Значение слова "CRUSTACEANS" найдено в 4 источниках


найдено в "Dictionary of invertebrate zoology"
crustaceans: translation

n.; n. pl. [L. crusta, shell]
One of the divisions of arthropods, having chitin-encased bodies that may or may not be impregnated with calcium salts; contains the shrimp, crabs, lobsters, barnacles, water fleas, sand hoppers, fish lice, wood lice, sow bugs, pill bugs, scuds and slaters; crustaceous adj..

найдено в "Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology"
crustaceans: translation

   The large class of animals that includes lobsters, crayfish, amphipods, isopods, and many similar forms. Crustaceans typically live in water and have many jointed appendages, segmented bodies, and hard exoskeletons [23].

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре биологических терминов"
ракообразные (Crustacea)
- gill-footed crustaceanss
- ten-legged crustaceanss
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найдено в "Crustacea glossary"
crustaceans: translation

Members of the superclass Crustacea of the phylum Arthropoda. Examples are shrimps, lobsters, crabs, amphipods, copepods, isopods, and barnacles [Bliss, 1982].

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