Значение слова "DEBTOR" найдено в 34 источниках


найдено в "Англо-русском большом универсальном переводческом словаре"
дебитор; должник

найдено в "Financial and business terms"
debtor: translation

a person or business who owes money
(1) A party who owes money or other performance to another party. Under the UCC, debtor includes the seller of accounts or chattel paper.
(2) For the purposes of UCC provisions dealing with collateral, debtor also applies to the owner of collateral given as security for the debt of another. American Banker Glossary
borrower of money. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary
Any person liable for payment of a customs debt EU Customs Glossary
The party that owes assets to the creditor, e.g. as a result of receipt of goods or services, gifts, or charity payments. The debtor may also be the debit account owner. Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary

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debtor debt‧or [ˈdetə ǁ -ər] noun
1. [countable] a person, organization, or country that owes money:

• Putting a debtor into jail means that he can't earn money to pay his debts.

• The IMF is trying to restructure the debts and economies of debtor nations (= countries that owe money to others ) .

ˈjudgement ˌdebtor also judgment debtor [countable] LAW COMMERCE
someone who has been ordered by a court of law to pay a particular debt:

• Other partners will have the right to dissolve their partnership with the judgment debtor.

ˈsundry ˌdebtor [countable] FINANCE
a person or organization that owes money to a company for something other than goods or services that have been sold to them, for example money that the company has lent them
2. debtors [plural] ACCOUNTING money owed to a business by its customers; = accounts receivable AmE:

• Current assets are typically finished goods, work in progress, raw materials, cash and debtors.

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debtor UK US /ˈdetər/ noun
[C] a person, country, or organization that owes money: »

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was appointed receiver of the debtor's assets.


debtor countries/nations

Compare CREDITOR(Cf.↑creditor)
debtors — Cf. debtors
See also JUDGMENT DEBTOR(Cf. ↑judgment debtor), SUNDRY DEBTOR(Cf. ↑sundry debtor)

найдено в "Англо-русском экономическом словаре"
сокр. dr
1) эк. должник (лицо, взявшее взаймы у кредитора определенную сумму)

debtor by endorsement — лицо, принявшее обязательство по индоссаменту [передаточной надписи\]

debitor, obligator, obligor
sundry debtors, trade debtors, Debtor Reporting System
account debtor, codebtor, co-debtor, debtor in possession, execution debtor, joint debtor, joint and several debtor, judgement debtor, liquidating debtor, loan debtor, long-term debtor, primary debtor, principal debtor, short-term debtor, trade debtor, debtor country, debtor nation, debtor position, debt relationship, debtor's petition, debt 1) а), creditor
2) мн., учет, брит. дебиторы*, должники*, дебиторская задолженность* (название или часть названия счетов и статей финансовой отчетности, по которым отражаются суммы долгов других лиц перед данной организацией)

sundry debtors — разные дебиторы

sundry debtors, trade debtors, Debtor Reporting System

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должник: лицо, взявшее взаймы у кредитора определенную сумму;см. creditor.
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должник; заемщик;дебитор, должник
.одна из сторон в долговом обязательстве, от которой другая сторона (кредитор) вправе требовать совершения определенного действия (передачи имущества, выполнения работ, уплаты денег) или воздержания от определенного действия..Словарь экономических терминов.

найдено в "Англо-українському тлумачному словнику економічної лексики"
(Dr) n ком., фін. боржник; дебітор; a дебіторський юридична (entity) чи фізична особа, яка має фінансову заборгованість (debt) підприємству, організації, установі тощо acceptance ~ боржник за векселем • дебітор векселя; bill ~ боржник за векселем • дебітор векселя; claim ~ боржник за позовом; defaulting ~ боржник, який порушив зобов'язання; insolvent ~ неплатоспроможний боржник; joint ~ спільний боржник; judgement ~ боржник за постановою суду; loan ~ позичальник • позичальниця; net monetary ~ чистий грошовий боржник; primary ~ основний боржник • першочерговий боржник; principal ~ головний боржник; secondary ~ другорядний боржник; sundry ~s різні дебітори; trade ~ торговельні дебітори ~-creditor relation відносини кредитора і дебітора; ~ nation країна-дебітор • країна-боржник; ~ quota дебіторська квота; ~'s default невиконання зобов'язань дебітором • невиконання зобов'язань боржником; ~'s delay затримка платежів дебітором • затримання платежів боржником • відтермінування сплати боргу; ~ on mortgage іпотечний боржник; to sue a ~ подавати/подати на дебітора до суду; to take action against a ~ починати/почати судову справу проти дебітора debtor : creditor; debtor — довжник (діал.) ═════════◇═════════ дебітор < лат. debitor — зобов'язаний; у XVII ст. «дебиторъ» має значення «кредитор», «вірник»: «Ѳедорь, дочувшися о прибытю дебитора своєго, умыслне где, скрился». Прот. спр. пот. 6. «Должникъ... доброволне знался, что зостаєт дебиторови своєму девет копъ винень». Акт. Старод. кн. 6. (ISUJ : 685) пр. «creditor»
найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
[ʹdetə] n
1. должник, дебитор

poor debtor - амер. несостоятельный должник (освобождаемый судом от уплаты долга)

debtor country - страна-должник

debtor's prison - долговая тюрьма

to be smb.'s debtor for 100 dollars - задолжать кому-л. 100 долларов

debtor for one's life to smb. - чей-л. должник по гроб (жизни)

2. бухг.
1) дебет, приход (в торговых книгах)
2) = debit I 2 (тж. debtor side)

debtors account - счёт дебитора

найдено в "Investment dictionary"
Debtor: translation

A company or individual who owes money. If the debt is in the form of a loan from a financial institution, the debtor is referred to as a borrower. If the debt is in the form of securities, such as bonds, the debtor is referred to as an issuer.

It is not a crime to fail to pay a debt. Except in certain bankruptcy situations, debtors can choose to pay debts in any priority they choose. But if you've failed to pay a debt, you have broken a contract or agreement between you and a creditor. Generally, most oral and written agreements for the repayment of consumer debt - debts for personal, family or household purposes secured primarily by a person's residence - are enforceable.

However, most debts for business or commercial purposes must be in writing to be enforceable. If the agreement requires the debtor to pay a certain amount of money, then the creditor does not have to accept a lesser amount. Also, if there was no actual agreement but the creditor has loaned money, performed services or provided the debtor with a product, that debtor must pay the creditor.

найдено в "Glossary of Bankruptcy"
debtor: translation

the entity seeking protection from creditors under the bankruptcy laws (Glossary of Common Bankruptcy Terms)

A person who has filed a petition for relief under the bankruptcy laws. (BankruptcyAction.com)

The debtor is the entity ( person, partnership or corporation) who is liable for debts, and who is the subject of a bankruptcy case. (Bankruptcy in Brief)

(13) The term "debtor" means person or municipality concerning which a case under this title has been commenced.

United Glossary of Bankruptcy Terms2012.

найдено в "Easton's Bible Dictionary"
Debtor: translation

   Various regulations as to the relation between debtor and creditor are laid down in the Scriptures.
   1) The debtor was to deliver up as a pledge to the creditor what he could most easily dispense with (Deut. 24:10, 11).
   2) A mill, or millstone, or upper garment, when given as a pledge, could not be kept over night (Ex. 22:26, 27).
   3) A debt could not be exacted during the Sabbatic year (Deut. 15:1-15).
   For other laws bearing on this relation see Lev. 25:14, 32, 39; Matt. 18:25, 34.
   4) A surety was liable in the same way as the original debtor (Prov. 11:15; 17:18).

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