Значение слова "VICAR" найдено в 23 источниках


найдено в "Англо-русском большом универсальном переводческом словаре"
приходский священник; викарий

найдено в "Catholic encyclopedia"
Vicar: translation

In canon law, the representative of a person clothed with ordinary ecclesiastical jurisdiction

Catholic Encyclopedia..2006.

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Vicar
    (Lat. vicarius, from vice, "instead of")
    In canon law, the representative of a person clothed with ordinary ecclesiastical jurisdiction. The office of vicar was in use among the ancient Romans, that being the title of officials subordinate to the praetorian prefects. In the ecclesiastical forum, from very early times, we read of vicars of the Apostolic See, such as the archbishops of Thessalonica. Bishops also had their vicars, such as the archdeacons and archpriests, and likewise the rural priest, who, in the first ages, had the cure of souls outside of episcopal cities. In course of time, all of these officials became part of the ordinary magistracy of the Church. These vicars are treated in the Decretum of Gratian and in the Decretals of Gregory IX, but vicars-general of bishops first appear in the sixth book of Decretals and in the Clementines of the "Corpus juris canonici".After the institution of vicars-general, the office of archdeacon ceased almost entirely when the Council of Trent had limited the powers of such officials. That council (Sess. XXV, c. xvi, "De ref.") completely abrogated other vicarships that were incompatible with clerical discipline. A vicar differs from a vicegeregent, who is constituted by a prelate in place of a vicar. The vicar himself without special faculties cannot substitute another vicar with equal powers in his own place. The jurisdiction of vicars is generally ordinary, but sometimes only delegated. The former archdeacons and archpriests and the present vicars capitular and some others have ordinary power in consequence of their office, but by the present discipline vicars Apostolic and vicars forane have only delegated power conferred by special commission. Vicarial jurisdiction in general can not be called merely mandatory (which is ultimately delegated power), for many vicars have a tribunal distinct from that of the prelate represented by them. As to their powers: vicars are constituted either in divinis, as parochial vicars and auxiliary bishops, or created vicars in jurisdiction, as vicars capitular and vicars general, to exercise power in the external forum, either voluntary or contentious. Some writers also distinguish vicars a lege, or those whose powers are perpetual and prescribed in law, and vicars ab homine, who depend entirely on delegated powers and are removable at will. Neither bishops nor inferior prelates can constitute vicars except in cases permitted by canon law. The powers of vicars are not affected by the mode of appointment, that is whether they are freely nominated or elected. When vicars have ordinary jurisdiction, their rights and duties in general are the same as those of other ordinary prelates, but their particular obligations must be learnt from the office they hold. The same is to be said of the cessation of their powers, which are terminated by resignation, etc., with the addition, however, of some special regulations for particular vicarships, as that of vicar-general.
    WERNZ, Jus decretalium, II (1899); AICHNER, Compendium juris ecclesiastici (Brixen, 1895).
    Transcribed by Michael T. Barrett Dedicated to all who serve the Church as vicars

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company..1910.

найдено в "Crosswordopener"

• ___ of Christ (papal title)

• ___ of Christ (the Pope)

• ___ of Christ (title for the pope)

• 'The ___ of Wakefield' (Oliver Goldsmith novel)

• The ___ of Wakefield

• Agent of the Bishop

• Anglican clergyman

• Anglican parish priest

• Anglican priest

• Bishop's assistant

• Bishop's deputy

• Bishop's representative

• Bishop's representative, in Catholicism

• Bishop's stand-in

• British cleric

• Certain clergyman

• Certain man of the cloth

• Chapel cleric

• Chapel figure

• Chapel head

• Church of England parish priest

• Church official

• Churchman

• Clergy member

• Clergyman

• Country pastor

• Ecclesiastical agent

• Episcopal cleric

• Episcopal priest

• Goldsmith character

• Goldsmith title character

• Goldsmith's The ___ of Wakefield

• Goldsmith's Primrose, e.g.

• Goldsmith's Wakefield clergyman

• Man of the cloth

• Oliver Goldsmith title character

• Parish official

• Parish priest

• Pastor's aide

• Pastoral worker

• Rector's colleague

• Rector's representative

• Substitute; deputy

• Wakefield clergyman

• Wakefield cleric

• Wakefield figure

• Wakefield had one

• Wakefield V.I.P

• (Church of England) a clergyman appointed to act as priest of a parish

• (US Episcopal Church) a clergyman in charge of a chapel

• A Roman Catholic priest who acts for another higher-ranking clergyman

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
[ʹvıkə] n
1. заместитель, представитель
2. церк.
1) приходский священник

clerk /lay, secular/ vicar - дьячок, певчий

vicar choral - регент

2) викарий

cardinal vicar - викарий папы римского

3) (Vicar) наместник

the Vicar of Christ - наместник Христа (о папе римском)

Vicar apostolic - наместник папы; апостолический викарий

Vicar of Bray - ренегат, приспособленец, беспринципная личность (по имени викария XVII века, четыре раза менявшего религию)

найдено в "Moby Thesaurus"
vicar: translation

Synonyms and related words:
Grand Penitentiary, Holy Father, abuna, advocate, agent, alter ego, alternate, alternative, amicus curiae, analogy, antipope, archbishop, archdeacon, archpriest, attorney, backup, backup man, bishop, bishop coadjutor, canon, cardinal, cardinal bishop, cardinal deacon, cardinal priest, champion, change, changeling, chaplain, coadjutor, comparison, copy, counterfeit, curate, dean, deputy, diocesan, double, dummy, ecclesiarch, equal, equivalent, ersatz, exarch, exchange, executive officer, exponent, fake, figurehead, fill-in, ghost, ghostwriter, hierarch, high priest, imitation, lieutenant, locum, locum tenens, makeshift, metaphor, metonymy, metropolitan, next best thing, papa, paranymph, patriarch, penitentiary, personnel, phony, pinch hitter, pleader, pontiff, pope, prebendary, prelate, primate, procurator, proxy, rector, relief, replacement, representative, reserves, ringer, rural dean, second in command, second string, secondary, sign, spares, stand-in, sub, subdean, substituent, substitute, substitution, succedaneum, suffragan, superseder, supplanter, surrogate, symbol, synecdoche, third string, token, understudy, utility man, utility player, vicar general, vice, vice-president, vice-regent, vicegerent

найдено в "American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia"
Vicar: translation

   A term introduced from the English Church and applied to one who has charge of a chapel connected with a Parish, as his sole charge. For example, the term has been applied to certain clergy of Trinity Church, New York, who have charge of chapels which possess the dignity of parishes, but the support of which is derived mainly from the Parish Corporation. In the English Church, the Rector, or chapter, or religious house or even a layman, has the whole right to the income of the Parish but the Vicar only to a certain portion of it as the Pastor of the Flock. The origin and meaning of this title as used in the Church of England are thus given in Blackstone's Commentaries, "These appropriating corporations, or religious houses, were wont to depute one of their body to perform divine service in those parishes of which the society was the Parson. This officiating minister was in reality no more than a curate, deputy or vicegerent of the appropriator, and therefore called vicarius or vicar."

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре под общим руководством акад. Ю.Д. Апресяна"

{ʹvıkə} n

1. заместитель, представитель

2. церк.

1) приходский священник

clerk /lay, secular/ ~ - дьячок, певчий

~ choral - регент

2) викарий

cardinal ~ - викарий папы римского

3) (Vicar) наместник

the Vicar of Christ - наместник Христа (о папе римском)

Vicar apostolic - наместник папы; апостолический викарий

Vicar of Bray - ренегат, приспособленец, беспринципная личность (по имени викария XVII века, четыре раза менявшего религию)

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре Мюллера"
vicar [ˊvɪkə] n
1) прихо́дский свяще́нник (не получающий десятины)
2) вика́рий, замести́тель; наме́стник;

(the) V. of Christ Па́па Ри́мский

vicar of Bray беспринци́пный челове́к; ренега́т (по имени полулегендарного викария ⅩⅥ в., четыре раза менявшего свою религию)

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
[ʹvıkə] n
1. заместитель, представитель
2. церк.
1) приходский священник
clerk /lay, secular/ ~ - дьячок, певчий
~ choral - регент
2) викарий
cardinal ~ - викарий папы римского
3) (Vicar) наместник
the Vicar of Christ - наместник Христа (о папе римском)
Vicar apostolic - наместник папы; апостолический викарий
Vicar of Bray - ренегат, приспособленец, беспринципная личность (по имени викария XVII века, четыре раза менявшего религию)

найдено в "Англо-українському словнику Балла М.І."
n церк. 1) парафіяльний священик; clerk (lay, secular) ~ дяк, півчий; ~ choral регент; 2) вікарій; заступник; cardinal ~ вікарій папи римського; 3) (V.) намісник; the V. of Christ намісник Христа (про папу римського); V. apostolic намісник папи; апостольський вікарій; ♦ V. of Bray ренегат, пристосованець, безпринципна особа.
найдено в "Англо-русском словаре общей лексики"
сущ. 1) приходский священник; викарий vicar of Bray — ренегат, приспособленец (по имени викария 17 века, четыре раза менявшего религию) 2) наместник The Pope pretends to be Vicar of Jesus Christ on Earth. — Папа считается наместником Иисуса Христа на земле. Syn: suffragan 3) заместитель
найдено в "Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases"
Vicar: translation

A person who represents another, i.e. the rector in a parish being God's representative; these duties were carried out for the *benefice or part thereof. [< Lat. vicarius = substitute]

найдено в "Англо-украинском словаре"

n1) вікарій, парафіяльний священик (що не одержує десятини)2) заступник3) (Vicar) намісникvicar of Bray - безпринципна людина, ренегат

найдено в "Englisch-Deutsch Worterbuch gesetz"
vicar: übersetzung

vicar Vikar m

найдено в "Англо-русском юридическом словаре"
- parish vicar

найдено в "Русско-английском словаре пословиц и поговорок"
• Not every man can be vicar of Bowden - Не всем казакам в атаманах быть (H)

найдено в "Англо-русском лингвострановедческом словаре Великобритании"
приходский священник (в англиканской церкви [Church of England]; то же, что rector II 1))
найдено в " Англо-русском медицинском словаре"
мед.сущ. заместитель викарный; заместительный Англо-русский медицинский словарь.2012.
найдено в "Англо-русском дополнительном словаре"
приходский священник (не получающий десятины) викарий, заместитель; наместник
найдено в "Англо-русском словаре Лингвистика-98"
(n) викарий; заместитель; наместник; представитель; приходский священник
найдено в "Англо-русском словаре редакции bed"
n. заместитель, приходский священник, викарий, наместник
найдено в "Англо-українському словнику"
заступник, намісник, вікарій, ренегат, замісник
найдено в "Румынско-русском словаре"
ri s.m. (bis.) викарий m.
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