Значение слова "COMPLEMENT" найдено в 56 источниках


найдено в "Англо-русском большом универсальном переводческом словаре"
[`kɔmplɪməntˏ `kɔmplɪˏment]
полнота, завершенность, дополненность
совершенность, совершенство
совокупность, множество, комплект
личный состав/экипаж военной части/корабля
служить дополнением до целого
составлять, комплектовать
хвалить, делать комплименты

найдено в "Collocations dictionary"
complement: translation

1 sth that goes well with sth else
good, ideal, natural, necessary, nice, perfect
complement to

This wine is the perfect complement to fish.

2 total number that makes a group complete

We've taken our full complement of trainees this year.

complement of
nicely, well

The dishes on the menu complement each other perfectly.

найдено в "Moby Thesaurus"
complement: translation

Synonyms and related words:
A to Z, A to izzard, IC analysis, accession, accessory, accompaniment, add to, addenda, addendum, additament, addition, additive, additory, additum, adjunct, adjuvant, age group, aggregate, all, all and sundry, allowance, ally, alpha and omega, alter ego, analogon, analogue, annex, annexation, answer, answer to, appanage, appendage, appendant, appositive, appurtenance, appurtenant, assemblage, associate, attachment, attribute, attributive, augment, augmentation, bakehead, band, battalion, be-all, be-all and end-all, beginning and end, bellyful, bevy, black gang, body, boilerman, brigade, brother, bumper, bunch, bungs, cabal, cabin boy, capacity, cast, charge, chips, clique, close copy, close match, coda, coequal, cognate, cohort, commissary steward, companion, company, complete, completion, concomitant, confirmation, congenator, congener, construction modifier, consummation, contingent, continuation, coordinate, corollary, corps, correlate, correlative, correspond, correspond to, correspondent, coterie, counterpart, covey, cram, crew, crowd, crush, cutting, deckhand, deckie, deep structure, detachment, detail, direct object, division, each and every, eight, eleven, enhance, enhancement, enrichment, equivalent, everything, extension, extrapolation, faction, fellow, fill, filler, fireman, first string, first team, five, fixture, fleet, form-function unit, full house, full measure, function, gang, group, grouping, groupment, gun loader, gunner, hand, hospital steward, image, immediate constituent analysis, in-group, increase, increment, indirect object, jam up, junta, kindred spirit, lading, landing signalman, length and breadth, levels, like, likeness, load, mail orderly, makeweight, mate, mob, modifier, mouthful, movement, navigator, near duplicate, nine, object, obverse, offshoot, oiler, one and all, out-group, outfit, pack, package, package deal, parallel, party, peer group, pendant, perfect, perfection, phalanx, phrase structure, picture, platoon, posse, predicate, purser, qualifier, quorum, quota, radio operator, ranks, reciprocal, reciprocate, regiment, reinforcement, reserves, respond to, round out, roustabout, rowing crew, salon, second self, second string, second team, set, set off, shallow structure, side effect, side issue, similitude, simulacrum, sister, skinful, slot, slot and filler, snip, snips, snootful, soul mate, sparks, squad, stable, steward, stewardess, stoker, strata, string, structure, subject, such, suchlike, supplement, surface structure, syntactic analysis, syntactic structure, syntactics, syntax, tagmeme, tailpiece, tally, team, the corpus, the ensemble, the entirety, the like of, the likes of, the lot, the whole, the whole range, third string, top off, torpedoman, tribe, troop, troupe, twin, undergirding, underlying structure, varsity, watch, wing, word arrangement, word order, yeoman

найдено в "Англо-русском экономическом словаре"
1) общ. дополнение (к чему-л.)

A fine wine is a perfect complement to the dinner. — Хорошее вино — прекрасное дополнение к столу.

2) общ. состав, комплект, норма

The plane had received its full complement of passengers. — Все места в самолете были заняты.

3) эк. тр. штат, штатное количество, состав (сотрудников какой-л. организации)

a full complement of workers — полный штат работников

The staff complement is increased during the period October to December annually.— В период с октября по декабрь число штатных сотрудников ежегодно увеличивается.

4) эк. дополняющий товар, (товар-)комплемент (товар, потребление которого предполагает использование другого товара, напр., теннисная ракетка и мяч; увеличение цены на один товар вызывает сокращение спроса на другой товар)

Many customers will reduce consumption of our product if price of the complement is raised. — Многие потребители сократят потребление нашего продукта, если цена комплемента повысится.

complementary goods
complementary goods
* * *
товар, спрос на который изменяется в том же направлении, что и спрос на некоторые другие товары, цены на которые изменились

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
1. [ʹkɒmplımənt] n
1. дополнение; дополняющее до нормы количество

complement of an angle - мат. дополнительный угол

2. полный комплект; штатное количество; норма

the plane had received its full complement of passengers - все места в самолёте были заняты

3. грам. дополнение
4. воен. (штатный) личный состав части или корабля

the ship carried a complement of 930 men - на корабле находился экипаж численностью в 930 человек

2. [ʹkɒmplıment] v
1) дополнять

this wine complements the food perfectly - это вино отлично дополняет обед

2) укомплектовывать

найдено в " Англо-русском словаре по иммунологии"
комплемент, набор, дополнение (до целого)

complement-binding — связывающий [фиксирующий] комплемент (напр. об антителах)

complement-deviating — связывающий [фиксирующий] комплемент (напр. об антителах)

complement-fixing — связывающий [фиксирующий] комплемент (напр. об антителах)

lytic complement — (цито)литический комплекс терминальных компонентов комплемента

membrane-bound complement — мембранесвязанный комплемент

total hemolytic complement — общий гемолитический комплемент

найдено в "Dictionary of molecular biology"
complement: translation

A heat-labile system of enzymes in plasma associated with response to injury. Activation of the complement cascade occurs through two convergent pathways. In the classical pathway the formation of antibody/antigen complexes leads to binding of C1, the release of active esterase that activates C4 and C2 that in turn bind to the surface. The C42 complex splits C3 to produce C3b, an opsonin, and C3a (anaphylatoxin). C423b acts on C5 to release C5a (anaphylatoxin and chemotactic factor) leaving C5b that combines with C6789 to form a cytolytic membrane attack complex.In the alternate pathway C3 cleavage occurs without the involvement of C142, and can be activated by IgA, endotoxin, or polysaccharide-rich surfaces (eg. yeast cell wall, zymosan). Factor B combines with C3b to form a C3 convertase that is stabilized by Factor P, generating a positive feedback loop. The alternate pathway is presumably the ancestral one upon which the sophistication of antibody recognition has been superimposed in the classical pathway. The enzymatic cascade amplifies the response, leads to the activation and recruitment of leucocytes, increases phagocytosis and induces killing directly. It is subject to various complex feedback controls that terminate the response.

найдено в "Англо-русском научно-техническом словаре"
1) дополнение (до целостной структуры) || служить дополнением до целого 2) совокупность, комплект || комплектовать, укомплектовывать 3) полнота, завершённость 4) обратный код (числа); дополнительный код (числа) • complement relative to element — дополнение относительно элемента operation of taking the complement — взятие дополнения - absolute complement - algebraical complement - analytic complement - bilinear complement - combinatorial complement - compact complement - complement of element - complement of event - complement of graph - complement of logarithm - complement of predicate - complement of set - connected complement - countable complement - derived complement - disjunctive complement - finite complement - full complement - invariant complement - knot complement - logical complement - naught's complement - nine's complement - normal complement - one's complement - orthogonal complement - radix complement - reductive complement - relative complement - strong complement - ten's complement - topological complement - true complement - two's complement - working complement
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