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Die Koralle: translation

(The Coral) by Georg Kaiser.
   Premiered 1917. The Coral is the first play in Kaiser's Gas Trilogy, in which The Billionaire establishes his fortune during the heady days of the Wilhelmine empire. The Billionaire has risen from rags to riches, but his son rejects the life of a capitalist and works as a stoker in a steam plant. Stunned by his son's life, the Billionaire is determined to make amends. Yet the Son rejects any suggestion of a reconciliation between the two, so the Billionaire sets out to reject his former life and transform himself in the process. In a barely plausible plot twist, Kaiser has the Billionaire switch identities with his chief administrator (the Secretary), who differentiates himself from his boss by the piece of coral adorning his gold watch chain. The Billionaire then murders the Secretary, and in the hope of assuming his identity, attaches the piece of coral to his own watch chain. But his plans go awry when he is arrested for the murder of the man police believe is the Billionaire. As he is led off to the gallows, the Billionaire exits with a clean conscience, knowing he has transformed himself.

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