutschen Orientgesellschaft ausgegraben worden.
K. L. Tallqvist: Der assyr. Gott (Helsinki 1932).
akkadisch Ạschur, alte assyrische Stadt, heute der Ruinenhügel Kalat Scherkat am rechten Tigrisufer, am Nordabfall des Djebel Hamrin, Irak; zur Geschichte Assyrien.
Bei Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Orientgesellschaft durch R. Koldewey und besonders W. Andrae 1903-14 wurden zahlreiche Funde gemacht und wichtige Denkmäler der assyrischen Geschichte und Kunst freigelegt: Stadtmauern (Landmauern), der bis ins 3. Jahrtausend v. Chr. zurückgehende Tempel der Ischtar, Tempel des Gottes Assur und große Zikkurat, Tempel des Nabu, Doppeltempel der Götter Anu und Adad sowie der Götter Sin und Schamasch, Paläste aus verschiedenen Epochen, vor den Mauern im Nordwesten Festhaus, das ursprüngliche einen heiligen Hain besaß, sowie Hafenanlagen, zahlreiche Keilschrifttafeln.
W. Andrae: Das wiedererstandene A. (21977);
 C. Preusser: Die Wohnhäuser in A. (21994).

найдено в "Historical Dictionary of Mesopotamia"
ASSUR: translation

(also spelled ASHUR)
   1. City in Assyria. The site, known as Qalat Sherqat, lies on a limestone bluff overlooking the river Tigris. It was excavated by the German Oriental Society, directed for many years by WalterAndrae. A deep sounding at the site of the Ishtar temples revealed that it had been inhabited at least since the middle of the third millennium B.C. At the beginning of the second millennium, Assur was involved in profitable tradewith Anatolia, importing and exporting primarily tin obtained from western Iran, as well as textiles, in exchange for Anatolian copper.
   The Amorite chief Shamshi-Addu I (reigning 1813–1781 B.C.) incorporated Assur into his kingdom and it became a ceremonial center and thereafter the capital of Assyria until 883, when Ashurnasirpal II moved the seat of government to Kalhu. The city remained a ritually important place as the seat of the eponymous godAssur and served as the burial site for Assyrian monarchs. The stone stelae bearing the names of the “eponym officials” (Assyrian limmu) were also displayed at Assur. This formed the basis of Assyrian chronology (see HISTORIOGRAPHY).
   2. Assyrian national god. He is known as a local mountain and weather god since the Third Dynasty of Ur. As Assur became capital of the Old Assyrian kingdom, he became closely associated with the political fortunes of the country and thereafter assumed the position of supreme leader in the Assyrian pantheon.

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре технических аббревиатур"
assurance - обеспечение; гарантия

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
[ɑ:ʹsʋə,ʹæsə] = Ashur

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
[ɑ:ʹsʋə,ʹæsə] = Ashur

найдено в "Crosswordopener"

• Ancient war god

• Assyrian god

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре по компьютерам"
сокр. от assurance обеспечение, гарантия
найдено в "Англо-русском словаре компьютерных терминов"
assurance обеспечение, гарантия
T: 46