Значение слова "BRAND EQUITY" найдено в 6 источниках


найдено в "Investment dictionary"
Brand Equity: translation

The value premium that a company realizes from a product with a recognizable name as compared to its generic equivalent. Companies can create brand equity for their products by making them memorable, easily recognizable and superior in quality and reliability. Mass marketing campaigns can also help to create brand equity. If consumers are willing to pay more for a generic product than for a branded one, however, the brand is said to have negative brand equity. This might happen if a company had a major product recall or caused a widely publicized environmental disaster.

The additional money that consumers are willing to spend to buy Coca Cola rather than the store brand of soda is an example of brand equity.

One situation when brand equity is important is when a company wants to expand its product line. If the brand's equity is positive, the company can increase the likelihood that customers will buy its new product by associating the new product with an existing, successful brand. For example, if Campbell’s releases a new soup, it would likely keep it under the same brand name, rather than inventing a new brand. The positive associations customers already have with Campbell’s would make the new product more enticing than if the soup had an unfamiliar brand name.

найдено в "Financial and business terms"
brand equity: translation

brand equity ˈbrand ˌequity noun [uncountable] MARKETING
the value of a brand to the company that owns it and to possible buyers of the company. Brand equity is included as an asset on the balance sheet S of some companies, but some people think this is not acceptable because it is difficult to give an exact value to a brand:

• The company has strong brand equity in the UK, where its products are market leaders.

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brand equity UK US noun [U]
MARKETING, FINANCE the value of a particular brand for the company that makes it: »

Brand equity is presumed to be a leading indicator of a business's future success.

See also BRAND VALUE(Cf. ↑brand value)

найдено в "Англо-русском экономическом словаре"
марк., фин. марочный капитал, капитал бренда, бренд-капитал, стоимость бренда*, ценность марки* (совокупность прав на торговые марки, увеличивающие или уменьшающие ценность, которую имеют продукты фирмы с точки зрения ее клиентов; является дополнительным активом и позволяет получить дополнительную прибыль)
brand management, revenue premium а), Aaker, David A., Aaker, David A.
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стоимостный эквивалент торговой марки
общий показатель прочности положения торговой марки на рынке и ее ценности для компании-владельца

найдено в "Новом англо-русском толковом словаре по маркетингу и торговле"
марк., фин. ценность торговой марки* (совокупность активов и обязательств, связанных с торговой маркой (напр., дополнительным активом для компании является тот факт, что высоко оцененная потребителями торговая марка стимулирует рост продаж как уже известных потребителю товаров, так и новых товаров, которые выпускаться под той же маркой)) See: brand management
найдено в "English-spanish dictionary of marketing"
Brand equity: traducción

Término que hace referencia al valor de una marca conocida; este valor puede afectar el precio de compra de una compañía.

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре по патентам и товарным знакам"
достоинство марки (в сознании потребителя), ценность марки (в сознании потребителя)
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