Значение слова "CAPITALISM" найдено в 30 источниках
найдено в "Collocations dictionary"
capitalism: translation

advanced, contemporary, late, modern
global, globalized, world

a protest against global capitalism

competitive, consumer, entrepreneurial, free-market, laissez-faire, market (esp. AmE)

He was one of the leading advocates of laissez-faire capitalism.

corporate, industrial
monopoly, popular, state, welfare
democratic (esp.AmE), liberal, neoliberal (AmE)
unbridled, unfettered, unregulated, unrestrained

She deplored unbridled capitalism as much as communism.

destroy, overthrow, replace
under capitalism

the development of agriculture under capitalism

the advance of capitalism, the rise of capitalism
the fall of capitalism

He predicted the fall of world capitalism.

найдено в "Financial and business terms"
capitalism: translation

capitalism cap‧i‧tal‧is‧m [ˈkæptl-ɪzm] noun [uncountable]
ECONOMICS a system of production and trade based on property and wealth being owned by private business and ordinary people, rather than the state:

• Sweden's `middle way' between communism and capitalism: a free-market economy committed to social justice

ˈcrony ˌcapitalism ECONOMICS
a situation that exists in some countries in which contracts, jobs, loans etc are unfairly given to the family and friends of government leaders or powerful business people:

• He accused the government of practising crony capitalism, enriching a few personal friends of the prime minister at the expense of the population as a whole.

ˌpopular ˈcapitalism ECONOMICS
when ordinary members of the public buy shares in companies:

• the wave of popular capitalism that spread through Britain in the 1980s

ˌstate ˈcapitalism ECONOMICS
a system of production and trade used in some socialist countries based on property and wealth being owned mostly by the government, but managed by private individuals.

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capitalism UK US /ˈkæpɪtəlɪzəm/ noun [U]
ECONOMICS, POLITICS the economic, political, and social system that is based on property, business, and industry being privately owned, and is directed towards making the greatest possible profits for private people and organizations: »

Under capitalism, people are motivated by the idea of personal profit and success.


The treaty was an attempt to strike a balance between free-market capitalism and the protection of the global environment.

See also CRONY CAPITALISM(Cf.↑crony capitalism), POPULAR CAPITALISM(Cf. ↑popular capitalism), STATE CAPITALISM(Cf. ↑state capitalism)
Compare COMMUNISM(Cf. ↑communism)

найдено в "Англо-русском экономическом словаре"
а) эк., соц. (экономическая система, основанная на частной собственности, свободе предпринимательства и рыночной координации действий экономических агентов)
authoritarian capitalism, black capitalism, collective capitalism, competitive capitalism, consumer capitalism, corporate capitalism, crony capitalism, democratic capitalism, disorganized capitalism, distributed capitalism, industrial capitalism, laissez-faire capitalism, late capitalism, mixed capitalism, neoliberal capitalism, people's capitalism, predatory capitalism, pure capitalism, rational capitalism, regulated capitalism, spirit of capitalism, brute capitalism, moral capitalism, economic organization
б) маркс. (исторически обусловленная преходящая общественно-экономическая формация, основанная на использовании наемного труда и частной собственности на средства производства; предполагает присвоение собственниками средств производства части результатов труда рабочих (эксплуатацию); введение в употребление термина capitalism часто приписывают К.Марксу, но в своих работах Маркс его не использовал, хотя и употреблял термины capital и capitalist; слово capitalism вошло в активный оборот после книги В. Зомбарта "Современный капитализм")
social-economic formation, exploitation, advanced capitalism, moribund capitalism, self-destruction of capitalism, premonopoly capitalism, monopoly capitalism, state capitalism, state monopoly capitalism

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капитализм: экономическая система, основанная на частной собственности, законе спроса и предложения, предпринимательстве, принципе получения прибыли, свободе выбора потребителя, конкуренции и ценообразования; в чистой форме не существует; как правило, характеризуется менее жестким государственным регулированием экономической системы; впервые описана Адамом Смитом в 1776 г.;см. classical economics;
invisible hand;
law of supply and demand.
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..Словарь экономических терминов.

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре по социологии"
1. капитализм, тип социального устройства современного западного общества;
2. по К. Марксу - общественно-экономическая формация, основанная на эксплуатации наемного труда.
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1) капитализм, тип социального устройства современного западного общества;
2) по К. Марксу - общественно-экономическая формация, основанная на эксплуатации наемного труда.
- institutional capitalism
- managerial capitalism
- spirit of capitalism
- state monopoly capitalism
- theory of organized capitalism
- trading capitalism

найдено в "Investment dictionary"
Capitalism: translation

An economic system based on a free market, open competition, profit motive and private ownership of the means of production. Capitalism encourages private investment and business, compared to a government-controlled economy. Investors in these private companies (i.e. shareholders) also own the firms and are known as capitalists.

In such a system, individuals and firms have the right to own and use wealth to earn income and to sell and purchase labor for wages with little or no government control. The function of regulating the economy is then achieved mainly through the operation of market forces where prices and profit dictate where and how resources are used and allocated. The U.S. is a capitalistic system.

найдено в "Англо-русском словаре по экономике"

- advancing capitalism

- collective capitalism

- competitive capitalism

- industrial capitalism

- laissez-faire capitalism

- managerial capitalism

- monopoly capitalism

- people's capitalism

- premonopoly capitalism

- state capitalism

- state-monopoly capitalism

найдено в "Philosophy dictionary"
capitalism: translation

Mode of socioeconomic organization in which a class of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial institutions provide the capital with which businesses produce goods and services and employ workers. In return the capitalist extracts profits from the goods created. Capitalism is frequently seen as the embodiment of the market economy, and hence may result in the optimum distribution of scarce resources, with a resulting improvement for all; this optimism is countered by pointing to the opportunity for exploitation inherent in the system.

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