Значение слова "ENTREPRENEUR'S SYNDROME" найдено в 1 источнике


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A condition in which an entrepreneur believes that only he or she is capable of running the business. Also: entrepreneur syndrome
Example Citations:
The idea of company founders being unwilling — or unable — to give up power is not now. In fact, it's so common in Silicon Valley that it's got a name: entrepreneur's syndrome.
— John Battelle, The Search, Portfolio Hardcover, September 8, 2005
From my initial conversation with Steve, I could see that he had created a successful agency by working as hard as he could for as many hours as he could (entrepreneur's syndrome), and that this was taking a toll on his stress levels and on his personal life. But it seemed to him that the only way he could increase his business was by working even longer and harder.
— Michael Lipp, "Coaching and Production," Life Insurance Selling, December 19, 2005
Earliest Citation:
The Hagertys had a baby one month after they left Aveda in 1988. Horst never called or dropped a line to offer his congratulations. "I thought we were pretty good friends, but the thing about Horst is that he is focused on one thing: business," Hagerty says. "If you're not part of it, he has a hard time remembering who you are."
He adds, "Horst has the classic entrepreneur syndrome: Nobody could do anything as well as he could.
— Eric J. Wieffering, "New Age, Old Story: Like Other Less Enlightened Entrepreneurs, Horst Just Can't Seem to Let Go," Corporate Report Minnesota, April 1, 1991
Here are some other entrepreneur-related syndromes I came across while researching this phrase:
• budding entrepreneur syndrome
• ex-entrepreneur syndrome
• disappearing entrepreneur syndrome
• fair-weather entrepreneur syndrome
• no-rest-for-the-entrepreneur syndrome
• second-time entrepreneur syndrome
• serial entrepreneur syndrome
• sweatshop entrepreneur syndrome
• ugly entrepreneur syndrome
• vanishing entrepreneur syndrome
• workaholic entrepreneur syndrome
Related Words:
dot snot
serial entrepreneur
social entrepreneur
startup artist
teleworkaholic syndrome
Diseases and Syndromes

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