Значение слова "ANGORA" найдено в 38 источниках


найдено в "Англо-русском большом универсальном переводческом словаре"
ангорская коза
ангорская кошка
ангорский кролик
ткань из шерсти ангорской козы

найдено в "Catholic encyclopedia"
Angora: translation

Armenian rite diocese in Asia Minor

Catholic Encyclopedia..2006.

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Angora
    Armenian rite diocese in Asia Minor (Asiatic Turkey).
    The Europeans now call Angora, and the Turks, Enguru, the ancient capital of Galatia, in Asia Minor, which was known to the Greeks and Romans as Ancyra. Midas was its legendary founder, and it witnessed the triumphal march of Alexander the Great. Under the Seleucid king, Antiochus III (222-186 B. c.) it lost temporarily its freedom. It was the capital of the Galatian kings, Dejotarus and Amyntas. When the latter died (25 B.C.), it became a Roman city and was very flourishing under Augustus. The Byzantines permitted its capture by the Persians in A.D. 619; later it was often ravaged by the Arabs, who were in turn dispossessed by the Seldjucids of Konia. Though taken by the Crusaders, its possession was long the disputed by Islam ( see Islam (Concept) ), and it finally fell into the hands of Sultan Mourad, in 1362.Since then it has remained in the power of the Ottoman Turks, with the exception of some years after the battle of 2 July, 1402, in which Sultan Bajazet was killed by TimourLeng (Tamerlane) and his Mongols, and six months in 833, when Ibrahim Pasha, the son of the Khedive Mehemet-Ali, led the Egyptian troops as far as the Bosphorus. Though the chief town of the vilayet, or district, of the same name, the modern Angora no longer reminds us of the glory of ancient Ancyra. It can show, however, besides a, great many inscriptions, the ruins of several Roman monuments, among them the famous temple of Rome and Augustus, on whose walls is inscribed in marble the will of Augustus, with the principal events of his reign (Monumentum Ancyranum). Ancyra was at an early date a Christian city, and counts several martyrs; the best known are the Bishop St. Clement, whose memory is preserved by a medieval church, and the publican St. Theodotus. Unhappily, neither the Acts of Clement nor those of Theodotus can claim high rank as historical documents. After the persecution of Maximinus (probably in 314) Ancyra witnessed an important council whose twenty-five canons are yet extant. Marcellus, Metropolitan of Ancyra, was prominent in the Arian ( see Arianism ) controversy, likewise his successor Basil (d. 373). Among the other Metropolitans of Ancyra special mention is due to Domitian, who took part in the Origenist controversies during the sixth century. The actual population of Angora comprises 18,000 Mussulmans ( see Mohammed and Mohammedanism ), 16,000 Orthodox Greeks, 5,000 Catholic Armenians, 100 Protestant (Protestantism) Armenians, 400 Jews. The Orthodox Greek community is governed by a metropolitan and has 2 churches, 1 monastery, 2 schools for boys, and 2 for girls. Catholic Armenian community is organized as a diocese, and has 4 churches, 1 convent for men, 1 for women, 3 schools for boys, and 1 for girls. The Gregorian Armenian community is governed by a bishop, and has 2 churches, 1 monastery, 1 school for boys, and 1 for girls. The Protestant (Protestantism) Armenians have 1 church, and form a missionary station under the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, directed from Cæsarea. The little Latin colony, attracted by the railway, is visited by the Augustinians of the Assumption, missionaries at Eski-Chehir. Angora also possesses a prosperous French establishment conducted the Christian Brothers. (See ANCYRA).
    Transcribed by Michael Christensen

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company..1910.

найдено в "Crosswordopener"

• -- cat

• Breed of cat or rabbit

• Breed of cat, goat or rabbit

• Cat breed

• Cat or goat

• Cat or goat type

• Cat or rabbit

• Cat rabbit or goat

• Cat variety

• Cat, goat or rabbit

• Certain longhair

• Certain rabbit hair

• Exotic cat

• Fabric named for a world capital

• Fine fabric

• Fine fleece

• Fine sweater material

• Fine wool

• Fluffy wool

• Fur-bearing goat

• Fuzzy sweater

• Goat hair

• Goat or cat

• Goat or rabbit wool

• Goat type

• Goat with a fuzzy coat

• Goat with long, silky hair

• Goat with silky hair

• Kind of cat

• Kind of cat or goat

• Kind of cat or sweater

• Kind of cat or wool

• Kind of cat, goat, or rabbit

• Kind of goat or rabbit

• Kind of rabbit or goat

• Kind of sweater

• Kind of wool

• Knitter's choice

• Long-haired cat

• Long-haired domestic cat

• Long-haired rabbit

• Mohair

• Mohair source

• Mohair-bearing goat

• Mohair-coated goat

• Mohair-providing goat

• Pricey yarn

• Rabbit or goat variety

• Silky cat

• Silky sweater

• Silky-coated cat

• Silky-haired cat

• Silky-haired rabbit

• Smooth yarn

• Soft wool

• Source of mohair

• Sweater fabric

• Sweater material

• Sweater type

• Sweater wool

• Sweater yarn

• Type of cat or goat

• Type of cat or rabbit

• Type of cat, goat or rabbit

• Type of rabbit or goat

• Type of wool

• Typical Ed Wood material?

• Variety of cat

• Variety of cat or goat

• Wool from a rabbit

• Wool source

• Wool type

• Wool variety

• Raised for its long silky hair which is the true mohair

• Domestic breed with long white silky hair

• A long-haired breed similar to the Persian cat

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
[æŋʹgɔ:rə] n
1. ангорская кошка (тж. Angora cat)
2. зоол. ангорская коза (Capra angorensis; тж. Angora goat)
3. зоол. ангорский пуховый кролик (Lepus cuniculus angorensis; тж. Angora rabbit)
4. (angora)
1) шерсть «ангора» (тж. Angora wool)
2) мохер
5. (angora) ангора, ткань из шерсти ангорской козы или ангорского кролика

найдено в "Dictionnaire Francais-Allemand"
angora: übersetzung

1) ZOOL lang- und feinhaarig
2) Angora...
angora [ãgɔʀa]
I Adjectif
Beispiel: laine angora Angorawolle féminin
II Substantif masculin
(chat) Angorakatze féminin; (lapin) Angorahase masculin; (laine) Angorawolle féminin

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре под общим руководством акад. Ю.Д. Апресяна"

{æŋʹgɔ:rə} n

1. ангорская кошка (тж. ~ cat)

2. зоол. ангорская коза (Capra angorensis; тж. ~ goat)

3. зоол. ангорский пуховый кролик (Lepus cuniculus angorensis; тж. ~ rabbit)

4. (angora)

1) шерсть «ангора» (тж. ~ wool)

2) мохер

5. (angora) ангора, ткань из шерсти ангорской козы или ангорского кролика

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре общей лексики"
сущ. вид коз, получивший свое название по городу Angora в Малой Азии 1) ангорская коза (тж. Angora goat) 2) ангорская кошка (тж. Angora cat) Of the things themselves whose appellations he had learnt, he seemed to have no more idea than the huge Angora cat which sat purring by his side. — Что касается выученных им понятий, казалось, что он знал о них не больше, чем огромная ангорская кошка, мурлыкающая у его ног. 3) ангорский кролик (тж. Angora rabbit) Fritz has two magnificent Angora rabbits in his pouch. — В мешке у Фрица два замечательных ангорских кролика. 4) ткань из шерсти ангорской козы The first parcels of Angora wool were shipped from Constantinople for England in 1820. — Первая партия ангорской шерсти была доставлена по морю из Константинополя в Англию в 1820 году.
найдено в "Universal-Lexicon"
Angora: übersetzung

[nach Angora (Ankara)], Haartyp bestimmter Haustiere, der durch Verlängerung der Unterwolle gegenüber dem Deckhaar gekennzeichnet ist.
früher in Europa gebrauchter Name (Verballhornung) für Engürü, den Namen von Ankara bis 1930.

найдено в "Большом французско-русском и русско-французском словаре"
1. (pl -s); adj
chat angora — ангорская кошка
2. (pl -s); m
1) ангорская кошка
2) ангорская коза
(laine) angora — ангорская шерсть, шерсть ангорской козы; ткань из шерсти ангорской козы
béret d'angora — пуховый берет

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре Мюллера"
angora [æŋˊgɔ:rə] n
1) ткань из ше́рсти анго́рской козы́
2) анго́рская ко́шка (тж. angora cat)
3) анго́рская коза́ (тж. angora goat)
4) анго́рский кро́лик

найдено в "Новом французско-русском словаре"

1. (pl -s); adj


chat angora — ангорская кошка

2. (pl -s); m

1) ангорская кошка

2) ангорская коза


(laine) angora — ангорская шерсть, шерсть ангорской козы; ткань из шерсти ангорской козы

béret d'angora — пуховый берет

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
[æŋʹgɔ:rə] n
1. ангорская кошка (тж. ~ cat)
2. зоол. ангорская коза (Capra angorensis; тж. ~ goat)
3. зоол. ангорский пуховый кролик (Lepus cuniculus angorensis; тж. ~ rabbit)
4. (angora)
1) шерсть «ангора» (тж. ~ wool)
2) мохер
5. (angora) ангора, ткань из шерсти ангорской козы или ангорского кролика

найдено в "Historical Dictionary of the fashion industry"
Angora: translation

   An animal fiber sheared from the hair of the Angora rabbit. Although angora was originally sourced in France and North America, most angora is produced in China today. Its soft, fine texture and warmth capability make it a desirable fiber for sweaters, hats, and gloves.

найдено в "Lexikon der gesamten Technik"
Angora: übersetzung

Angora, sowohl das der Gattung Ziege angehörige Tier (Capra hircus angorensis), dessen Wolle als Spinnfaser (s. Angorawolle) Verwendung findet, als auch ein aus Streichgarn erzeugter langhaariger, dem Alpaca ähnlicher, velourartiger Wintermantelstoff. S. Tuchfabrikation.

Maxim. Kraft.

найдено в "Польсько-українському словнику"



Ангора (dziś: Ankara)




1) ангора zoolog.

2) ангора (wełna)

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