Значение слова "COMPOUND INTEREST" найдено в 29 источниках

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найдено в "Financial and business terms"
compound interest: translation

Interest computed by applying the simple rate of interest to calculate interest on principal plus interest on successive increments of interest earned in prior periods. American Banker Glossary
interest paid on previously earned interest as well as on the principal. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary
Interest is earned on the principal amount and the accumulated interest of prior periods.

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compound interest compound interest interest

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   The interest amount earned on the original principal and on the accumulated interest.Compounding annually means that there is only one period each year in which interest is calculated. For example, if £100 is deposited with annually calculated interest at 10 percent, after one year there will be £110. Where simple interest always calculates the rate from the initial amount invested (giving £120
   after two years, £130 after three etc.), compound interest calculates the 10 percent from the previous year's total (giving £121 after two years and £133.10 after three). The extra £3.10 is the compound interest.
   ► See also Simple Interest.

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compound interest UK US noun [U]
FINANCE interest that is calculated on both the amount of money invested or borrowed and on the interest that has been added to it: »

Thanks to the power of compound interest, every €1 you invest in your 20s is worth €2 in your 30s and €3 in your 40s.

Compare SIMPLE INTEREST(Cf. ↑simple interest)

найдено в "Financial and business terms"
Compound interest: translation

Interest paid on previously earned interest as well as on the principal. The New York Times Financial Glossary

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compound interest compound interest interest

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   The interest amount earned on the original principal and on the accumulated interest. Compounding annually means that there is only one period each year in which interest is calculated.For example, if £100 is deposited with annually calculated interest at 10 percent, after one year there will be £110. Where simple interest always calculates the rate from the initial amount invested (giving £120
   after two years, £130 after three etc.), compound interest calculates the 10 percent from the previous year's total (giving £121 after two years and £133.10 after three). The extra £3.10 is the compound interest.
   ► See also Simple Interest.

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compound interest UK US noun [U]
FINANCE interest that is calculated on both the amount of money invested or borrowed and on the interest that has been added to it: »

Thanks to the power of compound interest, every €1 you invest in your 20s is worth €2 in your 30s and €3 in your 40s.

Compare SIMPLE INTEREST(Cf. ↑simple interest)

найдено в "Англо-русском экономическом словаре"
фин. сложный процент (начисляется на основную сумму депозита, займа и т. д. плюс ранее начисленные проценты)

compound interest account — счет, по которому начисляются сложные проценты

compound interest security — ценная бумага со сложным процентом

This may not be the case, however, for compound interest securities which often are issued in round principal amounts (eg, 5000 USD).

add-on interest, simple interest, discount interest, compound interest formula, compounding, rule of 72, rule of 69, compound discount

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сложные проценты: исчисление процентов путем их начисления на основную сумму плюс ранее начисленные проценты;1) окончательная сумма процентов по депозиту А= Р(1+Х)*N/100, где Р - первоначальная сумма, Х - ставка процента, выплачиваемая каждый процентный период, N - число процентных периодов;2) по кредитам сложные проценты имеют место только в случае неплатежа или задержки очередного платежа.
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сложные проценты; эффективные проценты
.Процент, выплачиваемый на проценты, начисленные ранее, а также на основную сумму.Словарь экономических терминов.
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сложные проценты
начисление процентов на проценты, расчет процентов на два или большее число периодов

найдено в "Investment dictionary"
Compound Interest: translation

Interest that accrues on the initial principal and the accumulated interest of a principal deposit, loan or debt. Compounding of interest allows a principal amount to grow at a faster rate than simple interest, which is calculated as a percentage of only the principal amount.

The more frequently interest is added to the principal, the faster the principal grows and the higher the compound interest will be. The frequency at which the interest is compounded is established at the initial stages of securing the loan. Generally, interest tends to be calculated on an annual basis, although other terms may be established at the time of the loan.

найдено в "Англо-українському тлумачному словнику економічної лексики"
фін. складний відсоток; складний процент; складні проценти; складні відсотки відсоток, який нараховується не лише на основну суму вкладу або боргу, а також і на нарощені відсотки попереднього періоду; ♦ складний відсоток нараховується за різні часові періоди, напр. щорічно, кожного півріччя, щоденно, щоквартально і т. д.
найдено в "Englisch-Deutsch Worterbuch gesetz"
compound interest: übersetzung

compound interest Zinseszinsen mpl; Staffelzinsen mpl

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре Мюллера"
compound interest [ˏkɔmpaυndˊɪntrɪst] n
фин. сло́жные проце́нты

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
[͵kɒmpaʋndʹıntrıst] фин.
сложные проценты

найдено в "Англо-русском юридическом словаре"
сложные проценты
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сложные проценты

найдено в "Англо-украинском бизнес словаре"

складні відсотки; ефективні відсотки

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
compound interest
[͵kɒmpaʋndʹıntrıst] фин.
сложные проценты

найдено в "Англо-украинском юридическом словаре"

складні проценти

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре по экономике"
Сложные проценты

найдено в "Англо-украинском словаре"

складні проценти

найдено в "Англо-русском техническом словаре"
сложные проценты

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сложные проценты

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сложные проценты ;

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сложные проценты ;
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сложные проценты
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складні проценти
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