Значение слова "BUCK FEVER" найдено в 8 источниках
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buck fever: translation

(BUK fee.vur)
A phenomenon that causes heart attacks in out-of-shape hunters who get overly excited from sighting or shooting deer, or overexert themselves dragging a killed deer out of the woods.
Example Citation:
Stray bullets and wayward arrows pose the most well-known dangers to hunters, but with deer season upon us, doctors warn of a more perilous threat: buck fever. That's the phenomenon that each season causes scores of heart attacks in hunters overexcited by the sighting or shooting of a deer, or overcome by the exertion of dragging their kill out of the woods.
"Hunting is much more strenuous than we imagined," says Susan Haapaniemi, an exercise physiologist at William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, Mich.Over the last few years Haapaniemi and her colleagues have strapped monitors on 25 middle-aged male hunters who had at least one complicating health condition (high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, a smoking habit, a sedentary lifestyle or a family history of heart disease) and discovered that when a deer came into view the men's heart rates jumped to as much as twice their normal rates.
— Kostya Kennedy, "Bambi's Revenge," Sports Illustrated, November 24, 1997
Earliest Citation:
In a two-year study, researchers at William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak found hunting's effects on the heart can exceed those of stress testing in a cardiac laboratory.
"Our whole point is to show that deer hunting is very strenuous and that hunters are a very high-risk population," explains Sue Haapaniemi, a William Beaumont exercise physiologist who spearheaded the research. "So if you've got a high-risk person doing an activity that has moments of sudden exercise, those people, very much, are heart attack risks." In other words, being in poor physical condition can result in a hunter — rather than a trophy buck — being dragged out of the forest.
They call it "buck fever."
— Mark Emmons, "The beast that stalks the hunter," Detroit Free Press, October 1, 1996
Related Words:
sedentary death syndrome
stroke belt
white coat effect
Health and Fitness
Sports and Recreation
Diseases and Syndromes

найдено в "Moby Thesaurus"
buck fever: translation

Synonyms and related words:
agitation, apprehensiveness, attack of nerves, case of nerves, excessive irritability, fear, fidgetiness, fidgets, morbid excitability, nerves, nervosity, nervous stomach, nervousness, panic, panickiness, spell of nerves, stage fright, state of nerves, tic, trepidation, twitching, uneasiness, vellication

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре под общим руководством акад. Ю.Д. Апресяна"

{͵bʌkʹfi:və} амер. разг.

1) охотничья лихорадка, нервное возбуждение при преследовании крупной дичи

2) нервная дрожь; возбуждённое, приподнятое состояние (в предвкушении чего-л. нового, необычного)

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
[͵bʌkʹfi:və] амер. разг.
1) охотничья лихорадка, нервное возбуждение при преследовании крупной дичи
2) нервная дрожь; возбуждённое, приподнятое состояние (в предвкушении чего-л. нового, необычного)

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
buck fever
[͵bʌkʹfi:və] амер. разг.
1) охотничья лихорадка, нервное возбуждение при преследовании крупной дичи
2) нервная дрожь; возбуждённое, приподнятое состояние (в предвкушении чего-л. нового, необычного)

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре общей лексики"
амер.; разг., тж. buck ague охотничья лихорадка (нервное возбуждение, охватывающее охотника в предвкушении охоты)
найдено в "Англо-русском дополнительном словаре"
охотничья лихорадка (нервное возбуждение, охватывающее охотника в предвкушении охоты)
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