Значение слова "COMPASS" найдено в 40 источниках


найдено в "Англо-русском большом универсальном переводческом словаре"
граница, предел
окружность; круг; обходной путь
компас; буссоль
изогнутый, закругленный, полукруглый
замышлять, затевать
двигаться по кругу
окружать, осаждать
окружать, опоясывать
понимать, схватывать
достигать, осуществлять, добиться

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
1. [ʹkʌmpəs] n
1. компас; буссоль

points of the compass - страны света

wireless compass - радиокомпас

2. окружность, круг

to fetch /to cast, to go, to set, to take/ a compass - идти обходным путём, делать крюк

3. предел, граница (о времени и пространстве)

within the compass of prison walls - за тюремными стенами

within the compass of a lifetime - в пределах человеческой жизни

to keep one's desires within compass - сдерживать свои желания

within [beyond] one's compass /the compass of one's powers/ - в пределах [за пределами] чьих-л. возможностей

4. pl циркуль (тж. pair of compasses)
5. муз. диапазон (голоса или инструмента)
2. [ʹkʌmpəs] a
1. полукруглый

compass window - стрельчатое окно; полукруглый эркер

2.спец. компасный

compass bearing - пеленг по компасу

compass card - картушка компаса

compass course /heading/ - компасный курс

compass point - румб

3. [ʹkʌmpəs] v
1. 1) окружать

the lake is compassed by a ring of mountains - озеро лежит в кольце гор

2) воен. осаждать
2. обращаться, делать витки

the cosmonauts compassed the Earth many times - космонавты сделали много витков вокруг Земли

the ship wherein Magellan compassed world - корабль, на котором Магеллан совершил кругосветное путешествие

3. книжн. достигать, осуществлять

to compass one's purpose - достичь цели

4. книжн. замышлять, затевать

to compass murder - замышлять убийство

5. книжн. схватывать, понимать

forebodings of ill that cannot be compassed - дурные предчувствия, которые ничем нельзя объяснить, смутное предчувствие беды

найдено в "Moby Thesaurus"
compass: translation

Synonyms and related words:
Gyrosin compass, Johansson block, RDF, T square, accept, accomplish, achieve, acquire, aesthetic distance, alentours, ambience, ambit, amount, annex, attain, beleaguer, beset, besiege, blockade, border line, borderlands, bound, boundaries, boundary, boundary condition, boundary line, bounds, bourn, bourns, box in, break boundary, breakoff point, bring off, bring through, cage, caliber, calipers, carry, carry off, catch, ceiling, chain, chamber, chromatic scale, circle, circuit, circuiteer, circulate, circumambiencies, circumambulate, circumference, circumjacencies, circummigrate, circumnavigate, circumscription, circumstances, circumvent, clearance, close, close in, close the circle, come full circle, compass about, comprehend, confine, confines, consummate, contain, context, coop, coop in, coop up, coordinates, cordon, cordon off, corral, crown with success, cut, cutoff, cutoff point, cycle, deadline, deal with, deep space, degree, delimitation, depths of space, describe a circle, determinant, dial, diapason, dig, dipstick, direction finder, discharge, dispatch, dispose of, distance, divergence, dividers, division line, do, do the job, do the trick, dodecuple scale, domain, edges, effect, effectuate, embay, embosom, embrace, enact, encircle, enclasp, enclose, enclosure, encompass, end, enfold, enharmonic scale, enshrine, entourage, envelop, environ, environing circumstances, environment, environs, enwrap, execute, extension, extent, extremity, farness, feeler gauge, fence in, fetch, field, finish, flank, floor, foot rule, fringes, frontier, fulfill, gain, gamut, gauge block, gestalt, get, get by, gird, girdle, girdle the globe, go about, go around, go round, go the round, goniometer, grade, gradiometer, graduated scale, grasp, great scale, gyre, gyrocompass, gyroscopic compass, gyrostatic compass, habitat, have, hedge, hedge in, height, hem, hem in, high-water mark, house in, impound, imprison, incarcerate, include, inertial navigation system, infinity, interface, interval, invest, involve, jail, kennel, knock off, land, lap, leaguer, leap, leeway, length, level, light-years, limen, limit, limitation, limitations, limiting factor, limits, line, line of demarcation, log, log line, loran, low-water mark, lower limit, magnetic compass, magnetic needle, major scale, make, make a circuit, manage, march, marches, margin, mark, measure, melodic minor, mete, meterstick, metes, metes and bounds, mew, mew up, micrometer, mileage, milieu, minor scale, needle, neighborhood, notch, nuance, obtain, octant, octave scale, orbit, outlines, outposts, outskirts, pale, parameters, parsecs, pas, peg, pen, pen in, pentatonic scale, perform, perimeter, period, periphery, perspective, piece, pitch, plane, plateau, plumb, plumb rule, pocket, point, polish off, precincts, procure, produce, proportion, protractor, pull off, purlieus, purview, put away, put over, put through, quadrant, quarantine, radio compass, radio direction finder, radius, rail in, range, ratio, reach, realize, register, remoteness, remove, restriction, revolve, ring, rod, round, rule, ruler, rung, scale, scope, sector, secure, see, separation, set square, sextant, shade, shadow, shoran, shrine, shut in, shut up, situation, skirt, skirts, space, span, spectrum, sphere, spiral, spirit level, square, stable, stair, standard, start, starting line, starting point, step, stint, stretch, stride, suburbs, succeed, surround, surroundings, sweep, take care of, take in, tape, tape measure, tapeline, target date, temperament, term, terminal date, terminus, theodolite, threshold, time allotment, total environment, transit, transit theodolite, tread, try square, tuning, turn the trick, twig, understand, upper limit, verges, vernier, vernier caliper, vicinage, vicinity, wall in, way, ways, wheel, whole-tone scale, win, work, work out, wrap, yard, yard up, yardstick

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре Мюллера"
compass [ˊkʌmpəs]
1. n
1) ко́мпас (тж. mariner's compass); буссо́ль;

wireless compass радиоко́мпас

2) (часто pl) ци́ркуль
3) грани́ца; преде́л(ы);

within the compass of a lifetime в преде́лах челове́ческой жи́зни


beyond one's compass за преде́лами чьих-л.возмо́жностей, чьего́-л. понима́ния


to keep one's desires within compass сде́рживать свои́ жела́ния

4) окру́жность; круг;

to fetch (или to go) a compass идти́ обходны́м путём; де́лать крюк

5) объём, обхва́т; диапазо́н;

voice of great compass го́лос обши́рного диапазо́на

2. a
1) ко́мпасный;

compass bearing ко́мпасный пе́ленг

2) полукру́глый;

compass window архит. полукру́глое окно́

3. v
1) обходи́ть круго́м; окружа́ть
2) книжн. понима́ть, схва́тывать
3) замышля́ть (что-л. дурное)
4) книжн. достига́ть, осуществля́ть;

to compass one's purpose дости́чь це́ли

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