Значение слова "CARTILAGE" найдено в 23 источниках
найдено в "Англо-русском словаре биологических терминов"
- accessory cartilage
- alar cartilage
- annular cartilage
- arthroidal cartilage
- articular cartilage
- branchial cartilage
- conchal cartilage
- costal cartilage
- crescentic cartilage
- epactile cartilages
- innominate cartilage
- intervertebral cartilage
- investing cartilage
- Jacobson's cartilage
- Meckel's cartilage
- Morgagni's cartilage
- nasal alar cartilage
- palpebral cartilage
- permanent cartilage
- polar cartilage
- precursory cartilage
- premordial cartilage
- reticular cartilage
- Santorini's cartilage
- semilunar cartilage
- septal cartilage
- sesamoid cartilage
- shield-like cartilage
- triradiate cartilage
- tubal cartilage
- tympanic cartilage
- yellow cartilage

найдено в "Dictionary of ichthyology"
cartilage: translation

the flexible, semi-rigid connective tissue consisting of rounded cells (chondrocytes) in a matrix with collagen fibres and low in calcium and phosphate salts. Serves to support the body. It is not as strong as bone but is lighter and more flexible. It is incompressible and returns to its original form. Cyclostomata and Chondrichthyes have an entirely cartilaginous skeleton while other fishes have both cartilaginous and bony elements in the skeleton. Forms include hyaline, elastic, fibrocartilage and calcified cartilage, all q.v., cited here in order from least to most dense. Also called gristle, especially when ingested by humans

найдено в "Englisch-Deutsch Worterbuch fussball"
cartilage: übersetzung

A tough, flexible connective tissue that supports the body and eases movement.
Knorpel m
Festes, elastisches Bindegewebe, das das Skelett stützt und Knochen oder Gelenke verbindet.

найдено в "Dictionnaire Francais-Allemand"
cartilage: übersetzung

Knorpel m
cartilage [kaʀtilaʒ]
Substantif masculin
Knorpel masculin

найдено в "Французско-русском медицинском словаре"
m хрящ grand cartilage du nez — большой хрящ крыла носа cartilage de l'aile du nezcartilage alairecartilage arytenoidecartilage auriculairecartilage de la cloisoncartilage corniculécartilage costalcartilage cricoïdecartilage cunéiformecartilage épiphysairecartilage de Huschkecartilage latéral du nezcartilage de Meckelcartilage de Morgagnicartilage quadrangulairecartilage de Santorinicartilage septal du nezcartilage thyroïdecartilage triticecartilage vomérien de Hirschfeldcartilage voméro-nasalcartilage de Wrisberg
найдено в "Dictionary of molecular biology"
cartilage: translation

Connective tissue dominated by extracellular matrix containing collagen type II and large amounts of proteoglycan, particularly chondroitin sulphate. Cartilage is more flexible and compressible than bone and often serves as an early skeletal framework, becoming mineralised as the animal ages. Cartilage is produced by chondrocytes that come to lie in small lacunae surrounded by the matrix they have secreted.

найдено в "Dictionary of invertebrate zoology"
cartilage: translation

n. [L. cartilago, gristle]
1. A translucent, elastic substance.
a. In Bivalvia, a supplement to the ligament that controls the opening of the valves. b. In Cephalopoda, supporting the brain.

найдено в "Crosswordopener"

• It's in the nose

• Joint tissue

• Kind of bone

• Tough elastic tissue

• Mostly converted to bone in adults

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
[ʹkɑ:t(ə)lıdʒ] n

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре Мюллера"
cartilage [ˊkɑ:tǝlɪdʒ] n

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
[ʹkɑ:t(ə)lıdʒ] n

найдено в " Англо-русском медицинском словаре"
мед.сущ. хрящ Англо-русский медицинский словарь.2012.
T: 46