Значение слова "JEHOVAH" найдено в 17 источниках
найдено в "Easton's Bible Dictionary"
Jehovah: translation

   The special and significant name (not merely an appellative title such as Lord [adonai]) by which God revealed himself to the ancient Hebrews (Ex. 6:2, 3). This name, the Tetragrammaton of the Greeks, was held by the later Jews to be so sacred that it was never pronounced except by the high priest on the great Day of Atonement, when he entered into the most holy place. Whenever this name occurred in the sacred books they pronounced it, as they still do, "Adonai" (i.e., Lord), thus using another word in its stead. The Massorets gave to it the vowel-points appropriate to this word. This Jewish practice was founded on a false interpretation of Lev. 24:16. The meaning of the word appears from Ex. 3:14 to be "the unchanging, eternal, self-existent God," the "I am that I am," a convenant-keeping God. (Comp. Mal. 3:6; Hos. 12:5; Rev. 1:4, 8.)
   The Hebrew name "Jehovah" is generally translated in the Authorized Version (and the Revised Version has not departed from this rule) by the word LORD printed in small capitals, to distinguish it from the rendering of the Hebrew Adonai and the Greek Kurios, which are also rendered Lord, but printed in the usual type. The Hebrew word is translated "Jehovah" only in Ex. 6:3; Ps. 83:18; Isa. 12:2; 26:4, and in the compound names mentioned below.
   It is worthy of notice that this name is never used in the LXX., the Samaritan Pentateuch, the Apocrypha, or in the New Testament. It is found, however, on the "Moabite stone" (q.v.), and consequently it must have been in the days of Mesba so commonly pronounced by the Hebrews as to be familiar to their heathen neighbours.

найдено в "Damen Conversations Lexikon"
Jehovah: übersetzung

Jehovah, der da ist, war und sein wird, der erhabenste hebräische Ausdruck für Gott, den Ewigen, Unveränderlichen, Treuen, der Name des höchsten Wesens, bei welchem man schwur, den die Rabbiner für so heilig hielten, daß er nur von den Priestern im Tempel ausgesprochen werden durfte, weßhalb sie für ihn das Wort Adonai (Herr) substituirten. Jehovah war den Israeliten nicht nur der Gott der Liebe und Allmacht, sondern auch der Gott des Zornes, der sein Volk rettete, der es strafte und züchtigte, der im feurigen Busche, auf Horeb und auf dem Sinai sich Mosen in Flammenglut zeigte, der die Juden als Feuersäule durch die Wüste geleitete und ihre schwere Schuld in der babylonischen Gefangenschaft büßen ließ.

найдено в "Moby Thesaurus"
Jehovah: translation

Synonyms and related words:
Almighty God, Alpha and Omega, Demiourgos, Demiurge, God, God Almighty, Heaven, I Am, King of Kings, Lord, Lord of Lords, Lord of hosts, Omnipotence, Omniscience, Providence, the Absolute, the Absolute Being, the All-holy, the All-knowing, the All-merciful, the All-powerful, the All-wise, the Almighty, the Creator, the Deity, the Divinity, the Eternal, the Eternal Being, the First Cause, the Infinite, the Infinite Spirit, the Maker, the Omnipotent, the Omniscient, the Preserver, the Supreme Being, the Supreme Soul

найдено в "Catholic encyclopedia"
Jehovah: translation

Proper name of God in the Old Testament

Catholic Encyclopedia..2006.

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
[dʒıʹhəʋvə] n библ.

Jehovah's Witnesses - свидетели Иеговы (секта)

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре Мюллера"
Jehovah [dʒɪˊhəυvə] n
библ. Иегова́;

Jehovah's Witnesses свиде́тели Иеговы́ (название секты протестантской церкви)

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре под общим руководством акад. Ю.Д. Апресяна"

{dʒıʹhəʋvə} n библ.


~'s Witnesses - свидетели Иеговы (секта)

найдено в "Англо-русском универсальном дополнительном практическом словаре И. Мостицкого"
[`jɑ:veı], [`jɑ:weı] (от)др.-евр. Yhwh
рел. сущ. Иегова, Яхве
син. Yahwe(h) (yahwe(h)), Yahveh (yahveh), Jehovah, Jahve(h) (jahveh), jahwe(h), yahvè, javé

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре общей лексики"
сущ.; библ.; др.-евр.; букв. Я есть; - Yahweh; - Yahveh; - Jahveh; - Jahweh Иегова, Яхве, Сущий (одно из имён Бога в Ветхом Завете) Jehovah Witnesses, Jehovah's Witnesses — Свидетели Иеговы (название секты)
найдено в "Crosswordopener"

• Christian God

• God, to some

• One rendering of the Tetragrammaton

• The Judeo-Christian God

• A name for the Old Testament God as transliterated from the Hebrew YHVH

найдено в "Новом большом англо-русском словаре"
[dʒıʹhəʋvə] n библ.
~‘s Witnesses - свидетели Иеговы (секта)

найдено в "Англо-українському словнику Балла М.І."
n бібл. Єгова; ~'s witnesses свідки Єговй (секта).
T: 49