Значение слова "DONATELLO" найдено в 5 источниках


найдено в "Dictionary of Renaissance art"
Donatello: translation

(Donato di Niccolô Bardi; 1386-1466)
   The most innovative sculptor of the 15th century. Donatello was the son of Niccoló di Betto Bardi, a Florentine wool carder. He is docu-mented in 1404-1407 in Lorenzo Ghiberti's workshop, assisting in the execution of the east doors (1403-1424) of the Baptistery of Florence. Donatello was Filippo Brunelleschi 's friend, and the two traveled together to Rome to study the remains of the ancients—a visit that would affect both masters deeply. The knowledge Donatello gained allowed him to render his St. Mark at Orsanmichele (1411-1413) for the Arte dei Linaiuoli e Rigattieri, the Florentine Guild of Linen Drapers and Peddlers, as a powerful ancient philosopher type in contrappostoa natural, believable stance. To compensate for the fact that the statue would be viewed from below and at a distance, Donatello elongated the figure's proportions and exaggerated its anatomical features, the earliest Renaissance master to do so. The St. George (1415-1417), also for Orsanmichele, he executed for the Arte dei Corazzai e Spadai, the Guild of Armorers and Swordmakers. Appropriately, the figure once wore a helmet and held a sword. Shown moments before the confrontation with the dragon, the saint's anticipation is read plainly in his anxious expression. At the base of the statue, St. George is shown slaying the dragon, a relief Donatello rendered in the relievo schiacciato technique he invented.
   From 1415 until 1435, Donatello also worked on a series of prophets for the niches at the top of the Campanile of the Cathedral of Florence, each made to interact with viewers 30 feet below.His Zuccone (1423-1425; Florence, Museo dell' Opera del Duomo) is one among them. Instead of the conventional bearded old prophet, this figure relies on ancient Roman orator types with toga and opened mouth as if speaking. Donatello's figure is emaciated, as if caught in a moment of revelation, his features deeply carved so his expression may be perceived clearly from a distance. Also expressive are Donatello's Cantoria (1430s-1340s) for the Cathedral of Florence (Florence, Museo dell' Opera del Duomo), the bronze David (c. 1446-1460; Florence, Museo Nazionale del Bargello), the Equestrian Monument of Gattamelata (c. 1445-1453; Padua, Piazza del Santo), and the scenes in the high altar of San Antonio in Padua (1444-1449).
   Donatello eventually abandoned his reliance on classical principles to further explore the psychological depth of his subjects. His Mary Magdalen (1430s-1450s; Florence, Museo dell' Opera del Duomo) is an emaciated, toothless figure with sunken cheeks — a vivid portrayal of the woman who lived in the wilderness for four decades and engaged in prayer and penance. His Judith (c. 1446-1460; Florence, Palazzo Vecchio) seems in a trance as she decapitates Holofernes out of duty. Donatello's technical abilities and mastery at conveying meaning provided inspiration for Michelangelo, who, like his predecessor, understood the value of considering the physical and psychological interaction between art and observer.

найдено в "Universal-Lexicon"
Donatello: übersetzung

eigentlich Donato di Nịccolò di Bẹtto Bạrdi, italienischer Bildhauer, * Florenz um 1386 (nach G. Vasari 1383), ✝ ebenda 13. 12. 1466; neben L. Ghiberti der bedeutendste Bildhauer der Frührenaissance in Florenz, auch tätig u. a. in Siena und Padua. Donatello beherrschte die verschiedenen Bildhauertechniken gleichermaßen: Marmor, Bronze, Terrakotta und Holz. Sein von der antiken römischen Plastik beeinflusster Stil wurde schulebildend und wirkte auch auf die Malerei. Donatello schuf die erste freistehende Aktfigur (David [Merkur?], Bronze, um 1435; Florenz, Bargello) und das erste monumentale Reiterstandbild (Gattamelata vor der Kirche Sant' Antonio in Padua, 1447-53) seit der Antike. In seinen im neuen malerischen Stil des »rilievo schiacciato« ausgeführten Reliefs erweist er sich als Meister perspektivischer Raumgestaltung (Gastmahl des Herodes, Relief am Taufbrunnen des Baptisteriums in Siena, 1423-27).Zwischen 1425 und 1443 schuf Donatello mehrere Arbeiten in Werkstattgemeinschaft mit Michelozzo. Neue Forschungserkenntnisse haben die bisher unter stilkritischen Aspekten vorgenommene Abgrenzung einzelner Werkphasen infrage gestellt. Sie legen die Vermutung nahe, dass sich Donatello verschiedener Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten zur gleichen Zeit bediente.
Weitere Werke: Nischenstatuen der Heiligen Markus und Georg für Or San Michele in Florenz (zwischen 1411 und 1417; Original des heiligen Georg heute im Bargello); Sitzstatue des Evangelisten Johannes (1415 vollendet) sowie die Propheten Habakuk, genannt Zuccone (1423-26), und Jeremias (1427-36) für die später abgerissene Domfassade Arnolfo di Cambios (alle heute Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Florenz); Sängertribüne für den Dom in Florenz (1433-39; ebenda); Verkündigungstabernakel in Santa Croce, ebenda (um 1435); Cupido (?) (um 1440; ebenda, Bargello); Bronzereliefs, -figuren und -kruzifix für den Hochaltar von Sant' Antonio in Padua (1443-53); Judith mit dem Haupt des Holofernes (zwischen 1455-60; Florenz, Palazzo Vecchio); Heilige Magdalena (um 1455; ebenda, ehemaliges Baptisterium, heute Museo dell'Opera del Duomo).
M. Wundram: D. u. Nanni di Banco (1969);
 H. W. Janson: The sculpture of D., 2 Bde. (Neuausg. Princeton, N. J., 1979);
 R. W. Lightbown: D. and Michelozzo, 2 Bde. (London 1980);
D., bearb. v. J. Pope-Hennessy (Florenz 1985);
D. e i suoi - scultura fiorentina del primo rinascimento, hg. v. A. P. Darr, Ausst.-Kat. (Mailand 1986);
 B. A. Bennett u. a.: D. (a. d. Engl., 1986);
D.-Studien, bearb. v. M. Cämmerer (1989);
Die Skulptur der Renaissance in Italien, bearb. v. J. Poeschke, Bd. 1: D. u. seine Zeit (1990).

найдено в "Historical Dictionary of Renaissance"
Donatello: translation

(ca. 1386-1466)
   Popular name of the Florentine sculptor who is generally regarded as the first and greatest figure of early Renaissance sculpture. Born Donato di Niccolö di Betto di Bardi, he is first documented in 1401 as an assistant to the sculptor Lorenzo Ghiberti during work on the first of Ghiberti's two famous sets of bronze doors for the baptistery at Florence. By 1408 he seems to have been working independently.
   From an early point in his career (for example, his marble free-standing St. Mark, executed in 1411-1414), Donatello demonstrated a mastery of the classical technique of contrapposto that gave his figures an air of movement and life unequalled since the antiquity.He also executed important work in low relief such as The Feast of Herod, produced at Siena about 1425, that demonstrated mastery of the principles of single-point perspective discovered by his friend Filippo Brunelleschi. Donatello also mastered sculpture in bronze, of which his most striking example was the nude David (1425-1430), a startling expression of his consciousness of the anatomical structure concealed under the clothing of earlier subjects such as the St. Mark and the statue for Florence cathedral known as II Zuccone (1423-1425). Later in his career, Donatello spent 12 years working at Padua, but he then returned to Florence. His ability to create attention-catching figures infused with personality and a sense of life survived throughout his career. His last works, such as the emaciated St. Mary Magdalene (1445-1455) executed for the Florentine baptistery, demonstrate that he retained his ability to portray deep emotion and to create dramatic effect. Donatello was famous in his own lifetime, and his works did much to shape sculpture by later Renaissance artists.

найдено в "Crosswordopener"

• Famous relief worker?

• His bronze 'David' graces the Bargello

• Renaissance-era sculptor

• St. Mark artist

• Florentine sculptor famous for his lifelike sculptures (1386-1466)

найдено в "Deutsch namen"
Donatello: übersetzung

italienische Koseform von → Donat bzw. Donatus (Bedeutung: der Geschenkte). Namensträger: Donatello, italienischer Bildhauer.

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