Значение слова "CONVERSION RATE" найдено в 7 источниках


найдено в "Financial and business terms"
conversion rate: translation

conversion rate conversion rate rate1

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conversion rate UK US noun [C]
FINANCE, STOCK MARKET the rate at which one type of currency, share, etc. can be exchanged for another: »

Check our latest dollar conversion rates online.


a conversion rate calculator


a conversion rate of $8.00 per share

COMMERCE, E-COMMERCE, MARKETING the number of sales of a product compared to the number of people who visit a website to look at that product, or to the number of phone calls or sales visits that are made: »

Better email campaigns can help you increase your conversion rate.

See also HIT RATE(Cf. ↑hit rate)

найдено в "Англо-русском экономическом словаре"
1) фин. = conversion ratio
2) марк. коэффициент эффективности рекламы* (доля потенциальных клиентов, которые становятся реальными клиентами после мероприятий по продвижению товара)
advertising productivity
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конверсионный коэффициент; конверсионная ставка
..Словарь экономических терминов.

найдено в "Investment dictionary"
Conversion Rate: translation

The ratio at which one currency can be exchanged for another. For example, a conversion rate for euros to dollars of 1.25 means that one euro can convert to 1.25 dollars. A high conversion rate between currencies means that one currency can "buy" more units of the other. If one euro can be converted into more than one U.S. dollar then the dollar has a lower value relative to the euro.

Also commonly referred to as the exchange rate.

The conversion rate depends on several factors, one of which is the interest rate set by the currency's issuing central bank compared to the interest rate set by the bank of the currency being converted into. Countries with high real interest rates typically attract investors from other countries and thus have an increased demand and higher value for their currency.

найдено в "Dictionary of ichthyology"
conversion rate: translation

an index in kilogrammes of the amount of food needed to produce one kilogramme of fish

найдено в "Англо-украинском бизнес словаре"

конверсійний коефіцієнт; конверсійна ставка

найдено в "Англо-русском научно-техническом словаре"
матем. коэффициент пересчёта
найдено в "Англо-русском словаре по компьютерам"
скорость преобразования
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