Значение слова "DARK HORSE" найдено в 15 источниках
найдено в "Moby Thesaurus"
dark horse: translation

Synonyms and related words:
also-ran, aspirant, baby kisser, bare possibility, candidate, defeated candidate, dud, enigma, favorite son, fighting chance, frontier, frontiers of knowledge, gambling chance, hardly a chance, hopeful, hundred-to-one shot, improbability, lame duck, little chance, little opportunity, long odds, long shot, matter of ignorance, mystery, n, off chance, office seeker, outside chance, political hopeful, poor bet, poor lookout, poor possibility, poor prospect, presidential timber, puzzle, remote possibility, riddle, running mate, sealed book, slim chance, small chance, stalking-horse, terra incognita, the incalculable, the strange, the unfamiliar, the unknowable, the unknown, unexplored ground, unexplored territory, unknown quantity, unlikelihood, x, z

найдено в "Dictionary of American idioms"
dark horse: translation

dark horse
Fig. someone or something whose abilities, plans, or feelings are little known to others. (From a race horse about which little or nothing is known.) •

It's difficult to predict who will win the prize—there are two or three dark horses in the tournament.

Everyone was surprised at the results of the election. The dark horse won.

* * *
{n.}, {informal} A political candidate little known to the general voting public; a candidate who was not expected to run. * /Every once in a while a dark horse candidate gets elected President./

найдено в "Dictionary of American idioms"
dark horse: translation

dark horse
Fig. someone or something whose abilities, plans, or feelings are little known to others. (From a race horse about which little or nothing is known.) •

It's difficult to predict who will win the prize—there are two or three dark horses in the tournament.

Everyone was surprised at the results of the election. The dark horse won.

* * *
{n.}, {informal} A political candidate little known to the general voting public; a candidate who was not expected to run. * /Every once in a while a dark horse candidate gets elected President./

найдено в "Englisch-Deutsch Worterbuch fussball"
dark horse: übersetzung

dark horse
A participant in a match or a competition about whom relatively little is known but who is believed by some observers to have a chance of unexpected success.
Geheimfavorit m
Mannschaft, die nicht zu den eigentlichen Favoriten gezählt wird, der aber von einem kleinen Kreis an Fußballkennern dennoch Siegesaussichten in einem Spiel oder Wettbewerb eingeräumt werden.

найдено в "Англо-русском экономическом словаре"
1) общ. "темная лошадка", неизвестный соперник [партнер\]
2) пол. "темная лошадка" (малоизвестное лицо, выступающее в качестве компромиссного кандидата на какую-л. высокую государственную должность, устраивающего все противоборствующие стороны)
election, election campaign, candidate

найдено в "Universal-Lexicon"
Dark Horse: übersetzung

Dark|horse, (auch:) Dark Horse ['da:k 'hɔ:s], das; - -, - -s [...sɪz; engl. = dunkles Pferd, aus: dark = dunkel, ungewiss u. horse = Pferd] (Jargon): noch nicht bekanntes Rennpferd.

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре политической терминологии"
"темная лошадка"; неожиданно выдвинутый кандидат, малоизвестный кандидат (на выборах)

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре Мюллера"
dark horse [ˏdɑ:kˊhɔ:s] n
тёмная лоша́дка

найдено в "Англо-русском дипломатическом словаре"
• "темная лошадка" • малоизвестный кандидат • неожиданно выдвинутый кандидат
найдено в "Англо-русском словаре слэнга"
темная личность This guy was a dark horse for us.
найдено в "Англо-русском словаре общей лексики"
"тёмная лошадка" (о скаковой лошади, о человеке)
найдено в "Англо-русском сленговом словаре"
n. их "темная лошадка" - та же , что и наша.
найдено в "Англо-русском словаре редакции bed"
темная лошадка, неизвестный ранее кандидат
найдено в "Англо-русском словаре идиом"
"темная лошадка"
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