Значение слова "EUDAIMONIA" найдено в 3 источниках


найдено в "Philosophy dictionary"
eudaimonia: translation

(Gk., happiness, well-being, success) The central goal of all systems of ancient ethics; according to Aristotle, the ‘best, noblest, and most pleasant thing in the world’. Eudaimonia is a place-holder waiting for further specification, and different ethical theories will fill it out differently. Aristotle conceives of it as the active exercise of the powers of the (virtuous) soul in conformity to reason. Eudaimonia is usually translated as happiness or well-being, but it has some of the same connotations as ‘success’, since in addition to living well it includes doing well. For example, it can be diminished by events that happen after the subject's death, and it is not a state that children can possess. It is complete and self-sufficient, to be attained for no other end than itself, so it includes all other ends that are pursued for themselves. It therefore includes pleasure, but goes beyond it. In Bk. x of the Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle extols the life of study as the essential realization of eudaimonia . See also summum bonum .

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Eudaimonia: übersetzung

Eudämonie [griechisch »Glückseligkeit«, eigentlich »Gutgeistigkeit«] die, -, Begriff der griechischen Ethik, besonders bei Platon und Aristoteles, bezeichnet als höchstes menschliches Gut das Ziel (griechisch telos), auf das Menschen bei ihrem Handeln eigentlich hinstreben: Wohlbefinden, inneres Glück, Gutsein. Eudaimonia könne jedoch nicht direkt erreicht werden, sondern trete ein, wenn der Mensch gut, d. h. vollkommen gemäß seiner Tauglichkeit (Arete) als Mensch lebe.

найдено в "Crosswordopener"

• A contented state of being happy and healthy and prosperous

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